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Cryx88 (vitalap | szerkesztései)
Visszavontam Cryx88 (vita) szerkesztését (oldid: 12958137)Ezek nem a Református Világszövetség Lapjáról vett egyházak. Ezek ilyen formában csak itt vannak így összefoglalva Megtartását ja
Visszavontam Cryx88 (vita) szerkesztését (oldid: 12958148) lásd a vitalapon
50. sor:
{{Bővebben|Református egyházak}}
* [[Magyarországi Református Egyház]]<ref>[http://hvg.hu/itthon/20090522_egyseges_magyar_reformatus_egyhaz2.aspx?s=24h megalakult a magyar református egyház]</ref>
* [[Romániai Református Egyház]]
* [[Református Egyházak Világszövetsége]]
* [[Reformált Evangéliumi Egyház]]<ref>http://www.reformalt.hu</ref>
* [[Magyarországi Református Egyház]]<ref>[http://hvg.hu/itthon/20090522_egyseges_magyar_reformatus_egyhaz2.aspx?s=24h megalakult a magyar református egyház]</ref>
== Nagy Britannia ==
=== Anglia ===
* United Reformed Church [http://www.urc.org.uk www.urc.org.uk]
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales [http://www.epcew.org.uk www.epcew.org.uk]
* International Presbyterian Church [http://www.ipc-ealing.co.uk www.ipc-ealing.co.uk]
=== Skócia ===
* Church of Scotland [http://www.churchofscotland.org.uk www.churchofscotland.org.uk]
* Free Church of Scotland [http://www.freechurch.org www.freechurch.org]
* Free Church of Scotland(Continuing) [http://www.freekirkcontinuing.co.uk www.freekirkcontinuing.co.uk]
* United Free Chutch of Scotland
* Free Presbyterian Church in Scotland
* Associate Presbyterian Church in Scotland [http://www.apchurches.org www.apchurches.org]
* Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland [http://www.rpcscotland.org www.rpcscotland.org]
=== Írország ===
* Presbyterian Church in Ireland [http://www.presbyterianireland.org www.presbyterianireland.org]
* Reformed Presbyterian Church in Ireland [http://www.rpc.org www.rpc.org]
* Free Presbyterian Church in Ulster [http://www.freepres.org/main.asp www.freepres.org/main.asp]
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ireland
* Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
=== Wales ===
* Presbyterian Church in Wales [http://www.ebcpcw.org.uk/English/home www.ebcpcw.org.uk/English/home]
* Union of Welsh Independents
== Hollandia ==
* Protestant Church in the Netherlands
* Christian reformed Churches [http://www.cgk.nl www.cgk.nl]
* Reformed Churches in the Netherlands(Liberated) [http://www.gkv.nl www.gkv.nl]
* Netherlands Reformed Churches
* Reformed Congregations in the Netherlands
* Old-Reformed Congregations in the Netherlands
* Restored Reformed Church [http://www.hersteldhervormdekerk.nl www.hersteldhervormdekerk.nl]
* Reformed Restored Church
* Covenant of Free Evangelical congregations in the Netherlands
* Gereformeerden Gemeeten in Nederland(buiten verband)
* Continued Reformed churches in the Netherlands
== Svájc ==
* Swiss Reformed Churches
== Ukrajna ==
* Kárpátaljai Református Egyház
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ukraine [http://www.epcu.org.ua www.epcu.org.ua]
* Evangelical Reformed Church in Ukraine
=== Románia ===
* Királyhágómelléki Református Egyházkerület [http://www.kiralyhagomellek.ro www.kiralyhagomellek.ro]
* Erdélyi Református Egyházkerület [http://www.reformatus.ro www.reformatus.ro]
== Görögország ==
* Greekl Evangelical Church [http://www.gec.gr www.gec.gr]
=== Olaszország ===
* Waldesian Evangelical Church [http://www.chiesavaldese.org www.chiesavaldese.org]
* Evangelical Reformed Baptist Churches in Italy [http://www.cerbi.it www.cerbi.it]
== Franciaország ==
* Reformed Church in France
* Union ofProtestant Church in Elsace and Lorraine
* Reformed Evangelical Churches In France [[erei.free.fr]]
== Észak Amerika ==
=== Egyesült Államok ===
* Presbyterian Church(USA) [http://www.psusa.org www.psusa.org]
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church
* United Church of Christ [http://www.ucc.org www.ucc.org]
* Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Synod
* Orthodox Presbyterian Church [http://www.opc.org www.opc.org]
