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Railway Simulation BAHN

Specification of Layout Files

Last recent changes: 2014-Dec-07

Valid for versions:

  • 3.88r1 (05/2014), 3.88r2 (12/2014)

(Info about previous versions 3.86..3.87 is not available, for 3.84 and 3.85 see original text files nt3_384d/e.txt and nt3_385e.txt)

There is no warranty for the contents of this file. Changes are reserved.

This file may be of interest for programmers who like to write software that can read, write or alter BAHN layout files.
It may be understandable for someone who has some experience as a programmer and who is familiar with BAHN.

  • <a href="#changes">Changes</a>
  • <a href="#remarks">General Remarks</a>
  • <a href="#filenames">Filenames and Extensions</a>
  • <a href="#datatypes">Data Types</a>
  • <a href="#structures">Multiple Used Data Structures</a>
    • <a href="#fversion">File Format (version)</a>
    • <a href="#k3">Coordinates</a>
    • <a href="#richtg">Directions</a>
    • <a href="#textmz">(Multi-lined) Texts</a>
    • <a href="#textinfo">Info Text</a>
    • <a href="#zeit">Time</a>
    • <a href="#namen">Names</a>
    • <a href="#dpgl">Depot References</a>
    • <a href="#dlist">Depot Lists</a>
    • <a href="#llist">Route Lists</a>
    • <a href="#tlist">Time Lists</a>
    • <a href="#schfkt">Switching function</a>
    • <a href="#schlist">Switching list</a>
    • <a href="#farben">Colors</a>
  • <a href="#header">File Header</a>
  • <a href="#allg">General Data</a>
  • <a href="#lin">Route Codes</a>
  • <a href="#fziel">Destinations</a>
  • <a href="#netz">Layout Data (Lines, Elements)</a>
    • <a href="#netzelem">Coding of elements</a>
    • <a href="#netzq">Storing of elements</a>
  • <a href="#zuege">Train Data</a>
    • <a href="#zugkallg">Train head, General</a>
    • <a href="#zugkv">Train head, Speed</a>
    • <a href="#zugkea">Train head, On/off service</a>
    • <a href="#zugt">Train, elements</a>
    • <a href="#zugf">Train, vehicles</a>
    • <a href="#res">Reservation of lines (Locking)</a>
  • <a href="#wei">Turnouts (Points/Switches)</a>
    • <a href="#weiallg">General Data</a>
    • <a href="#weivz">Junction/Branching</a>
    • <a href="#weiwx">Alternating Turnout</a>
    • <a href="#weizf">Random Turnout</a>
    • <a href="#weizt">Train Type Turnout</a>
    • <a href="#weisa">Signal-dependent Turnout</a>
    • <a href="#weifs">Itinerary Turnout</a>
  • <a href="#krzfs">Itinerary Crossings</a>
  • <a href="#rangp">Shunting Points (Turning Points)</a>
  • <a href="#depot">Depots</a>
    • <a href="#depotallg">General Data</a>
    • <a href="#depotgl">Single Tracks</a>
  • <a href="#taktp">Timing points</a>
    • <a href="#taktpallg">General Data</a>
    • <a href="#taktprzeit">Reset Times</a>
    • <a href="#taktpausf">Failed Departures</a>
    • <a href="#taktpgl">Single Tracks</a>
    • <a href="#taktpll">Route List</a>
    • <a href="#taktpzl">Time List (Departure Times)</a>
  • <a href="#dwx">Data Change Points (Route Change Points)</a>
  • <a href="#sig">Signal Systems and Elements</a>
    • <a href="#sigsys">Signal Systems</a>
    • <a href="#fstr">Itineraries</a>
    • <a href="#sigel">Signal System Elements</a>
    • <a href="#fstranm">Requests for Itineraries</a>
  • <a href="#textfmt">Text Formats</a>
  • <a href="#text">Text Data</a>
  • <a href="#hst">Stopping points / Stops / Stations</a>
  • <a href="#lafa">Speed restrictions</a>
  • <a href="#fzgsatz">Vehicle Sets</a>
  • <a href="#hgrbmp">Background Bitmap</a>
  • <a href="#logp">Log Points (Protocolling)</a>
  • <a href="#prellb">Bumpers / Line terminators</a>
  • <a href="#infotext">Local Information texts</a>
  • <a href="#soundp">Sound Points</a>
  • <a href="#anhang">Attached Additional Files</a>
  • <a href="#elemweg">Numbering/Coding of driving way elements</a>

<a name="changes"></a>Changes

Changes in BAHN 3.88r2
  • <a href="#fversion">file format</a> FV_3882
  • max. count of <a href="#hst">stopping points</a> 200,000 per layout
  • <a href="#lin">route codes</a>: display route and colors added
  • <a href="#llist">route list</a>:
    • <a href="#llist_znr">assignment of train number</a> relative ±99,900
    • <a href="#llist_lin2">assignment of route code</a>: same route is allowed
    • new condition <a href="#llist_b_sfkt">signal switching function</a> (for some elements)
  • <a href="#taktp">timing point</a>: some parameters omitted
  • <a href="#wei">turnout</a>: directions as RICHTUNG_xx instead of RICHTUNGBIT_xx
  • <a href="#weifs">itinerary turnout</a>: list of itineraries as _FL
  • <a href="#krzfs">itinerary crossing</a>: new structure, similar to itinerary turnout
  • turnouts + itinerary crossings: maximum count 524,287 (0x7FFFF) all together
  • <a href="#sigel">signal elements</a>: new multiple pairs of route lists and switching lists allow itinerary request contacts

<a name="remarks"></a>General Remarks

Since BAHN 3.88, the layout files are text files in XML style, always coded in UTF-8.

There is one exception: If other files are attached to a layout file, then these are copied binary "as is".

Many XML tags are empty i.e. they have only parameters (attributes) but no content.
The order of tags is important but the order of the attributes of a single tag is don't care.
Many parameters are optionally and get assigned a default value when missing.

On loading data, not all data are completely checked for correct values (this would be very slow and in some case impossible). In result, wrong data can cause program aborts or other bad results.
For some data, BAHN tries to ignore wrong values and to exchange them by standard values. That makes it possible to continue without error in many situations.

There are many data that stand at different places in the file but belong together (referring each other). In result these must be changed together.
Examples: Erasing a turnout from the layout data has to delete this turnout from the turnout data, too. Adding a stopping point element to the layout data needs to add a station data set in the stations data section too.

