„Júvál Neemán” változatai közötti eltérés

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1. sor:
'''Yuval Ne'eman''' ([[Tel Aviv]], [[1925]]. [[május 14]] - [[Tel Aviv]], [[2006]]. [[április 26]].), [[izrael]]i [[fizikus]] és [[politikus]].
[[1925]]-ben született [[Tel Aviv]]ban, [[Izrael]]ben. 15 éves korában végezte el a középiskolát, majd [[gépészmérnök]]nek tanult a [[Technion]]ban. Szintén 15 éves korában csatlakozott a [[Hagana|Haganához]]. Az [[1948]]-as [[első zsidó-arab háború]]ban az izraeli hadseregben szolgált mint [[zászlóalj]]parancsnok-helyettes, majd Tel Aviv hadműveleti parancsnoka és a [[Givati dandár]] parancsnoka volt. Később, [[1952]]-[[1954]]-ben a vezérkarban szolgált, ahol segített a hadsereget a tartalékosokra alapozni, kidolgozta a mozgósítási rendszert és az első tanulmányt írta az izraeli védelmi doktrínáról. [[1958]]-[[1960]]-ban védelmi attasé volt [[Nagy-Britannia|Nagy-Britanniában]], ahol [[Abdus Salam]] irányításával a [[University of London]]-on fizikus Ph.D. fokozatért tanult. [[1961]]-ben ezredesként szerelt le az izraeli hadseregből.
[[1962]]-ben [[Murray Gell-Mann]]tól függetlenül javasolta a [[hadron]]ok osztályozását [[SU(3)]]-ízszimmetriájuk alapján SU(3)-szupermultiplettekbe. Fontos hozzájárulásai voltak a [[részecskefizika]], [[asztrofizika]], [[kozmológia]] és [[tudományfilozófia]] területén.
He was born in [[Tel Aviv]], Israel, graduated from high school at the age of 15, and studied mechanical engineering in the [[Technion]]. At the age of 15, Ne'eman also joined the [[Hagana]]. During the [[Israeli War of Independence]] in 1948 Ne'eman served in the [[Israeli Defense Forces]] as battalion deputy commander, then as Operations Officer of Tel Aviv, and commander of [[Givati Brigade]]. Later (1952–1954) he served as Deputy Commander of Operations Department of General Staff, Commander of Planning Department of IDF. In this role, he helped organize the IDF into a [[reservist]]-based army, developed the mobilization system, and wrote the first draft of the Israel defense doctrine. In 1958–1960 Ne'eman was IDF Attaché in Great Britain, where he also studied for a Ph.D. in physics under supervision of [[Abdus Salam]] in [[University of London]]. In 1961, he was demobilized from the IDF with a rank of Colonel.
A [[Tel Aviv-i Egyetem]] Fizikai és Csillagászati Iskolájának alapítója és vezetője volt [[1965]]-[[1972]]-ig, az egyetem elnöke [[1971]]-[[1975]]-ig és a Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies igazgatója [[1979]]-[[1997]]-ig. [[1968]]-[[1990]]-ig a Center for Particle Theory igazgatója volt ([[University of Texas, Austin]]).
One of his greatest achievements in physics was his proposal (in 1962, independently from [[Murray Gell-Mann]]) of the classification of [[hadron]]s through their [[SU(3)]] [[flavour symmetry]]&mdash;today known as the [[quark model]]. He also made other important contributions to particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology and the philosophy of science.
Ne'eman was founder and director of the School of Physics and Astronomy at [[Tel-Aviv University]] from 1965 to 1972, president of Tel-Aviv University from 1971 to 1975, and director of its Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies from 1979 to 1997. He was also the director of the Center for Particle Theory at the [[University of Texas, Austin]] from 1968 to 1990.
In 1969, he received the [[Israel Prize]] in the field of exact sciences and the [[Einstein Medal]] for his unique contribution in the field of physics. In 2003, he received the [[EMET Prize]] for Arts, Sciences and Culture for his pioneering contribution in the deciphering of the atomic nucleus and its components, and for his enormous scientific contribution to the development of sub-atomic physics in Israel. [http://www.israelnn.com/news.php3?id=102593]