* Westminster Presbyterian Church
* Bible Presbyterian Church [http://www.bpc.org www.bpc.org]
* Cumberland Presbyterian Church [http://www.cumberland.org www.cumberland.org]
* Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America [http://www.cpcachurch.org www.cpcachurch.org]
* Christian Reformed Church in North America [http://www.crcna.org www.crcna.org]
* Reformed Church in America [http://www.rca.org www.rca.org]
* Conservative Congregational Christian Conference [http://www.ccccusa.com www.ccccusa.com]
* Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America [http://www.arpsynod.org www.arpsynod.org]
* Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America [[reformedpresbyterian.org]]
* National association of Congregational Churches
* United Reformed Churches in North America [http://www.urcna.org www.urcna.org]
* Association of Reformed Baptist Churches in America
* Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals
* Netherlands Reformed Congregations in North America
* Heritege Reformed Congregations [http://www.heritagereformed.com www.heritagereformed.com]
* Reformed Church in the United States [http://www.rcus.org www.rcus.org]
* Covenant Presbyterian Church
* Hungarian Reformed Church in America
* Sovereign Grace Ministries [http://www.sovereigngraceministries.org www.sovereigngraceministries.org]
* Protestant Reformed Church in North America [http://www.prca.org www.prca.org]
* Mars Hill Church, Seattle WA [[marshill.com]]
=== Kanada ===
* Presbyterian Church in Canada [[presbyterian.ca]]
* United Church in Canada [http://www.united-church.ca www.united-church.ca]
* Canadian and Anerican Reformed Churches [http://www.canrc.org www.canrc.org]
* Free Reformed Churches in North America
* Congregtional Christian Churches in Canada
== Australia ==
* Presbyterian Church in Australia [http://www.presbyterian.org.au www.presbyterian.org.au]
* United Church in Australia [http://www.uca.org.au www.uca.org.au]
* Reformed Presbyterian Church in Australia
* Southern Presbyterian Church
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Australia
* Christian Reformed Church in Australia
== Új-Zéland ==
* Presbyterian Church in New Zealand
* Grace Presbyterian Church in New Zealand
* Reformed Baptist Church in New Zealand
* Free Reformed Church in New Zealand
== Africa ==
=== Algéria ===
* Protestant Church in Algeria
=== Angola ===
* Presbyterian Church in Angola
* Evangelical Reformed Church in Angola
* Independent Presbyterian Church in Angola
* United Evangelical church in Angola
== Dél-Afrikai Köztársaság ==
* Reformed Churches in Southern Africa
* United Congregational Churches in Southern Africa [http://www.uccsa.org.za www.uccsa.org.za]
* Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa [http://www.upcsa.org.za www.upcsa.org.za]
* Uniting Reformed Churches in Southern Africa
* Christian Reformed Church in Southern Africa [http://www.crcsa.org.za www.crcsa.org.za]
* Volksverk Kerk
* Dutch Reformed Church in Southern Africa
* Church of England in Southern Africa
* Free Reformed Churches in Southern Africa
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa [http://www.epcs.org.za www.epcs.org.za]
* Nederduitsch Reformed Church in South Africa [http://www.nhka.org www.nhka.org]
=== Malawi ===
* Church of Central Africa, Presbyterian - General Synod
* Reformed Presbyteryan Church in Malawi
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Malawi
=== Kenya ===
* Presbyterian Church i Eastern Africa
* Reformed Presbyterian church in Eastern Africa
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church
=== Szudán ===
* Presbyterian Church in Sudan
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Sudan
=== Egyipton ===
* Evangelical Church, Synod of the Nile
=== Nigéria ===
* Presbyterian Church in Nigeria
* Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria
* Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria
* Nigeria reformed Church
* Church of Christ in the Sudan among the Tiv
* Evangelical Reformed Church