<a name="filenames"></a>Filenames and Extensions
Filename / ExtensionContents
*.nt3 BAHN layout file

Security copy of a layout file, where nnn is a decimal number
These are copies of .nt3 files and thus completely identically, i.e. this document describes both
See BAHN Help at "Backup mode" for more

<a name="datatypes"></a>Data types and symbols, used in this documentation

All numerical values are integers if not stated otherwise (speeds, accelerations).
Normally stored as decimal numbers but sometimes hexadecimal (should be stated).
When real numbers occur then the decimal point is used as separator.

BYTE8 bit unsigned
WORD1616 bit unsigned
INT1616 bit signed
WORD3232 bit unsigned
INT3232 bit signed
CHAR16 16 bit signed character coded in Unicode UTF-16

Remark: The files are UTF-8 coded but internally BAHN uses UTF-16, i.e. codes that cannot be stored as UTF-16 (but UTF-32 only) are not supported.

KOORD3coordinate triple, see <a href="#k3">coordinates</a>
DPGLdepot track reference, see <a href="#dpgl">depot reference</a>
ZEIT2, ZEIT4, ZEITDtime data, see <a href="#zeit">time data</a>
RGBX3color data, see <a href="#farben">color data</a>
[]array of variable length (with an extra given terminator sign or an extra given length measure)
[n]array of constant length (normally without end sign), n = Number (count) of elements
0x..hexadecimal number (e.g. 0xFF = 255)
|bitwise OR (non-exclusive)
&bitwise AND
>>nshift-right by n bit, left filled with 0
<<nshift-left by n bit, right filled with 0
bppbit per Pixel (color depth)
a == ba is equal b
a != ba is not equal b
UNICODE_CR= 0x000d
UNICODE_LF= 0x000a

<a name="structures"></a>Multiple Used Data Structures

<a name="fversion"></a>File Format (version)

The file format or version info serves to distinguish files created by different BAHN versions.

The format info is found in the <a href="#header">file header</a> and should be a value of the table below.

NameValuecreated by BAHN VersionRemarks
FV_38770x38773.88Beta4 compatible with FV_3880, used by all 3.88Beta up to 3.88r1
FV_38800x38803.88r1 also 3.88r1a,r1b, can be opened by 4.00b3
FV_38810x38813.88r1c,r1d temporary, not published, incompatible with 4.00b3
FV_38820x38823.88r2incompatible with 4.00b3
FV_39530x39534.00Beta3incompatible with 3.8x

Normally, they are upwards compatible, i.e. a newer version can open files of older formats, but mostly not vice-versa.
The value of a newer version is normally higher than a value of an older one. However, due to the parallel development of BAHN 3.8x and 4.00, there exist some exceptions to this simple idea.

<a name="k3"></a>Coordinates
#define NETZBREITE          65536
#define NETZHOEHE           65536
#define NETZEBENE_MIN          -4
#define NETZEBENE_MAX           0

Coordinates are always given as triple k3="nx,ny,nz".


The nz value is by default =NETZEBENE_STANDARD and then can be omitted, resulting in a pair k3="nx,ny" that means k3="nx,ny,NETZEBENE_STANDARD".

<a name="richtg"></a>Directions

_KEINE = no, _N = North, _S = South, _W = West, _O = East, _ANZAHL = count

Directions as values:

#define RICHTUNG_KEINE    (-1)
#define RICHTUNG_MIN        0
#define RICHTUNG_MIN_90     0
#define RICHTUNG_N          0
#define RICHTUNG_S          1
#define RICHTUNG_W          2
#define RICHTUNG_O          3
#define RICHTUNG_MAX_90     3
#define RICHTUNG_SO         4
#define RICHTUNG_NW         5
#define RICHTUNG_SW         6
#define RICHTUNG_NO         7
#define RICHTUNG_MAX        7

#define GETGEGENRICHTUNG( r )  ((r) ^ 1 )  /* get reverse direction */

Directions as bits (stored as hex codes):

#define RICHTUNGBIT_N      (1 << RICHTUNG_N)
#define RICHTUNGBIT_S      (1 << RICHTUNG_S)
#define RICHTUNGBIT_W      (1 << RICHTUNG_W)
#define RICHTUNGBIT_O      (1 << RICHTUNG_O)
#define RICHTUNGBIT_ALLE   0xFf                   /* all */
#define GETRICHTUNGBIT( r ) (1 << (r))            /* get direction bit */
#define MAKEGEGENRICHTUNGBIT( r ) {if ((r) & 0x55 ) (r) <<= 1; else (r) >>= 1;}  /* make reverse dir. bit */
#define GETGEGENRICHTUNGBIT( r ) ( (r) & 0x00000055 ? (r) << 1 : (r) >> 1 )   /* get reverse dir. bit */

bit for backwards (as bit in a WORD16, the LOBYTE is RICHTUNGBIT_xx)

#define RICHTUNGBIT_RW   (BIT_15)
<a name="textmz"></a>(Multi-lined) Texts

Some text data can consist of multiple lines. These texts can contain line-breaks (hard-coded).

Typical XML characters are masked:

CharacterWritten asMeaning
<&lt;less than, sometimes used as arrow
>&gt;greater than, sometimes used as arrow
"&quot;quotation mark
tabulator<tb />tabulator (not recommended to use)
line-break<br />hard line-break
arrows<p1..9 /> arrow (in BAHN's own code, used only in <a href="#text">texts in the layout</a>)
1..9 = direction like on the num pad, e.g. p4 = arrow to West
<a name="textinfo"></a>Info Text

Info texts belong to some data, e.g. <a href="#lin">route codes</a>, <a href="#zuege">trains</a>, <a href="#sigsys">signal systems</a> and <a href="#fstr">itineraries</a>. Mostly the length is given as count of characters. However, the length is checked binary only: In case of length = 0 the statement is omitted completely, and if length > 0 then the text is read up to MAXINFOTEXTSIZE-1 and cut if longer.

#define MAXINFOTEXTSIZE (20001)
<code> <info>..</info> </code>

The text stands between. It is a <a href="#textmz">multi-line</a> text.

