
Homokozó/JulesWinnfield-hu/Coordinate[mi ez?] • [dokumentáció: mutat, szerkeszt] • [tesztek: sikeres: 2, sikertelen: 0, kihagyva: 2 (részletek)]

-- Coordinate processing functions

local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
local current_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
local page_name = mw.uri.encode(current_page.prefixedText, 'WIKI')
local coord_link = '//' .. page_name .. '&params='

-- The class used to internally represent a single coordinate
local Coordinate = {}

--Internal functions

    Normalize cardinal direction
    @param string cardDir Cardinal direction, English or Hungarian
    @return string
local function normCardDir(cardDir)
    if lang:uc(cardDir) == 'É'  then return 'N' end
    if cardDir:upper()  == 'D'  then return 'S' end
    if cardDir:upper()  == 'K'  then return 'E' end
    if cardDir:upper()  == 'NY' then return 'W' end
    return cardDir

--[[ Helper function, used in detecting DMS formatting ]]
local dmsTest = function(first, second)
    first = normCardDir(first or '')
    second = normCardDir(second or '')
    local concatenated = first:upper() .. second:upper()
    if concatenated == "NE" or concatenated == "NW" or concatenated == "SE" or concatenated == "SW" or
        concatenated == "EN" or concatenated == "WN" or concatenated == "ES" or concatenated == "WS" then
        return true
    return false

    Transform degrees, minutes, seconds format latitude and longitude 
    into the a structure to be used in displaying coordinates
function parseDMS(lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_f, long_d, long_m, long_s, long_f)
    lat_f = normCardDir(lat_f):upper()
    long_f = normCardDir(long_f):upper()
    -- Check if specified backward
    if lat_f == 'E' or lat_f == 'W' then
        local t_d, t_m, t_s, t_f
        t_d = lat_d
        t_m = lat_m
        t_s = lat_s
        t_f = lat_f
        lat_d = long_d
        lat_m = long_m
        lat_s = long_s
        lat_f = long_f
        long_d = t_d
        long_m = t_m
        long_s = t_s
        long_f = t_f
    if long_d == nil or long_d == "" then
        return nil, {{"parseDMS", "Missing longitude"}}
    local lat = (lat_f:upper() == 'S' and -1 or 1) * ((tonumber(lat_d) or 0) + (tonumber(lat_m) or 0) / 60 + (tonumber(lat_s) or 0) / 3600)
    local long = (long_f:upper() == 'W' and -1 or 1) * ((tonumber(long_d) or 0) + (tonumber(long_m) or 0) / 60 + (tonumber(long_s) or 0) / 3600)
    local prec = math.min(detectPrecisionForFloat(lat_d), detectPrecisionForFloat(long_d))
    if lat_m ~= nil or long_m ~= nil then
        if prec < 1 then
            return nil, {{'parseDMS', 'Nem értelmezhető adatok'}}
            prec = math.min(detectPrecisionForFloat(lat_m), detectPrecisionForFloat(long_m))
            if prec < 0.0001 then
                prec = 1e-6
            elseif prec < 1 then
                prec = prec / 100
                prec = Coordinate.PRECISION.M
    if lat_s ~= nil or long_s ~= nil then
        if prec == Coordinate.PRECISION.M then
            prec = math.max(math.min(detectPrecisionForFloat(lat_s), detectPrecisionForFloat(long_s)), 0.001) * Coordinate.PRECISION.S
            return nil, {{'parseDMS', 'Nem értelmezhető adatok'}}
    local coord = Coordinate:new{latitude = lat, longitude = long, precision = prec}
    return coord, coord and {} or {{'parseDMS', 'Nem értelmezhető adatok'}}

    Format any error messages generated for display
function errorPrinter(errors)
    return nil, nil, nil, errors
    local result = ""
    for _, v in ipairs(errors) do
        local errorHTML = '<strong class="error">Coordinates: ' .. v[2] .. '</strong>'
        result = result .. errorHTML .. '<br>'
    return result

Coordinate.PRECISION = {
    MS      = 1 / 3600 / 1000,  -- to 1/1000 of an arcsecond
    D000001 = 1e-6,             -- ±0.000001°
    MS10    = 1 / 3600 / 100,   -- to 1/100 of an arcsecond
    D00001  = 1e-5,             -- ±0.00001°
    MS100   = 1 / 3600 / 10,    -- to 1/10 of an arcsecond
    D0001   = 0.0001,           -- ±0.0001°
    S       = 1 / 3600,         -- to an arcsecond
    D001    = 0.001,            -- ±0.001°
    D01     = 0.01,             -- ±0.01°
    M       = 1 / 60,           -- to an arcminute
    D1      = 0.1,              -- ±0.1°
    D       = 1,                -- to a degree
    D10     = 10                -- ±10°

local orderedPrecisions = {

local function detectWikidataPrecision(float)
    local precision
    for _, v in ipairs(orderedPrecisions) do
        local m = float / v
        if math.abs(Coordinate.mfloor(m + 0.5) - m) < 1e-6 / v + 1e-12 then
            precision = v
    return precision or detectPrecisionForFloat(float)