* Qua Ibe Church
=== Madagaszkár ===
* Church of Christ in Madagascar
=== Uganda ===
* Presbyterian Church in Uganda [http://www.pcusecretariat.org www.pcusecretariat.org]
* Reformed Presbyterian Church in Uganda
* Evangelical Free Church in Uganda
=== Liberia ===
* Presbyterian Church in Liberia
* Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Liberia
=== Ghana ===
* Presbyterian Church in Ghana
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ghana
== Közép-Amerika ==
=== Belize ===
* Presbyterian Church in Belize
=== Mexikó ===
* National Presbyterian Church in Mexico
* Presbyterian Reformed Church in mexico
* Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Mexico
* Independent Presbyterian Church
* Christian Congregational Church in Mexico
[http://www.reformiert-online.net www.reformiert-online.net]
=== Kuba ===
* Christian Reformed Church in Cuba
* Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba
=== Bahama-szigetek ===
* St. Andrews Presbyterian Kirk(Church)
=== Nicaragua ===
* Christian Reformed Church in Nicaragua
=== Honduras ===
* Christian Reformed Church in Honduras
* Presbyterian Church in Honduras
* Evangelical Reformed Church in Honduras
=== Guatemala ===
* National Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Guatemala
* Bethlehem Bible Presbyterian Church
* Independent Fundamental Presbyterian Church in Guatemala
* St. John Apostole Evangelical Church
== Dél-Amerika ==
=== Argentina ===
* Hungarian Christian Reformed Church in Argentina
* Evangelical Congregational Church in Argentina
* Korean Evangelical Church
* Swiss Church
* Evangelical Waldesian Church in Argentina
* St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Argentina
* Presbyterian Church in Argentina
* Central Presbyterian Church in Argentina
* Reformed Churches in Argentina
=== Brazília ===
* Presbyterian Church in Brazil (Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil [http://www.ipb.org.br www.ipb.org.br]
* Independent Presbyterian Church in Brazil (Igreja Presbiteriana Independente do Brasil [http://www.ipib.org www.ipib.org]
* Conservative Presbyterian Church in Brazil
* Fundamental Presbyterian Church in Brazil
* Renewed Presbyterian Church in Brazil (Igreja Presbiteriana renovada do Brasil [http://www.iprb.org.br/inic.htm www.iprb.org.br/inic.htm]
* Traditional Presbyterian Church in Brazil
* Korean Presbyterian Church in Brazil
* Reformed Churches in Brazil
* Swiss Evangelical Church in sao Paulo
* Christian Reformed Hungarian Church in Brazil
* Evangelical Congregational Church in Brazil
* Union of Congregational Churches in Brazil
* Evangelical Church in sao Paulo
* Arab Evangelical Church
* Reformed Episcopal Church in Brazil
* Antioch Presbyterian Church in Brazil
[http://www.reformiert-online.net www.reformiert-online.net]
=== Bolivia ===
* Presbyterian Church in Bolivia
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Bolivia
* Bible Presbyterian Church in Bolivia
=== Chile ===
* Presbyterian Church in Chile
* Korean Presbyterian Church in Chile
* Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Chile
* National Presbyterian Church
* Biblical Fundamentalist Presbyterian Church
=== Guyana ===
* Guyana Congregational Church
* Presbyterian Church in Guyana
* Guyana Presbyterian Church
=== Peru ===
* Evangelical Church in Peru
* Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church in Peru
=== Columbia ===
* Presbyterian Church in Columbia
* Evangelical Reformed Church in Columbia
* Cumberland Presbyterian Church
== Ázsia ==
=== Fülöp-szigetek ===
* Presbyterian Church in the Philippines
* United Church of Christ in the Philippines
* United Reformed Churches in the Philippines
* Reformed Churches in the Philippines(Dorthian Federation)
* Bastion of Truth Reformed Churches
=== Dél-Korea ===
* Presbyterian Church in Korea
* Independent Preformed Churches in Korea
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(HapDong)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(Koshin)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(SunGyo)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(DongShin)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(YeJang)