<a name="zeit"></a>Time Data

Days of week as single values:

WTAG_KEIN0no day
WTAG_MIN(WTAG_MO)lowest day of week
WTAG_MAX(WTAG_SO)highest day of week

Days of week as bit masks:

WTAGMASK_WE0x60Sat+Sun (weekend)
#define GETWTAGBIT( day )   ( 1 << (day-1) )
#define ZEIT_NIE            (( WTAGMASK_NIE << 24 ) | ( 0 << 16 ) | ( 0 << 8 ) | 0 )
#define ZEIT_MIN            (( WTAGMASK_MO << 24 ) | ( 0 << 16 ) | ( 0 << 8 ) | 0 )

Time data are specified as:

wtag WTAG_xx as above, can define exactly one day, given as decimal number
wtagm WTAGMASK_xx as above, can define multiple days, given as hex code
h 0..23 Hour
min 0..59 Minute
sec 0..59 Second
ZEIT2 h:min day is not needed (=daily), sec=0
ZEITD wtag:h:min:sec can define exactly one day, wtag = WTAG_KEIN is omitted
ZEIT4 wtagm:h:min:sec can define multiple days
<a name="namen"></a>Names of Objects

Valid characters as found in the BAHN Help, maximum length also found in the following sections.

Note that there is a difference between <a href="#textfmt"> text formats</a>, <a href="#fziel">destinations</a> and <a href="#lin">display route code names</a> on one side and all other names on the other.

<a name="dpgl"></a>Depot references

References to <a href="#depot">depots</a> and depot tracks consist of 2 decimal values, separated by colon. The first is the depot id, the second the track number.
Example: "2:3" means depot with id == 2 and track number == 3.

#define DEPOTANZAHL          4000  /* max. count of depots */
#define DEPOTNR_MIN             1
#define DEPOTNR_UNDEF           0

#define DEPOT_MINGLEISNR        1  /* smallest track number */
#define DEPOT_MAXGLEISNR       99
#define DEPOT_ALLEGLEISE        0  /* undefined track (== all tracks) */
#define DEPOT_MAXGLEISZAHL (DEPOT_MAXGLEISNR - DEPOT_MINGLEISNR + 1)  /* max. count of tracks */

If depot == DEPOTNR_UNDEF, then track number == DEPOT_ALLEGLEISE. Otherwise it can specify an exact track or "all tracks" or "undefined", depending on the context. In this case it is not stored, e.g. "2" means depot with id == 2, all track numbers.

<a name="dlist"></a>Depot List

Depot lists are found at <a href="#weivz">junction turnouts</a> and <a href="#sigel">signal system elements</a>.

#define MAXDEPLISTSIZE     (MAXLINLISTSIZE)    /* maximum length */
#define DLELEMLEN_BASIS         (2)            /* maximum length of single entry */

The x is a place holder for one character (or none) to distinguish between multiple lists at the same object, e.g. "DL1" and "DL2". For objects that have only one list, it is mostly omitted.

Empty lists are not stored, i.e. the whole tag is omitted.
The count of entries is not stored but must not exceed the limit MAXDEPLISTSIZE/DLELEMLEN_BASIS.
Each element (depot or depot:track) is counted as one entry.

The single elements are tags and contain a <a href="#dpgl">DPGL</a> reference of a depot number (id) and an optional track number.


In the BAHN dialogs there are intervals of multiple tracks of the same depot, e.g. "DepotA:1-3". However, these intervals are stored as single entries following each other.

<a name="llist"></a>Route List

Route lists are found at many elements like <a href="#weivz">junction turnouts</a>, <a href="#dwx">data change points</a>, <a href="#sigel">signal system elements</a> and others.
Formerly they contained route codes only but today they can store much more conditions and assignments. However, often there is the simple situation of one ore multiple route codes without more parameters.

#define LINDEPLISTUNIT  (sizeof(INT32))   /* unit for elements in route lists */
#define MAXLINLISTSIZE       (1600)       /* maximum size of a route list in LINDEPLISTUNIT */
#define LINTEXTBUFSIZE       (8001)       /* maximum size of a route list in characters for input/output */

The x is a place holder for one character (or none) to distinguish between multiple lists at the same object, e.g. "LL1" and "LL2". For objects that have only one list, it is mostly omitted.

Empty lists are not stored, i.e. the whole tag is omitted.
The count of entries is not stored.
The summary length of entries must not exceed the limit MAXLINLISTSIZE, however these are of different length internally.

For display/input of route lists, the LINTEXTBUFSIZE is defined (summary of all characters incl. UNICODE_NULL terminator). If a binary route list is longer when displaying it, then it will be shown incomplete, and in case of input it will be cut. This may occur if named objects like route codes, destinations or depots have been renamed later and got a longer name this way.

The list is processed from left to right (top to bottom), and the first entry is taken that is suitable for the train at current moment.

Each entry is a tag, covered by:


It can contain conditions and assignments, depending on the context.
The conditions are valid in all route lists if not stated otherwise (few exceptions).
In some route lists, only certain or no assignments are allowed (e.g. at <a href="#weivz">junction turnouts</a>: conditions, but no changes). At data change points at least one assignment must exist.

<a name="llist_b_lin"></a>Route as condition
#define MAXANZAHL_LIN1   (40)   /* maximum count of routes per entry (before the opening parenthesis) */

The tag contains the id of a <a href="#lin">route code</a> as LINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAX or LINNR_UNDEF. In the text display, the routes are connected by "+". The route code LINNR_UNDEF (in BAHN shown as "*") is valid and means "valid for trains of all routes". In case of multiple entries, it makes sense as last entry only or connected with other conditions.

The route code condition is handled here as well as the other conditions and assignments. For historical reason it is shown different in BAHN before the parentheses while all others are inside the parentheses.

<a name="llist_b_fziel"></a>Destination as condition
#define MAXANZAHL_B_FZIEL (40)  /* maximum count of destination conditions per entry */

The tag starts with the operator (optionally, default is "="):


There follow the <a href="#fziel">destinations</a>, each as tag:


Inside the tag there is the destination id as LINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAX or LINNR_UNDEF (for "empty").

<a name="llist_b_intv"></a>Time interval as condition
#define MAXANZAHL_B_INTV      (40)   /* maximum count of time intervals (=time conditions) per entry */

#define LL_INTV_WDH_KEINE       0   /* no repetition (no loop) */
#define LL_INTV_WDH_ABST_MIN    60  /* smallest distance between intervals to repeat in sec */
#define LL_INTV_WDH_ABST_MAX   (6*60*60) /* highest ~ = 6h = 21600s */
#define LL_INTV_WDH_LEN_MIN     60  /* smallest length of interval to repeat in sec (=1min) */
#define LL_INTV_WDH_LEN_MAX    (6*60*60-1) /* highest ~ = 6h-1s = 21599s */
<code><i a= e= w= /></code>


ayes<a href="#zeit">ZEIT4</a>-first time, begin
eyesZEIT4-last time, end
wno LL_INTV_WDH_ABST_MIN..LL_INTV_WDH_ABST_MAX, LL_INTV_WDH_LEN_MIN..LL_INTV_WDH_LEN_MAX no looprepeat info, 2 values: distance and duration, both in sec
<a name="llist_b_wsl"></a>Probability as condition
#define LL_WSL_SUM_MIN          2     /* less would be nonsense */
#define LL_WSL_SUM_MAX       1000     /* maximum summary value */
#define LL_WSL_ANTEIL_MIN   (LL_WSL_SUM_MIN-1)   /* minimum part value */

Inside the tag there are 2 values: summary and part, e.g. "2,1" for 1:2 or "100,50" for 50%.

summary is in range LL_WSL_SUM_MIN..LL_WSL_SUM_MAX
part is in range LL_WSL_ANTEIL_MIN..summary-1.