    Check the input arguments for coord to determine the kind of data being provided
    and then make the necessary processing.
function formatTest(args)
    local result, format, coordParams
    local errors = {}
    if args.wikidata == 'primary' and current_page.namespace == 0 then
        local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity()
        if entity and and then
            local value =[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value
            value.precision = math.min(detectWikidataPrecision(value.latitude), detectWikidataPrecision(value.longitude))
            result = Coordinate:new(value)
            if result == nil then
                return errorPrinter{{'formatTest', 'Wikidata hiba'}}
            return result, 'dms', args[9], errors
    if not args[1] then
        -- no lat logic
        return errorPrinter{{"formatTest", "Missing latitude"}}
    elseif not args[4] and not args[5] and not args[6] then
        -- dec logic
        local prec = math.min(detectPrecisionForFloat(args[1]), detectPrecisionForFloat(args[2]))
        result = Coordinate:new{latitude = tonumber(args[1]), longitude = tonumber(args[2]), precision = prec}
        format = 'dec'
        coordParams = args[3]
        if result == nil then
            return errorPrinter{{'formatTest', 'Nem értelmezhető adatok'}}
    elseif dmsTest(args[4], args[8]) then
        -- dms logic
        result, errors = parseDMS(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8])
        format = 'dms'
        coordParams = args[9]
        if args[10] then
            table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'})
    elseif dmsTest(args[3], args[6]) then
        -- dm logic
        result, errors = parseDMS(args[1], args[2], nil, args[3], args[4], args[5], nil, args[6])
        format = 'dms'
        coordParams = args[7]
        if args[8] then
            table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'})
    elseif dmsTest(args[2], args[4]) then
        -- d logic
        result, errors = parseDMS(args[1], nil, nil, args[2], args[3], nil, nil, args[4])
        format = result.precision < 1 and 'dec' or 'dms'
        coordParams = args[5]
        if args[6] then
            table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'})
        -- Error
        return errorPrinter{{"formatTest", "Unknown argument format"}}
    return result, format, coordParams, errors

    Validate a Coordinate defintion
    @param table definition data
    @return boolean
function validate(definition)
    --Validate precision
    if not validatePrecision(definition.precision) then
        return false
    --Validate latitude and longitude
    if not validateNumberInRange(definition.latitude, -180, 360) or not validateNumberInRange(definition.longitude, -180, 360) then
        return false

    return true

    Check if a value is a number in the given range
    @param mixed value
    @param number min
    @param number max
    @return boolean
function validateNumberInRange(value, min, max)
    return type(value) == 'number' and value >= min and value <= max

    Validate precision
function validatePrecision(precision)
    for _, v in pairs(Coordinate.PRECISION) do
        if v == precision then
            return true
    return false

    Try to find the relevant precision for a GlobeCoordinate definition
    @param table GlobeCoordinate definition
    @return number the precision
function guessPrecision(definition)
    return math.min(detectPrecisionForFloat(definition.latitude), detectPrecisionForFloat(definition.longitude))

    Try to find the relevant precision for a latitude or longitude as float
    @param float float
    @return number the precision
function detectPrecisionForFloat(float)
    local parts = mw.text.split(tostring(float), '%.')
    if parts[2] then
        return math.pow(10, -1 * math.min(#parts[2], 6))
        return 1

-- Creates a new Coordinate
-- @param float latitude Latitude ("vertical" position) as a signed floating-point value (North is positive, South is negative)
-- @param float longitude Longitude ("horizontal" position) as a signed floating-point value (East is positive, West is negative)
-- @example Coordinate.create(12.3456, -98.7654)
function Coordinate.create(latitude, longitude)
    local coord = {}
    setmetatable(coord, Coordinate)
    coord.latitude = latitude
    coord.longitude = longitude
    return coord

