
Megjegyzés: közzététel után frissítened kell a böngésződ gyorsítótárát, hogy lásd a változásokat.

  • Firefox / Safari: tartsd lenyomva a Shift gombot és kattints a Frissítés gombra a címsorban, vagy használd a Ctrl–F5 vagy Ctrl–R (Macen ⌘–R) billentyűkombinációt
  • Google Chrome: használd a Ctrl–Shift–R (Macen ⌘–Shift–R) billentyűkombinációt
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: tartsd nyomva a Ctrl-t, és kattints a Frissítés gombra, vagy nyomj Ctrl–F5-öt
  • Opera: Nyomj Ctrl–F5-öt
function addCharSubsetMenu( forceAll ) {
	forceAll = ( forceAll === true ); // $.ready calls with a jQuery object
	var $specialchars = $( '#specialchars' );
	if ( !$specialchars.length ) return;
	var $menu = $( '#charSubsetMenu' );
	if ( !$menu.length ) {
		$menu = $( '<select>' )
			.attr( 'id', 'charSubsetMenu' )
			.css( 'display', 'inline' )
			.change( chooseCharSubset );
	} else if ( forceAll ) { // change customized menu to full
		var menuChlidren = [];
		$menu.children().each( function () {
			menuChildren.push( this );
		} );
	} else { // menu already built
	var specialCharacterTypes = {};
	var $l = $specialchars.find( 'p' );
	$l.each( function( i ) {
		var title = this.title;
		var $opt = $( '<option>' )
			.text( title )
			.attr( 'value', i );
		specialCharacterTypes[ title ] = $opt;
	} );
	if ( typeof allowedCharacterTypes === 'undefined' || forceAll ) {
		$l.each( function ( i ) {
			$menu.append( specialCharacterTypes[ $l[i].title ] );
		} );
	} else { // customized menu
		for ( var i = 0; i < allowedSpecialCharacterTypes.length; i++ ) {
			if ( typeof specialCharacterTypes[ allowedSpecialCharacterTypes[ i ] ] !== 'undefined' ) {
				$menu.append( specialCharacterTypes[ allowedSpecialCharacterTypes[ i ] ] );
		$( '<option>' )
			.text( 'több…' )
			.css( 'font-style', 'italic' )
			.attr( 'value', 999 )
			.appendTo( $menu );
	if ( forceAll ) { // reset select to active character set
		var value = -1;
		$specialchars.find( 'p' ).each( function ( i ) {
			if ( $( this ).css( 'display' ) === 'inline' ) {
				value = i;
				return false;
		} );
		$menu.find( 'option[value="' + value + '"]' ).select();
	} else { // activate first character set
		chooseCharSubset( null, $menu.find( 'option:first' ).val() );
	$specialchars.prepend( $menu );
function chooseCharSubset( e, val ) {
	if ( !val ) {
		val = $( this ).val();
	if ( val === 999 ) { // "more…" option
		addCharSubsetMenu( true );
	$( '#specialchars p' )
		.eq( val ).css( 'display', 'inline' );
$( addCharSubsetMenu );

// WikiEditor toolbar
function addFrequentButtons() {
	$( '#wpTextbox1' ).on( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-buildSection-characters', function ( e, section ) {
		function paren( left, right ) {
			return {
				label: left + right,
				action: {
					type: 'encapsulate',
					options: {
						pre: left,
						post: right
		var pages = {
			basic: {
				layout: 'characters',
				label: 'Alap',
				characters: [
					'á', 'é', 'í', 'ó', 'ö', 'ő', 'ú', 'ü', 'ű', 'Á', 'É', 'Í', 'Ó', 'Ö', 'Ő', 'Ú', 'Ü', 'Ű', '~', '|',
					'#', paren('„', '”'), paren('»', '«'), paren('’', '’'), '’', '–', '…', paren('<', '>'), '°', '‰', '×',
					'→', '∅', 'µ', '²', '³', '½', '⅓', '⅔', '¼', '¾', '€', '§', '†', '‡', '©', '®', '•', '·', '&nbsp;', '‑'
		for ( var s in section.pages ) {
			pages[ s ] = section.pages[ s ];
		section.pages = pages;
	} );
/* Check if view is in edit mode and that the required modules are available. Then, customize the toolbar … */
if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ), [ 'edit', 'submit' ] ) !== -1 ) {
	mw.loader.using( 'user.options' ).then( function () {
		// This can be the string "0" if the user disabled the preference ([[phab:T54542#555387]])
		if ( mw.user.options.get( 'usebetatoolbar' ) == 1 ) {
				mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiEditor' ), $.ready
			).then( addFrequentButtons );
	} );