<a name="llist_b_znr"></a>Train number as condition
#define MAXANZAHL_B_ZNR   (40) /* maximum count of train number conditions per entry */

The tag starts with the operator (optionally, default is "="):


There follow the <a href="#zugkallg">train numbers</a>, each as tag:


Inside the tag there is the train number in range ZUGNUMMER_MIN..ZUGNUMMER_MAX. A 2nd value separated by comma defines an interval from the first one.

<a name="llist_b_zkat"></a>Train category as condition
#define ZUGKAT_BIT     ( 1 << ( ZUGKAT_xxx - ZUGKAT_MIN ))

Inside the tag there is a mask of <a href="#zugkallg">train category</a> bits (hex), each of these =ZUGKAT_BIT( category value )

<a name="llist_b_zgat"></a>Train species (priority) as condition
#define ZUGGAT_BIT     ( 1 << ( ZUGGAT_xxx - ZUGGAT_MIN ))

Inside the tag there is a mask of <a href="#zugkallg">train species</a> bits (hex), each of these =ZUGGAT_BIT( species value )

<a name="llist_b_zeig"></a>Train properties as condition

Single bits for properties:

#define LL_ZEIG_KEINE        0x00000000  /* nothing (senseless) */
#define LL_ZEIG_AR_NORMAL    0x00000001  /* going on-duty, with passengers */
#define LL_ZEIG_AR_DF        0x00000002  /* going on-duty, non-revenue */
#define LL_ZEIG_ER_NORMAL    0x00000004  /* going off-duty, with passengers */
#define LL_ZEIG_ER_DF        0x00000008  /* going off-duty, non-revenue */
#define LL_ZEIG_WDZUG        0x00000010  /* is shuttle train (push-pull) */
#define LL_ZEIG_KWDZUG       0x00000020  /* is not a shuttle train (not push-pull) */
#define LL_ZEIG_TFZ_VORN     0x00000040  /* 1st vehicle is motorized */
#define LL_ZEIG_KTFZ_VORN    0x00000080  /* 1st vehicle is non-motorized */
#define LL_ZEIG_AR_KEIN      0x00000100  /* is not going on-duty */
#define LL_ZEIG_ER_KEIN      0x00000200  /* is not going off-duty */

Inside the tag there is a mask of LL_ZEIG_xxx bits (hex).

Some of the bits do not make sense when used both, e.g. _WDZUG and _KWDZUG.

<a name="llist_b_fzahl"></a>Vehicle count as condition
#define LL_FZAHL_MIN            1     /* less would be nonsense */
#define LL_FZAHL_MAX    (MAXZUGFSYM)  /* maximum value for vehicle count */
#define LL_FZAHL_0              0     /* invalid value */

The tag starts with the operator:


There follows the count of vehicles, in range of LL_FZAHL_MIN..LL_FZAHL_MAX.
An optional 2nd value separated by comma defines an interval from the first one. Then, only equal or not equal operators make sense.

<a name="llist_b_zlen"></a>Train length as condition
#define LL_ZUGLEN_MIN       (MIN_FZGLEN)             /* less would be nonsense */
#define LL_ZUGLEN_MAX      (MAXZUGGSYM * SYMBREITE)  /* maximum value for vehicle count, pixels! */
#define LL_ZUGLEN_0             0                    /* invalid value */

The tag starts with the operator:


There follows the length, in range of LL_ZUGLEN_MIN..LL_ZUGLEN_MAX. Note these are pixels in M1:1, not elements.
An optional 2nd value separated by comma defines an interval from the first one. Then, only equal or not equal operators make sense.

<a name="llist_b_sfkt"></a>Signal switching function as condition

Available only if (<a href="#fversion">file format</a> ≥ FV_3882).

Restricted to some elements: <a href="#weivz">junction turnouts</a>, <a href="#rangp">shunting points</a> and <a href="#dwx">data change points</a>.


Inside there is a <a href="#schfkt">signal switching function</a> without additional character.

<a name="llist_lin2"></a>Route code assignment

The tag contains the id of a <a href="#lin">route code</a> as LINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAX or LINNR_UNDEF. The route code LINNR_UNDEF (in BAHN shown as "*") is valid and means "set value to base route code".

If (<a href="#fversion">file format</a> ≥ FV_3881) then it is allowed to assign the same route code as mentioned as condition. This makes sense sometimes when combining with other assignments.

<a name="llist_fziel2"></a>Destination assignment

The tag contains the id of a <a href="#fziel">destination</a> as LINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAX or LINNR_UNDEF. The code LINNR_UNDEF is valid and means "clear destination (set to empty)".

<a name="llist_hsti"></a>Stop time interval assignment

The tag contains the minimum and maximum value of time to stay at <a href="#hst">stopping points</a> in the range MIN_HSTMINMAX..MAX_HSTMINMAX.
The 2nd value is separated by comma, needs to be ≥ the 1st one and is omitted if equal.

<a name="llist_zkat"></a>Train category assignment

The tag contains the train category as ZUGKAT_MIN..ZUGKAT_MAX or ZUGKAT_KEINE. The code ZUGKAT_KEINE is valid and means "set value to base category".

<a name="llist_zgat"></a>Train species assignment

The tag contains the train species (priority) as ZUGGAT_MIN..ZUGGAT_MAX or ZUGGAT_KEINE. The code ZUGGAT_KEINE is valid and means "set value to base species".

<a name="llist_fweg"></a>Driving way assignment

The tag contains the new way as <a href="#zugkallg">FW_SCHIENE</a>, FW_WASSER or FW_BUS.

<a name="llist_znr"></a>Train number assignment

The tag contains two values, separated by comma.
The first value is either a train number or a relative value.
The second value is one of ATTR_LL_MINMAX_xxx and defines how to interpret the first one. The default is ATTR_LL_MINMAX_EXAKT, then the 2nd value is not stored.