-- Build a new Coordinate
-- @param table definition Definition of the coordinate
-- @return Coordinate|nil
-- @example Coordinate:new{latitude = 12.3456, longitude = -98.7654}
function Coordinate:new(definition)
    --Default values
    if definition.precision == nil then
        definition.precision = guessPrecision(definition)
        for _, v in pairs(Coordinate.PRECISION) do
            if math.abs(definition.precision - v) < 1e-12 then
                definition.precision = v
    if not validate(definition) then
        return nil
    local coord = {
        latitude = definition.latitude,
        longitude = definition.longitude,
        precision = definition.precision or 0
    setmetatable(coord, self)
    self.__index = self
    return coord

-- == operator
-- (note that this is a naive implementation which requires exact equality if floating-point values;
-- this probably does not work very well in practice)
function Coordinate.__eq(coord1, coord2)
    return math.abs(coord1.latitude - coord2.latitude) < 1e-6 and math.abs(coord1.longitude - coord2.longitude) < 1e-6

-- Transform coordinate to string
-- @param string format
-- Special characters in the format string:
--      %L  latitude as a signed float
--      %U  latitude as an unsigned float
--      %D  degree part of latitude (i.e. floor(latitude))
--      %M  minute part of latitude
--      %S  second part of latitude (including fractional part)
--      %C  cardinal direction for latitude as shortcut (N/S)
--      %I  internationalized cardinal direction for latitude as shortcut (currently always in in Hungarian: É/D)
--      ... same with lowercase for longitude
function Coordinate:format(format)
    local d, rem = math.modf(self.latitude) -- splits number into integer and fractional part
    local m, rem = math.modf(rem * 60)
    local s = math.floor(rem * 60 * 100 + 0.5) / 100
    format = format:gsub('%%L', lang:formatNum(self.latitude))
    format = format:gsub('%%U', lang:formatNum(math.abs(self.latitude)))
    format = format:gsub('%%D', d)
    format = format:gsub('%%M', m)
    format = format:gsub('%%S', s)
    format = format:gsub('%%C', (self.latitude >= 0) and 'N' or 'S')
    format = format:gsub('%%I', (self.latitude >= 0) and 'É' or 'D')

    local d, rem = math.modf(self.longitude) -- splits number into integer and fractional part
    local m, rem = math.modf(rem * 60)
    local s = math.floor(rem * 60 * 100 + 0.5) / 100
    format = format:gsub('%%l', lang:formatNum(self.longitude))
    format = format:gsub('%%u', lang:formatNum(math.abs(self.longitude)))
    format = format:gsub('%%d', d)
    format = format:gsub('%%m', m)
    format = format:gsub('%%s', s)
    format = format:gsub('%%c', (self.longitude >= 0) and 'E' or 'W')
    format = format:gsub('%%i', (self.longitude >= 0) and 'K' or 'Ny')
    return format

-- These elements can be used in stringPatterns between $ marks
-- E.g. "$int$° $int$′ $int$″"
local patternElements = {
    uint = "[0-9]+",
    int = "[-+]?[0-9]+",
    ufloat = "[0-9]*[.,]?[0-9]+", -- english or hungarian separator notation
    float = "[-+]?[0-9]*[.,]?[0-9]+", -- english or hungarian separator notation
    cd = "[NSEWÉDK][Yy]?"  -- cardinal directions in english or hungarian

-- FIXME move this to an intl module
-- string to number, handle english and hungarian separator
local function num(s)
    if type(s) == 'string' then
        s = s:gsub(",", ".")
        return tonumber(s)
        return s

-- cardinal direction to sign of coordinate (+1/-1), handles english and hungarian shortcuts
local directionMap = {N = 1, S = -1, E = 1, W = -1, ["É"] = 1, D = -1, K = 1, Ny = -1, NY = -1}
local function dirsign(s) return directionMap[s] end

-- Contains regexp - callback pairs. The regexp describes a possible human-readable representation of a coordinate,
-- the callback receives the match results and transforms them into a latitude-longitude pair (a pair of signed floats).
-- Can use patternElement keys for syntatic sugar.
local stringPatterns = {
    {"($float$), ($float$)", function(lat, long) return num(lat), num(long) end}, -- 12.3456, -98.7654
    {"($cd$) ($float$), ($cd$) ($float$)", 
        function(lath, lat, longh, long)
            return dirsign(lath) * num(lat), dirsign(longh) * num(long)
        end},  -- É 48,621667, K 16,871528
    {"($int$)° ($int$)['′] ($float$)[\"″] ($cd$), ($int$)° ($int$)['′] ($float$)[\"″] ($cd$)", 
        function(latd, latm, lats, lath, longd, longm, longs, longh) 
            local lat = dirsign(lath) * (num(latd) + num(latm) / 60 + num(lats) / 3600)
            local long = dirsign(longh) * (num(longd) + num(longm) / 60 + num(longs) / 3600)
            return lat, long
        end}, -- 12° 20' 44" N, 98° 45' 55" W
    {"($cd$) ($int$)° ($int$)['′] ($float$)[\"″], ($cd$) ($int$)° ($int$)['′] ($float$)[\"″]", 
        function(lath, latd, latm, lats, longh, longd, longm, longs) 
            local lat = dirsign(lath) * (num(latd) + num(latm) / 60 + num(lats) / 3600)
            local long = dirsign(longh) * (num(longd) + num(longm) / 60 + num(longs) / 3600)
            return lat, long
        end}, -- N 12° 20' 44", W 98° 45' 55"

