Ez a script a WP:T és a WP:C körüli karbantartásokat igyekszik ellátni: lezárt tmb-k törlése, be nem linkelt (al)lapok belinkelése stb. Részletek a vitalapon.

"""A törlés és a szerzői jogsértés körüli teendők automatizálása."""

import re
from datetime import date
import pywikibot as p
from pywikibot.date import monthName

site = p.Site()
datum = date.today()
day = int(datum.strftime('%d'))
month = int(datum.strftime('%m'))
today = f'{monthName("hu", month).title()} {day}.' 
monthList = [monthName('hu', index) for index in range(1, 13)]
months = '|'.join(monthList)
ts = re.compile(r'(\d{4})\. (' + months + r') (\d\d?)\., \d\d:\d\d \(CES?T\)')

class DeleteTMBbot():
    """Removes closed talks from WP:T and puts a {{ta}} if neccessary."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.pageName = 'Wikipédia:Törlésre javasolt lapok'
        self.page = p.Page(site, self.pageName)
        self.text = self.page.get()
    def run(self):
    def listPages(self):
        regex = re.compile(r'(?i)\{\{törlés link\|(.*?)\}\}')
        titleList = regex.findall(self.text)
        pageList = [
            p.Page(site, f'{self.pageName}/{title}') for title in titleList]
        return pageList
    def process(self, pageList):
        comment1 = '{{ta}} sablon pótlása'
        oldClosed = []
        for page in pageList:
            text = page.get()
            if text.strip().startswith('{{tt}}'):
                if not '{{ta}}' in text:
                    page.put(text + '\n{{ta}}', comment1, botflag=False)
                oldEnough = self.oldEnough(text)
                if oldEnough:
                            'Wikipédia:Törlésre javasolt lapok/', ''))
        comment2 = '2-3 napnál régebben lezárt megbeszélések törlése: '
        comment2 += ', '.join(oldClosed)
        newtext = self.text
        for title in oldClosed:
            title = '{{törlés link|' + title + '}}\n'
            newtext = newtext.replace(title, '')
        # Clear empty sections:
        newtext = re.sub(r'\n==.+==(?:\n\s*)?(\n==.+==\n)', r'\1', newtext)
        if newtext != self.text:
            self.page.put(newtext, comment2, botflag=False, minor=False)
    def oldEnough(self, text):
        """Determine if days elapsed from closing the talk >= 3."""
        closeDate = ts.search(text)
        if not closeDate:
            return False
        year = int(closeDate.group(1))
        month = monthList.index(closeDate.group(2)) + 1
        day = int(closeDate.group(3))
        closedAt = date(year, month, day)
        if str(datum - closedAt) > '3 days':
            return True
        return False

class InsertTMBbot():
    """Inserts deletion talk subpages onto WP:T."""
class TMBhunterbot():
    """Searches for {{törlés}} templates without subpage."""

class Copyviobot():
    """Inserts articles with copyvio template onto WP:C."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.cat = p.Category(site, 'Szerzői jog valószínű megsértése')
        self.page = p.Page(site, 'Wikipédia:Szerzőijog-sértés')

    def run(self):
        articlesList = self.articles()
        if articlesList:
            bot = Listerbot(self.page, articlesList)

    def articles(self):
        return list(self.cat.articles())

class Listerbot():
    """Lists the articles to the current date on the appropriate page."""
    def __init__(self, page, articles):
        self.page = page # A page object where we list the articles.
        self.articles = articles # A list of page objects.
        self.linkedArticles = list(self.page.linkedPages())
        self.missingList = []
        self.text = ''
        self.start = 0
        self.comment = '<!-- E FÖLÉ NE ÍRJ, ALÁ VEZESD FEL A JELÖLTEKET DÁTUM SZERINT! -->\n'
        self.commentLength = len(self.comment)
    def run(self):
        for article in self.articles:
            if article not in self.linkedArticles:
        if self.missingList:
            self.listForPutting = ''
            for article in self.missingList:
                self.listForPutting += \
                    f'* [[{article.title()}]] A jelölő helyett: ~~~~\n'
            self.text = self.page.get()
    def listOnPage(self):
        self.start = self.mainSectionComment()
        if not self.start:
            return # Avoid index errors.
        title, lastDate = self.firstSection()
        # We cannot write under the main title because of comments.
        # So we write above the first outdated section, if neccessary.
        if lastDate.lower() == today.lower():
            # Write under the title.
            newtext = self.text.replace(
            # Write above the title.
            newtext = self.text.replace(
                f'== {today} ==\n{self.listForPutting}\n{title}')
            summary='Botteszt a be nem linkelt jogsértő oldalak listázására, új napra, több lappal.',
            minor = False,
            botflag = False)
    def mainSectionComment(self):
        """There is a comment under the = Main section =. Find it."""
            return self.text.index(self.comment)
        except ValueError:
            # Structure of the page has changed?
            return 0 # Can't be real index.
    def firstSection(self):
        Find the first == Section == after mainSectionComment.
        The actual date shuld be in the first section.
        index = self.start + self.commentLength
        remainder = self.text[index:]
        titleReg = re.compile(r'== ?(.+?) ?== ?\n')
        title = titleReg.search(self.text).group()
        lastDate = titleReg.search(self.text).group(1)
        return title, lastDate

def main():
    cbot = Copyviobot()
    dbot = DeleteTMBbot()

if __name__ == '__main__':