Possible values of 2nd parameter:

#define ATTR_LL_MINMAX_EXAKT (0)    /* value1 is an absolute <a href="#zugkallg">train number</a> */
#define ATTR_LL_MINMAX_MIN   (1)    /* use free number, value1 is minimum */
#define ATTR_LL_MINMAX_MAX   (2)    /* use free number, value1 is maximum */
#define ATTR_LL_MINMAX_REL   (3)    /* add value1 to current number, value1 may be <0 */

If the 1st parameter is a relative value (i.e. the 2nd is =ATTR_LL_MINMAX_REL), then the valid range is both -ZUGNRMASK_SET_REL_MAX..-ZUGNRMASK_SET_REL_MIN and ZUGNRMASK_SET_REL_MIN..ZUGNRMASK_SET_REL_MAX:

#define ZUGNRMASK_SET_REL_MAX   (1000)   /* <a href="#fversion">file format</a> &lt FV_3881 */
#define ZUGNRMASK_SET_REL_MAX   (99900)  /* file format ≥ FV_3881 */
<a name="llist_bsl"></a>Acceleration assignment
<code><Aa>..</Aa></code>   for speeding up
<code><Ab>..</Ab></code>   for braking

The tag contains the new <a href="#zugkv">acceleration</a> value. The range is BSL_MIN..BSL_MAX or BSL_UNDEF, with 2 digits after the decimal point.

<a name="llist_kfrei"></a>Keep crossings free assignment

The tag contains the new value as 1 (keep crossings free) or 0 (do not).

<a name="llist_wdzug"></a>Push-pull train assignment

The tag contains the new value as 1 (train is push-pull train) or 0 (is not).

<a name="llist_arerzeit"></a>Times to go on/off duty assignment
<code><Az z= l= t= dp= fd= /></code>    for going on-duty
<code><Ez z= l= t= dp= fd= /></code>    for going off-duty

There can be multiple tags. The Ez follow after the Az.


zyes0..MAX_ARERDAT-line number, 0 means "for all lines" (only for deleting)
lno0 or 101= delete line or all lines, then no further attributes
t(l=0)<a href="#zeit">ZEIT4</a>-time
dpno<a href="#dpgl">DPGL</a>DEPOTNR_UNDEF depot and track, DEPOTNR_UNDEF means home depot
dfno0 or 101= as non-revenue trip
<a name="llist_vmax"></a>Maximum speed assignment

The tag contains the new <a href="#zugkv">vmax</a> value. The range is MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAX, with 3 digits after the decimal point.

<a name="llist_rglen"></a>Shunting length assignment

The tag contains the new <a href="#zugkallg">shunting length</a> value. The range is -MAXZUGGSYM+1..MAXZUGGSYM-1. Negative values will be added to the train's current shunting length, i.e. effect from tail backwards. If the train is not longer than abs(value), then the data are ignored.

<a name="llist_blzeit"></a>Time to report blockage assignment

The tag contains the new time to report that the train is blocked, in sec. The range is MIN_BLOCKZEIT..MAX_BLOCKZEIT (0=no report).

<a name="llist_ausr"></a>Status going on-duty assignment

The tag contains the new status as

  • 0 = clear (train is not going on-duty)
  • 1 = set (train is going on-duty)
  • 3 = set (train is going on-duty as non-revenue trip)

The status cannot be set if "going off-duty" has been set for the train.

<a name="llist_einr"></a>Status going off-duty assignment
<code><Er dp= >..</Er></code>


dpno<a href="#dpgl">DPGL</a>DEPOTNR_UNDEF target depot and track, DEPOTNR_UNDEF see below

The tag contains the new status as

  • 0 = clear (train is not going off-duty), parameter dp is ignored
  • 1 = set (train is going off-duty)
  • 3 = set (train is going off-duty as non-revenue trip)

If set but no depot is given:

  • If the train was not going off-duty before, then to the home depot
  • If the train does not have a home depot, the entry is ignored
  • If the train already is going off-duty, then the entry only toggles between non-revenue trip or not

If the status is set, then the status "going on-duty" is cleared implicitly when set before.

<a name="llist_licht"></a>Light status assignment

The tag contains the new value as 1 (lights are on) or 0 (lights are off).

<a name="tlist"></a>Time List

Time lists are found at <a href="#taktp">timing points</a> and <a href="#sigsys">signal systems</a>.


In case of an empty list, the whole tag is missing.

A time list consists of one or multiple day groups, each of them containing data for 24h.

<a name="tlisttg"></a>Day Group
<code><TG wt= >..</TG></code>

Parameter: wt = WTAGMASK_xx, can store multiple days.
In case of WTAGMASK_NIE, the whole tag is omitted.
If there are multiple day groups, then their wt parameters must define exlusive days, i.e. not overlap.

The day group embraces the data of 24 hours, following sorted from 0 to 23.

<a name="tliststd"></a>Hour
#define ZEICHEN_ZLWD  'w'
<code><H h= >..</H></code>

Parameter: h = hour 0..23.
If there are hours with the same data following each other directly, then there is a 2nd value, e.g. h="6,16" means valid for all hours from 6 to 16.
Hours without data are omitted.

Inside the hour, there are following the times, sorted by time, divided by comma.

If seconds are =0, then they are ignored, otherwise stored with 2 digits, separated by colon.

If a time forces to turn backwards, then a ZEICHEN_ZLWD character follows. In contrast with BAHN dialogues, this is constant and not language-depending.

<a name="schfkt"></a>Switching Function
#define MAX_SCHALTFKT_LEN   (200)    /* maximum count of entries in a switching list */

A switching function contains the numbers of <a href="#sigsys">signal systems</a> or <a href="#fstr">itineraries</a> and operators.


The x is a place holder for one character (or none) to distinguish between multiple lists at the same object, e.g. "SF1" and "SF2". For objects that have only one list, it is mostly omitted.

Empty lists are not stored, i.e. the whole tag is omitted.
The count of entries is not stored but must not exceed the limit MAX_SCHALTFKT_LEN.
Each element (operator or operand) is counted as one entry.

The single elements are tags and contain either an operand (id of a signal system or an itinerary) or an operator:

<s>..</s>operandid of signal system or itinerary
<o>..</o>operatoroperator except parenthesis

The operators are the same as in BAHN dialogs, but keep in mind that ampersand & is masked as &amp; in XML.

The function is calculated from left to right, but in consideration of the priority of operators (see BAHN Help).

