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10. sor:
Skandináviában nem sokkal a második világháború előtt kis számban építettek kísérleti járműveket. A 60-as években a technológia fejlődése nagy részben az orosz Rosztyiszlav Alekszejev és a német Alexander Lippisch hozzájárulásának köszönhető. Ők egymástól függetlenül nagyon különböző megoldásokkal dolgoztak a GEV-technológia fejlesztésén. Alekszejev eredetileg hajógépész mérnök, míg Lippisch eredetileg repülőgépész mérnök volt. Alekszejev és Lippisch hatása még mindig észrevehető a legtöbb ma látható GEV járművön.
A Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau (CHDB, Központi Szárnyashajó Tervezés Iroda) Alexeev vezetésével a légpárnás hajók fejlesztésének központja volt Oroszországban. Hamarosan felismerték a katonai jelentőségét egy ilyen hajónak, és Alexeev támogatást és pénzügyi hozzájárulást fogadott el Nikita Khrushchev szovjet vezetőtől. Ez a ''Kaszpi Tengeri Szörny'', az 55 tonnás ekranoplan kifejlesztéséhez vezetett. Ez előtt néhány ember vezette és távirányítású prototípust építettek, amelyek 8 tonna elmozdítására voltak képesek.
Az Orosz ekranoplan program folytatódott és az eddig legsikeresebb 125 tonnás A-90 Orlyonok-hoz vezetett. Néhány Orlyonok a szovjet haditengerészetnél volt szolgálatban 1979-től 1992-ig. 1987-ben a 400 tonnás LUN-osztályú ekranoplant rakétakilövő állásnak építették. A második LUN-t ''Spasatel''-nek nevezték át, mint megmentett hajó, de soha nem fejezték be.
Ezeket a hajókat a Szovjetunió eredetileg nagyon nagy sebességű katonai szállítás céljából fejlesztette, és leginkább a Kaszpi-tenger és Fekete-tenger partján voltak rendszeresítve. A legnagyobb szállítható mennyiség 100 tonnán felüli rakomány. A ekranoplanok fejlesztését Dmitrij Usztyinov szovjet honvédelmi miniszter támogatta. Körülbelül 120 ekranoplan (A-90 Orlyonok osztály) belépését tervezték eredetileg a Szovjet Flotta katonai szolgálatába. Az elképzelés később kevesebb mint harminc járműre csökkent, amit főleg a Fekete és a Balti Szovjet flottába terveztek bevezetni. Usztyinov tábornok 1985-ben meghalt, és az új honvédelmi miniszter, Szokolov hadseregtábornok leállította a program finanszírozását. Csupán három bevethető (felújított hajótestű) A-90 Orlyonok ekranoplant építettek és egy LUN-osztályú ekranoplan maradt egy Kaspiysk melletti tengerészeti támaszponton.
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Günther Jörg Németországban, ki lesz dolgozó az első tervezet Alexeyev túlságosan és járatos azok imponderabilies, fejlett egy Gevwith kettő szárny egy tandem elrendezésben, a Jörg-ii. Jörg - II lesz a harmad ember vezette Tandem Airfoilboat melyik develloped alatt consultancy időszaka South-africaban. Ez Tandem Airfoil-flairboat lesz épít alatt a név "Skimmerfoil" Volt egy egyszerű és alacsony ár tervezés, bármennyire nem lesz termelt köszönhető kereskedelmi problémák of az előbbi legelső. Consultancy Diplnak. Ing. Günther Jörg lesz megalakult egy foundamental ismerete SZÁRNYNAK Talaj eredmény fizikaban, és alapvető tesztek alatt különböző körülmények és tervezet fel -ból 1960. 1984 Günther Jörgben a "PHILLIP MORRIS DÍJ". 1987 Botec Társaságban megalakult.
The Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau (CHDB), led by Alexeev, was the center of ground-effect craft development in Russia. The military potential for such a craft was soon recognised and Alexeiev received support and financial resources from Soviet leader [[Nikita Khrushchev]]. This led to the development of the [[Caspian Sea Monster]], a 550 ton military ''ekranoplan''. Before it, some manned and unmanned prototypes were built, ranging up to eight tons in displacement.
The Russian ekranoplan program continued and led to the most successful ekranoplan so far, the 125 ton [[A-90 Orlyonok]]. A few Orlyonoks were in service with the [[Soviet Navy]] from 1979 to 1992. In 1987, the 400 ton [[Lun-class ekranoplan]] was built as a missile launcher. The second Lun was renamed to ''Spasatel'', as a rescue vessel, but was never finished.