local stringPatternsOld, stringPatterns = stringPatterns, {}
for i, pair in ipairs(stringPatternsOld) do
    local pattern, callback = pair[1], pair[2]
    for key, value in pairs(patternElements) do
        pattern = pattern:gsub('%$' .. key .. '%$', value)
    table.insert(stringPatterns, {pattern, callback})

-- Creates a Coordinate object from a human-readable string representation.
-- @param string s
-- @return Coordinate|nil
-- @example 
function Coordinate.fromString(s)
    for i, pair in ipairs(stringPatterns) do
        local pattern, callback = pair[1], pair[2]
        if mw.ustring.match(s, pattern) then
            lat, long = callback(mw.ustring.match(s, pattern))
            return Coordinate:new{latitude = lat, longitude = long}
    return nil

-- Returns coordinate in standard text format - two signed floats (12.3456, -98.7654)
-- @return string
function Coordinate:__tostring()
    return self:format('%L, %l')

    Build params uri component and link text for GeoHack link
    @param string format dec|dms
    @return string, string|nil, nil
    @example coord:toGeoHack('dms')
function Coordinate:toGeoHack(format)
    if format ~= 'dec' and format ~= 'dms' then return nil, nil end
    local params = ''
    local text = ''
    local logPrec = -1 * math.log10(self.precision)
    local decimalPrecision = logPrec == math.floor(logPrec)
    if decimalPrecision then
        params = math.floor(self.latitude * 1e+6 + 0.5) / 1e+6 .. ';' .. math.floor(self.longitude * 1e+6 + 0.5) / 1e+6
    if format == 'dec' then
        local decimals = math.floor(logPrec)
        if decimals < 1 then decimals = 0 end
        text = mw.text.tag('span', {style = 'white-space:nowrap;'}, (self.latitude >= 0 and 'é. sz.' or 'd. sz.') .. ' ' .. 
            string.format('%.' .. decimals .. 'f', math.abs(self.latitude)):gsub('%.', ',') .. '°') .. ', ' .. 
            mw.text.tag('span', {style = 'white-space:nowrap;'}, (self.longitude >= 0 and 'k. h.' or 'ny. h.') .. ' ' .. 
            string.format('%.' .. decimals .. 'f', math.abs(self.longitude)):gsub('%.', ',') .. '°')
    if format == 'dms' or not decimalPrecision then
        local d, m, s, ctext, decimals
        if decimalPrecision then
            local float = math.abs(self.latitude)
            d = Coordinate.mfloor(float)
            m = Coordinate.mfloor(float * 60 - d * 60)
            decimals = math.floor(logPrec) - 3
            if decimals < 0 then decimals = 0 end
            s = Coordinate.mfloor((float * 3600 - d * 3600 - m * 60) * 10^decimals + 0.5) / 10^decimals
            if s == 60 then s = 0; m = m + 1 end
            if m == 60 then m = 0; d = d + 1 end
            local intToPrecision = Coordinate.mfloor(math.abs(self.latitude) / self.precision + 0.5)
            d = Coordinate.mfloor(intToPrecision * self.precision)
            m = Coordinate.mfloor(intToPrecision * (self.precision * 60) - d * 60)
            decimals = math.floor(-1 * math.log10(self.precision * 3600))
            if decimals < 1 then decimals = 0 end
            s = Coordinate.mfloor(intToPrecision - d / self.precision - m / (self.precision * 60) + 0.5) * (self.precision * 3600)
        if not decimalPrecision then params = params .. d end
        if format == 'dms' then ctext = (self.latitude >= 0 and 'é. sz.' or 'd. sz.') .. ' ' .. d .. '°' end
        if self.precision < Coordinate.PRECISION.D then
            if not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. m end
            if format == 'dms' then ctext = ctext .. ' ' .. string.format('%02d′', m) end
            if self.precision < Coordinate.PRECISION.M then
                if not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. s end
                if format == 'dms' then ctext = ctext .. ' ' .. (s < 10 and '0' or '') .. string.format('%.' .. decimals .. 'f', s):gsub('%.', ',') .. '″' end
        if not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. (self.latitude >= 0 and 'N' or 'S') .. '_' end
        if format == 'dms' then text = text .. mw.text.tag('span', {style = 'white-space:nowrap;'}, ctext) .. ', ' end
        local d, m, s, ctext, decimals
        if decimalPrecision then
            local float = math.abs(self.longitude)
            d = Coordinate.mfloor(float)
            m = Coordinate.mfloor(float * 60 - d * 60)
            decimals = math.floor(logPrec) - 3
            if decimals < 0 then decimals = 0 end
            s = Coordinate.mfloor((float * 3600 - d * 3600 - m * 60) * 10^decimals + 0.5) / 10^decimals
            if s == 60 then s = 0; m = m + 1 end
            if m == 60 then m = 0; d = d + 1 end
            local intToPrecision = Coordinate.mfloor(math.abs(self.longitude) / self.precision + 0.5)
            d = Coordinate.mfloor(intToPrecision * self.precision)
            m = Coordinate.mfloor(intToPrecision * (self.precision * 60) - d * 60)
            decimals = math.floor(-1 * math.log10(self.precision * 3600))
            if decimals < 1 then decimals = 0 end
            s = Coordinate.mfloor(intToPrecision - d / self.precision - m / (self.precision * 60) + 0.5) * (self.precision * 3600)
        if not decimalPrecision then params = params .. d end
        if format == 'dms' then ctext = (self.longitude >= 0 and 'k. h.' or 'ny. h.') .. ' ' .. d .. '°' end
        if self.precision < Coordinate.PRECISION.D then
            if not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. m end
            if format == 'dms' then ctext = ctext .. ' ' .. string.format('%02d′', m) end
            if self.precision < Coordinate.PRECISION.M then
                if not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. s end
                if format == 'dms' then ctext = ctext .. ' ' .. (s < 10 and '0' or '') .. string.format('%.' .. decimals .. 'f', s):gsub('%.', ',') .. '″' end
        if not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. (self.longitude >= 0 and 'E' or 'W') end
        if format == 'dms' then text = text .. mw.text.tag('span', {style = 'white-space:nowrap;'}, ctext) end
    return params, text