<a name="schlist"></a>Switching List
#define MAX_SCHALTLIST_LEN  (100)    /* maximum count of entries in a switching list */

A switching list contains the numbers of <a href="#sigsys">signal systems</a> or <a href="#fstr">itineraries</a>.

<code><SLx>..</SLx></code> or <code><ALx>..</ALx></code> or <code><FLx>..</FLx></code>

The SL is used for real switching lists. It can contain both signal systems and itineraries, to switch up (+) or down (-). The same element may be listed multiple, when all entries are of the same way (i.e. all + or all -).

The AL is used for alternative lists of itineraries.
The FL is used for lists at <a href="#weifs">itinerary turnouts</a> and <a href="#krzfs">itinerary crossings</a> (see remark below).
Both contain itineraries only without switching. It does not make sense to list the same element multiple.

Remark: In <a href="#fversion">file format</a> <FV_3881, SL lists are used for itinerary turnouts for some mysterious reason. However, they do not switch the itineraries.

The x is a place holder for one character (or none) to distinguish between multiple lists at the same object, e.g. "FL1" and "FL2". For objects that have only one list, it is mostly omitted.

Empty lists are not stored, i.e. the whole tag is omitted.
The count of entries is not stored but must not exceed the limit MAX_SCHALTLIST_LEN.

The single elements are tags and contain the id of a signal system or an itinerary:

TagUsed inMeaning
<e>..</e>SL listturning on (+)
<a>..</a>SL listturning off (-)
<s>..</s>AL and FL listsno switching
<a name="farben"></a>Colors
#define RGBX3_TRANSPARENT L't'  /* transparent, no RGB */
#define RGBX3_WIE_TEXTVG  L'v'  /* same as foreground, no RGB */
#define RGBX3_IMMERHELL   L'h'  /* always lighting (without darkness at night), RGB3 follows */

RGB (red-green-blue) is stored as hex value of 6 digits, 2 digits for each part.

Instead of RGB there can occur RGBX3_TRANSPARENT or RGBX3_WIE_TEXTVG.

RGB value can be preceded by RGBX3_IMMERHELL, e.g. "hFFFFFF" is white, always lighting.

<a name="header"></a>Header

As for standard XML, the first line is

<code> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> </code>

BAHN does not support other codings than UTF-8 here.

Some comment lines may follow (generally comment lines may be added anywhere).

A DTD (DOCTYPE declaration) may follow but is ignored. BAHN self does not write a DTD.

All the data are embraced by the tag:

<code> <BAHN_Sim_Netz_NT3 format="nnnn"></code>

The "format" parameter is the file format info (version info), as hexadecimal number of 4 digits. For valid values see <a href="#fversion">file format</a>.

Next, the creator statement:

<code> <Prog name="xxxx" vs_n="nnn" reg="xxxx-xxxx" /></code>


nameno, but recommendedName of program that created the fileBAHN 3.88r1
vs_nno, but recommendedVersion of program that created the file3.88.1.0
regnoSome info about registration status of the user (if created by BAHN)r388-...

<a name="allg"></a>General Data

The section is embraced in

<code> <Allg></code>

Parameters: none

Some Status Info
<code> <Status pw= anhang= zufall= /></code>


pwnoINT320If not zero then the file is password protected (not further described here)
anhangno0 or 101 = Additional files are attached to the file, see <a href="#anhang">attachments</a>
zufallnoINT320 value > 0 for initialisation of pseudo random generator
 (i.e. after each load of the file, all "random" events will occur exactly the same way)
In standard BAHN it is always 0. Then, the initialisation is done using a random value that is generated from the current clock.
General Info Texts

for each: maximum number of characters + 1 for internal UNICODE_NULL, i.e. here one character less

#define NETFILEHEADSIZE    81   /* title */
#define NETFILEAUTSIZE     81   /* author */
#define NETFILETEXTSIZE 20001   /* text info */
<code> <Titel></code>

no parameters, but content: the head line of the file, as found in "Edit" - "General Info"

<code> <Autor></code>

no parameters, but content: the author information of the file, as found in "Edit" - "General Info"

<code> <NetzInfo></code>

no parameters, but content: the general information text of the file, as found in "Edit" - "General Info".

This text may consist of <a href="#textmz">multiple lines</a>.

Edit Window Parameters
<code> <EditF nxlo= nylo= k3= /></code>


nxloyes0..NETZBREITE-1-nx coordinate of upper left corner
nyloyes0..NETZHOEHE-1-ny coordinate of upper left corner
k3yesKOORD3-cursor position (nz is also the Window's nz position)

Only the data of the current Edit window are stored, even if multiple Edit windows are open.

The coordinate values of the upper left corner of the current Edit window are given in BAHN coordinates. Both values may be corrected on loading, because the screen size resp. window size may different than in the moment the file was stored. The values are corrected in a way that the right and down border are not exceeded.

The cursor position's nx and ny values may be corrected while loading, respectively the window corner is changed; in any case in a way, that after loading, the cursor is in the visible area, depending on the current window size and zoom option. The nz value is set as current level of the window.

Stored Cursor Positions
<code> <MerkPos anz= ></code>


anzyes0..MERKPOS_ANZAHL-1-count of stored positions
#define MERKPOS_ANZAHL       (400)

The data for the single positions follow. However, BAHN stores only data that differ from the previous position, i.e. lines of same content as previous line are not stored.

For each position:

<code> <P nr= k3= t_ruf= info= ></code>


nryes0..MERKPOS_ANZAHL-1-line number
k3yesKOORD3-position (coordinates)
t_rufnoZEIT2no calltime of call
infonotext[MERKPOSCOMMENTSIZE]emptyinfo text
Home Position
<code><Pos1 k3= ></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (coordinates)

The "Home" position is to reach by default by hot-key "Home/Pos1". Normally it is set to a central position in the layout.

Marked Area
<code><Mark1 k3= /></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (coordinates)
<code> <Mark2 k3= ein= /></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (coordinates)
einno0 or 101= marking is visible

The 2 coordinate triples define a space (room) for the marked area (for complex edit functions as Shifting, Copy/Paste etc.). Both points may be defined freely, i.e. it is not needed that X1,Y1,Z1 is the upper left corner. Both points belong to the area.

Start Point to Build Lines/Connections
<code> <Bau1 k3= /></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (coordinates)

The nz coordinate value is ignored and by default 0. As nz, the current level of the cursor position of the current Edit window is used.