These craft were originally developed by the [[Soviet Union]] as very high-speed military transports, and were based mostly on the shores of the [[Caspian Sea]] and [[Black Sea]]. The largest could transport over 100 tonnes of cargo. The development of ekranoplans was supported by [[Dmitri Ustinov]], Minister of Defence of the USSR. About 120 ekranoplans ([[A-90 Orlyonok]] class) were initially planned to enter military service in the Soviet Navy. The figure was later reduced to fewer than thirty vehicles, planned to be deployed mainly for the Black and the Baltic Soviet navies. Marshal Ustinov died in 1985, and the new Minister of Defence Marshal [[Sergei Sokolov (Marshal)|Sokolov]] effectively stopped the funding for the program. The only three operational [[A-90 Orlyonok]] ekranoplans built (with renewed hull design) and one Lun-class ekranoplan remained at a naval base near [[Kaspiysk]].
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After the collapse of the Soviet Union, smaller ekranoplans for non-military use have been under development. The CHDB had already developed the eight-seat Volga-2 in 1985, and Technologies and Transport developed a smaller version by the name of Amphistar.
In Germany, Lippisch was asked to build a very fast boat for Mr Collins from Collins Radio Company in the USA. He developed the X-112, a revolutionary design with reversed delta wing and T-tail. This design proved to be stable and efficient in ground effect and even though it was successfully tested, Collins decided to stop the project and sold the patents to a German company called Rhein Flugzeugbau (RFB) which further developed the model.
[[Fájl:Skimmerfoil Jorg IV-001.jpg|bélyegkép|jobbra|Tandem flarecraft]]
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Theoretical research into GEVs aerodynamics, ground effect and WIG craft stability has proceeded at a number of research centres. Performance enhancement of take off and landing distances as well as methods to increase sea state limitations have been analysed on prototypes and with model tests. Research continues into the determination of the most efficient planform configuration.
Besides the development of appropriate design and structural configuration, special automatic control systems and navigation systems are also being developed. These include special altimeters with high accuracy for small altitude measurements and also lesser dependence on weather conditions. After extensive research and experimentation, it has been shown that "Phase Radio-altimeters" are most suitable for such applications as compared to laser, isotopic or ultrasonic altimeters.<ref>COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DESIGN VARIANTS FOR LOW ALTITUDE FLIGHT PARAMETERS MEASURING SYSTEM by Prof.Alexander Nebylov, Sukrit Sharan, published in the 17th IFAC Symposium for Automatic Control</ref>
Even today R&D activities are being carried out for such vehicles in many countries which include Russia, USA, China, Germany, UK, Australia and many others. Other future projects include the horizontal take-off and horizontal landing of Aerospace Planes (ASP) using ekranoplans.
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* In China, GEVs are being researched to fulfill a number of roles in the Chinese military and commercial use. The [[China Academy of Science & Technology Development]] and [[China Ship Scientific Research Centre]] (CSSRC) started GEV project in 1980. The 702 design bureau and 708 design bureau designed a number of small prototypes. In 1995, the first commercial ferry [[Tianyi-1]] project started. In 1998, the first Tianyi-1 prototype is tested. In 2000, the model is for commercial sale in China. Currently a larger prototype [[Tianxiang-2]] has been completed and a 50 seater [[Tianxiang-5]] is under development.
* In the USA, a number of small companies have designed and tested a number of small ferry and recreational craft. The L-325 has gone into limited production and is for commercial sale in the US. Aerocon has proposed the development of a large GEV transport craft but does not appear to have gained sufficient funding for the project.
* In Germany, the military interest of the 1970s has decreased. As a result the German company RFB has shifted its emphasize away from GEV development. The former technical director Mr. Fisher founded a company Fischer Flugmechanik which has designed and built craft for the recreational market, their most notable development being the Airfish recreational craft. Fischer Flugmechanik, in conjunction with Techno Trans research institute, have been sponsored by the German Ministry of R&D to develop a second generation GEV. This has resulted in the development of the two seat prototype; HW-2VT.
* The Leading German company for Tandem Airfoil WIG Crafts is the Botec GmbH, located near Frankfurt.
In 1984 Phillip Morris Company awarded Dipl. Ing. Günther JÖRG as the winner of the competition for FUTURE TRAFFIC SYSTEMS. Botec Company was founded in 1987 under the leadership of the Tandem Airfoilboat specialist Dipl. Ing. Günther W. Jörg . Dipl. Ing. Günther W. Jörg and his team have developed a large number of WIG crafts for the civilian market, some of which have gone into limited production.
The development of those TAF (Tandem Airfoil Flairboat)includes a number of crafts in different designs and seizes. Botec GmbH has developed Tandem Airfoil Flairboats suitable for leisureboat applications and for commercial applications. Up to 2005 a number of 16 Tandem Airfoil Flairboats had been built and successfully tested according to all rules and regulations. Dipl.Ing.Günther W. Jörg and his team have provided a lot of ideas scheduled for further applications in commercial transportation sector.