    Return a GlobeCoordinate in HTMl (with a <GlobeCoordinate> node)
    @param mw.language|string|nil language to use. By default the content language.
    @param table|nil attributes table of attributes to add to the <GlobeCoordinate> node.
    @return string
function Coordinate.coord(frame)
    local args = {}
    if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
        for k, v in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do
            if type(k) == 'number' then v = v:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') end  -- remove whitespace
            if v ~= '' then args[k] = v end
        args = frame
    local coord, inputFormat, coordParams, errors = formatTest(args)
    if #errors > 0 then
        local result = ""
        for _, v in ipairs(errors) do
            local errorHTML = '<strong class="error">Coordinate: ' .. v[2] .. '</strong>'
            result = result .. errorHTML .. '<br>'
        return result .. '[[Kategória:Hibás koordináták]]'
    local format = args.format or inputFormat
    local params, linkText = coord:toGeoHack(format)
    if coordParams then params = params .. '_' .. coordParams end
    local title = and '&title=' .. mw.uri.encode( or ''
    local inlineLink = mw.text.tag(
        'span', {
            class = 'plainlinks nourlexpansion'
        '[' .. coord_link .. params .. title .. ' ' .. linkText .. ']' .. 
            'span', {
                ["class"] = "h-geo geo",
                ["style"] = "display:none;"
            mw.text.tag( 'span', {
                    ["class"] = "p-latitude latitude"
            ) ..
            ', ' ..
            mw.text.tag( 'span', {
                    ["class"] = "p-longitude longitude"
    ) .. (args.notes or '')
    local display = args.display and args.display:lower() or 'inline'
    local text = ''
    if string.find(display, 'inline') ~= nil or display == 'i' or display == 'it' or display == 'ti' then
        text = inlineLink
    if string.find(display, 'title') ~= nil or display == 't' or display == 'it' or display == 'ti' then
        text = text .. mw.text.tag('span', {style = 'font-size:small;'}, 
            mw.text.tag('span', {id = 'coordinates'}, 
                '[[Földrajzi koordináta-rendszer|Koordináták]]: ' .. inlineLink
    return text

function Coordinate.mfloor(float)
    local result = math.floor(float)
    return result + 1 < float + 1e-12 and result + 1 or result

return Coordinate