Simulation Time of the Layout
#define MINSPEED          (1)
#define MAXSPEED         (20)
#define AUTOSTOPWDH_MAX (999)
<code> <Zeit v_sim= t_sim= t_ms= wtblock= minsum= t_stop= stop_wdh= /></code>


v_simyesMINSPEED..MAXSPEED- simulation speed
(1 = synchronised by real time, 20 = without braking, 2..19 somewhere between)
t_simyesZEITD-simulation time {day,h,min,sec}, if day missing, then Monday
t_msno0..9990simulation time {ms}, not all values really used
wtblockno0 or 101=counting of days of week is blocked (always same day)
minsumnoINT320summary of minutes the layout did run
t_stopnoZEITDno stopauto stop time, if day = WTAG_KEIN, then the stop is daily, i.e. undependent on the current day.
stop_wdhno0..AUTOSTOPWDH_MAX0 auto stop time, backwards count of days

Only valid go-throughs are counted: If a day of week is defined, then weekly only, i.e. the counter counts weeks.

Borders (Extent of the Layout)

The complete tag is informal only and can be omitted.

<code> <RandMin k3= /></code>
<code> <RandMax k3= /></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (coordinates)

The data contain the smallest and highest position where something is located in the layout, except dispatcher messages. These values are not really checked on loading, but updated after loading the other data. However, you can use them for test purposes.

In an empty layout, the min values nx, ny are = -1, the max values nx, ny = 0.

Scale of the Layout
#define MIN_MASSSTAB     2
#define MAX_MASSSTAB    90
<code> <Massstab el_p_km= /></code>


el_p_kmyesMIN_MASSSTAB..MAX_MASSSTAB-scale in elements / km
#define MIN_GITTERABSTAND       2
#define MAX_GITTERABSTAND     512
#define GITTER_INI_POS          0
#define GITTER_INI_HLIN        64  
#define GITTER_INI_NLIN        16
<code><Gitter nx0= ny0= dx1= dy1= dx2= dy2= ein= /></code>


nx0no0..NETZBREITE-1GITTER_INI_POSnx coordinate of base point
ny0no0..NETZHOEHE-1GITTER_INI_POSny coordinate of base point
dx1yesMIN_GITTERABSTAND..MAX_GITTERABSTANDGITTER_INI_HLIN Step of main grid lines in x direction
dy1yesMIN_GITTERABSTAND..MAX_GITTERABSTANDGITTER_INI_HLIN Step of main grid lines in y direction
dx2yesMIN_GITTERABSTAND..MAX_GITTERABSTANDGITTER_INI_NLIN Step of secondary grid lines in x direction
dy2yesMIN_GITTERABSTAND..MAX_GITTERABSTANDGITTER_INI_NLIN Step of secondary grid lines in y direction
einno0 or 101 = grid is turned on (visible)
Day / Night switching
#define TAG_BEGIN_STD   (( 7<<8) |  0)  /*  7:00 */
#define TAG_ENDE_STD    ((17<<8) |  0)  /* 17:00 */
#define NACHT_BEGIN_STD ((18<<8) | 30)  /* 18:30 */
#define NACHT_ENDE_STD  (( 5<<8) | 30)  /*  5:30 */
<code> <TagNacht tag_a= tag_e= nacht_a= nacht_e= zust= /></code>


tag_anoZEIT2TAG_BEGIN_STDbegin of day
tag_enoZEIT2TAG_ENDE_STDend of day (begin of dusk)
nacht_anoZEIT2NACHT_BEGIN_STDbegin of night
nacht_enoZEIT2NACHT_ENDE_STDend of night (begin of dawn)

0 = off
1 = Day/Night-switching is active in level 0 (surface)
2 = Day/Night-switching in levels <0 displays night colors
3 = 1|2 (both)

If one or more of the times are missing, wrong, equal or in a non-sense order, then all are set to default.

Files of user-defined scenic elements
#define MAXPATH                 256
<code> <NElemLand anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of files = 0..NUTZERGZGSATZ_DATEIZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

For each entry:

<code> <Dt pos= name= /></code>

pos = line number, zero based

name = file name:

  • without path data (no drive or other device, no directory)
  • normally with extension ".uz1" or ".uzg"
  • Win32-compatible, i.e. CHAR16[1..MAXPATH] of valid charactersCHAR16[1..MAXPATH]

Empty lines are not stored.

Files of user-defined signals
#define NUTZERSIG_DATEIZAHL_HSIG   20 /* Hauptsignale = stop signals */
#define NUTZERSIG_DATEIZAHL_VSIG   20 /* Vorsignale = distant signals */
#define NUTZERSIG_DATEIZAHL_KSIG   20 /* Kombisignale = combined signals */
<code> <NElemHSig anz= ></code>
<code> <NElemVSig anz= ></code>
<code> <NElemKSig anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of files = 0..NUTZERSIG_DATEIZAHL_HSIG

Further details are the same as for user-defined scenic elements (see section above).

Stop, distant and combined signals follow in this order.

Files of user-defined way elements
<code> <NElemFweg anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of files = 0..NUTZERFWEG_DATEIZAHL

Further details are the same as for user-defined scenic elements and signals (see sections above).

Files of user-defined vehicles
<code> <NElemFzg anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of files = 0..NUTZERZGGSATZ_DATEIZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

For each entry:

<code> <Dt pos= name= /></code>

pos = line number, zero based

name = file name:

  • without path data (no drive or other device, no directory)
  • normally with extension ".nfz" or ".ufg"
  • Win32-compatible, i.e. CHAR16[1..MAXPATH] of valid characters

Empty lines are not stored.

For an ".ufg" file, a suitable ".uzz" file must exist. The name is generated by BAHN by exchanging the extension.

<a name="lin"></a>Route Codes

Maximum count of route codes:

#define MAXLINANZAHL   (5000) 
#define LINBZLEN       (12)
#define LINNR_UNDEF      0
#define LINNR_MIN        1
#define LINNR_MAX      (MAXLINANZAHL+MAXFZIELANZAHL+5)  /* some more than needed */
<code> <Linien anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of route codes = 0..MAXLINANZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

For each route code:

<code> <L id= name= n2= vg= hg= info= ></code>


NameFile FormatNeededValueDefaultMeaning
idallyesLINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAXnounique identifier (also unique to destinations)
nameallyesCHAR16[1..LINBZLEN]nounique <a href="#namen">name</a> (also unique to destinations)
n2≥FV_3882noCHAR16[1..LINBZLEN]emptydisplay name (not unique)
vg≥FV_3882noRGBX3RGBX3_TRANSPARENTdisplay text color (characters)
hg≥FV_3882noRGBX3RGBX3_TRANSPARENTdisplay background color
infoallno0..MAXINFOTEXTSIZE0length of info text in characters

The id is used for references to this route, e.g. in <a href="#llist">route lists</a>.
When erasing a route from the route data, it has to be deleted from all references too (trains, turnouts, timing points etc.). When renaming, then change the name only, but the id remains.