* In Japan, GEV technology has been analyzed in order to gain a leading position in the fast ferry design and construction market. A number of research craft have been prototyped and tested but none have proceeded onto development.
* In Australia, there are a number of small enterprises, companies and individuals, the most newsworthy being the Rada and Seawing companies. These companies were established in the early 1990s with the goal of developing small commuter and recreational craft. None of the craft built by these companies, progressed beyond prototype development. Neither of these companies are functioning at the present, however the principals are still active in GEV development. In 2004, A company from Australia known as [[Sea Eagle (WIG craft)|Sea Eagle]] emerged, and work with the China CSSRC to develop the civilian range of Class B Wing Effect Craft. Currently the Craft is flying in China. [[ImageFájl:wig18.gif|thumb|right|[[Sea Eagle (WIG craft)|Sea Eagle]]]]
== Classification ==
One of the problems that have delayed the development of these craft is the classification and legislation to be applied. IMO has studied the application of rules based on the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSC code) which was developed for fast ships such as hydrofoils, hovercraft, catamarans and the like. The Russian Rules for classification and construction of small type A ekranoplans is a document upon which most GEV design is based. However in 2005, the IMO classified the WISE or GEV crafts under the category of ships.
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# '''Type A''' cannot operate out of ground effect.
# '''Type B''' can jump to clear obstacles by converting kinetic energy (speed) into potential energy (height), but cannot maintain flight without the support of the ground effect.
# '''Type C''' are certified as aircraft, with the ability to operate safely and efficiently in ground effect.
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* A [[biplane]]-style Type-1 utilizing a shoulder mounted main lift wing and a belly-mounted sponsons similar to those on combat and transport helicopters.
* A canard-style type-2 with a mid-size horizontal stabilizer near the nose of the craft directing airflow under the Main Lift Airfoil. This Type-2 tandem design is a major improvement during take-off as it creates an air cushion to lift the craft above the water at a lower speed, thereby reducing water drag which is the biggest obstacle to successful seaplane launches.
* A Tandem Wing Style with double-wing system as built in Tandem Airfoilboat constructions by Dipl. Ing. Günther Jörg. This system is self-stabilizing and leads to a very secure and comfortable Wing in Ground Effect Flight Typ A, which is very economical as well.
[[Fájl:Aquaglide 2.jpg|bélyegkép|jobbra|Russian light ekranoplan Aquaglide-2]]
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== Források ==
=== Bibliográfia ===
* ''EKRANOPLANES- Controlled Flight Close to the Sea'' by Prof.A.V.Nebylov, WIT Press.
* ''Complex Algorithms of Parameters Measuring Systems for Motion Close to the Sea'' by Sukrit Sharan(Aerospace Trainee from India) , IX Conference for Young Scientists, CSRI-ELEKTROPRIBOR, March 2007, St.Petersburg, Russia.
* ''Quality Measurement Criteria for Flight Close to the Sea Surface'' by Sukrit Sharan, Seminar on 'Aeronautics & Space', 9-13 April, 2007 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia.
* ''Easy Ways to Study Ground Effects'' by Aubin S.Y., Monchaux J., 2001.
* Bill Gunston, ''The Osprey Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft'', Osprey (2000), ISBN 978-1841760964
* Ernst Heinrich Hirschel, Horst Prem, Gero Madelung, ''Aeronautical Research in Germany: From Lilienthal Until Today'', Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K (2003), ISBN 978-3540406457
* Fishwick, S., ''Low flying boats'', Amateur Yacht Research Society, Thorpe Bay (2001), ISBN 0-85133-126-2
* Kirill V. Rozhdestvensky, ''Aerodynamics of a Lifting System in Extreme Ground Effect'', Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K (2002), ISBN 978-3540662778
* McGraw-Hill, ''McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms'', McGraw-Hill Professional (2002, ISBN 978-0070423138
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* [http://www.att-nn.com/ENGL/85yaers.htm Commemorating the 85th anniversary of Rostislav Evgenievich Alexeev], an outstanding designer of highspeed ships
* [http://autospeed.drive.com.au/cms/article.html?&A=1306&P=1 Between Wind and Waves: Ekranoplans]
* [http://www.home-taylor.freeserve.co.uk/index%20ekranoplan%20man.html Graham Taylor's Model Research] featuring footage of both model- and full-size ekranoplans
* [http://www.volga-shipyard.com/ Volga Shipyard] The only producer in the world of Ekranoplans
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7638659.stm BBC video story on Ekranoplans]
* [http://www.airfoil.de/Tandem Airfoil Flairboat page]
* [http://www.airforce.ru/en/ekranoplanes/ekranoplanes.htm ekranoplan (en)]
* [http://www.airforce.ru/aircraft/miscellaneous/ekranoplans/index.htm ekranoplan (ru)]