* Presbyterian church in Korea(BoShu)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(HapDongJangShin)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(HoHun)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(KyeShin)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(HapdongBoShu)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(SungJang)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(YunHap)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(Logos)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(JeongRip)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(GaeHyukHapDong)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(PyungHap)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(ChanYang)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(HapDongBokUm)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(ShungHapChuk)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(BoSoTongHap)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(TongHap)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(YuMok)
* Presbyterian church in Korea(YunHap)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(PyungAhn)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(HapDongEunChong)
* Presbyterian Church in Korea(DokNoHoe)
[http://www.reformiert-online.net www.reformiert-online.net]
=== India ===
* Presbyterian Church in India
* Reformed Presbyterian Church in India
* Reformed Presbyterian Church in Northeastern India
* Church of North India
* Church of South India
* Congregational church in Maraland
* Free Church in Central India
=== Indonesia ===
* Protestant Christian church in Nias
* Christian Evangelical Church in Halmahera
* Karo Batak Protestant Church
* Evangelical Church in Kalimantan
* Indonesian Gospel tabernacle Church
* Christian Church in South Sulawesi
* Christian Church in Luwuk Bangaii
* Indonesian Christian Church in Sulawesi
* Indonesian christian Church
* Evangelical Christian Church in west Papua
* Javanese Christian Church of Northern Central Java
* East Java Christian Church
* Holy Word Christian Church
* West Kalimantan Christian Church
* Pasundan Christian Church
* Protestan Christian Churh in Bali
* Christian Church in Central Sulawesi
* Christian Church in Southern Sumatra
* Christian Church in Sumba
* Church of Christ
* Church of Christ the Lord
* Indonesian Protestant Church in Boul Toli-Toli
* Indonesian Protestant Church in Gorontalo
* Indonesian Protestant Church in Irian Yaga
* Indonesian Protestan Church in Donggala
* Luwu Indonesian Protestan Church
* Protestant Church in West Kalimantan
* Protestan Church in Moluccas
* Reformed Evangelical Church in Indonesia
* Toraja Church
* The Pilgrim's Churches
* Reformed Churches in Indonesia - Irian Jaga GGRI-Irja
* Reformed Churches In Indonesia - GGRI-NNT
* Communion of Protestant Christian Church of Nias
* Minahasa Protestant Church
[http://www.reformiert-online.net www.reformiert-online.net]
=== Japán ===
* Evangelical Reformed Church in Japan
* Church of Christ in Japan
* Presbyterian Church in Jaspan
* Reformed Church in Japan
* United Church of Christ in Japan
=== Bangladesh ===
* Church of Bangladesh
* Presbyterian Church in Bangladesh
* Grace Presbyterian Church in Bangladesh
=== Malaysia ===
* Presbyterian Church in Malaysia [http://www.gpm.org.my www]
* Christ Evangelical Reformed Church
=== Pakistan ===
* Presbyterian Church in Pakistan [http://www.presbyterianchurchpk.org www.presbyterianchurchpk.org]
* United Presbyterian Church in Pakistan
=== Myanmar ===
* United Reformed Church in Myanmar
* Reformed Evangelical Church in Myanmar
* Presbyterian Church in Myanmar
* Reformed Presbyterian Church in Myanmar
* Biblical Reformed Church in Myanmar
=== Nepal ===
* Presbyterian Church in Nepal
* Reformed Church in Nepal
== Források ==
== Források ==
* [[Owen Chadwick]] : ''A reformáció'', Bp., Osiris Kiadó, 1998, [[ISBN]] 963 379 2630