If the colors are equal RGBX3_TRANSPARENT then they are not used. Other special values of <a href="#farben">RGBX3</a> type are invalid here.

If info > 0 then the info text follows as the data of the tag, see <a href="#textinfo">info texts</a>. The real length value is unimportant.

<a name="fziel"></a>Destinations

#define MAXFZIELANZAHL (5000)  /* max. count of destinations */
#define FZIELNAMELEN     (32)
#define FZIELKNAMELEN     (8)
<code> <Ziele anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of destinations = 0..MAXFZIELANZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

For each destination:

<code> <Zi id= name= n2= n3= n4= nk= ></code>


idyesLINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAXnounique identifier (also unique to route codes)
nameyesCHAR16[1..FZIELNAMELEN]nounique name (also unique to route codes)
n2noCHAR16[1..FZIELNAMELEN]empty2nd name (also unique to route codes)
n3noCHAR16[1..FZIELNAMELEN]empty3rd name (also unique to route codes)
n4noCHAR16[1..FZIELNAMELEN]empty4th name (also unique to route codes)
nknoCHAR16[1..FZIELKNAMELEN]emptyshort name (also unique to route codes)

The id is used for references to this destination, e.g. in <a href="#llist">route lists</a>.
When erasing a destination, it has to be deleted from all references too (trains, turnouts, timing points, trains etc.). When renaming, then change the name only, but the id remains.

When setting a name to empty, then shift the next ones in a suitable way, e.g. when n2=empty but n3="Abc" then set n2="Abc" and n3=empty.

<a name="netz"></a>Layout Data (Lines, Elements)

<a name="netzelem"></a>Coding of elements

All elements of the layout are of WORD16 size.

Bits15..0Hex codeUsed for
00-- ---- ---- ----0x0000-0x31FF32 × 0x200 standard driving way, not locked
0011 ---- ---- ----0x3200-0x390720 × 90 user-defined driving way, not locked
0011 ---- ---- ----0x3908-0x3FFFnot used
01-- ---- ---- ----0x4000-0x71FFstandard driving way, locked
0111 ---- ---- ----0x7200-0x7907user-defined driving way, locked
0011 ---- ---- ----0x7908-0x7FFFnot used
10-- ---- ---- ----0x8000-0xBFFF not used inside layout files, however some more are used while running the simulation
110- ---- ---- ----0xC000-0xD8FFstandard scenic elements (Bit0 = mostly for mirrored or similar)
11-- ---- ---- ----0xD900-0xFFAB110 × 90 user-defined scenic elements (Bit0 = often used for mirrored)
1111 ---- ---- ----0xFFAC-0xFFFFnot used

Some element codes:

NameHex codeMeaning
MIN_FAHRWEG..MAX_FAHRWEG0x0000..0x3FFFdriving way elements (without locking)
MIN_SCHIENE..MAX_SCHIENE0x0000..MAX_GLEIS_BBKtrack elements (rails)
MIN_GLEIS_STR..MAX_GLEIS_STR0x0000..0x0FFFtrack elements (rails on road)
MIN_GLEIS_STR1..MAX_GLEIS_STR10x0000..0x01FFtrack elements (rails on road1, dark grey)
MIN_GLEIS_STR1RD..MAX_GLEIS_STR1RD0x0200..0x03FFtrack elements (rails on road1, dark grey, with additional borders)
MIN_GLEIS_STR2..MAX_GLEIS_STR20x0400..0x05FFtrack elements (rails on road2, light grey - dark grey)
MIN_GLEIS_STR2RD..MAX_GLEIS_STR2RD0x0600..0x07FFtrack elements (rails on road2, light grey - dark grey, with additional borders)
MIN_GLEIS_STR3..MAX_GLEIS_STR30x0800..0x09FFtrack elements (rails on road3, dark red - dark grey)
MIN_GLEIS_STR3RD..MAX_GLEIS_STR3RD0x0A00..0x0BFFtrack elements (rails on road3, dark red - dark grey, with additional borders)
MIN_GLEIS_STR4..MAX_GLEIS_STR40x0C00..0x0DFFtrack elements (rails on road4, concrete grey)
MIN_GLEIS_STR4RD..MAX_GLEIS_STR4RD0x0E00..0x0FFFtrack elements (rails on road4, concrete grey, with additional borders)
MIN_GLEIS_BBK..MAX_GLEIS_BBK0x1000..0x17FFtrack elements (rails on own trackbed)
MIN_GLEIS_BBK0..MAX_GLEIS_BBK00x1000..0x11FFtrack elements (rails on own trackbed, grey sleepers)
MIN_GLEIS_BBK1..MAX_GLEIS_BBK10x1200..0x13FFtrack elements (rails on own trackbed, brown sleepers)
MIN_GLEIS_BBK2..MAX_GLEIS_BBK20x1400..0x15FFtrack elements (rails on own trackbed, grassy)
MIN_GLEIS_BBK3..MAX_GLEIS_BBK30x1600..0x17FFtrack elements (rails on own trackbed, less sleepers)
MIN_WASSER..MAX_WASSER0x1C00..0x1FFFtrack elements (water)
MIN_WASSER0..MAX_WASSER00x1C00..0x1DFFtrack elements (water, without border)
MIN_WASSER0RD..MAX_WASSER0RD0x1E00..0x1FFFtrack elements (water, with additional border)
MIN_BUS..MAX_BUS0x2000..0x31FFtrack elements (bus way)
MIN_BUS_STR..MAX_BUS_STR0x2000..0x2FFFtrack elements (road)
MIN_BUS_STR1..MAX_BUS_STR10x2000..0x21FFtrack elements (bus road1, dark grey)
MIN_BUS_STR1RD..MAX_BUS_STR1RD0x2200..0x23FFtrack elements (bus road1, dark grey, with additional borders)
MIN_BUS_STR2..MAX_BUS_STR20x2400..0x25FFtrack elements (bus road2, light grey - dark grey)
MIN_BUS_STR2RD..MAX_BUS_STR2RD0x2600..0x27FFtrack elements (bus road2, light grey - dark grey, with additional borders)
MIN_BUS_STR3..MAX_BUS_STR30x2800..0x29FFtrack elements (bus road3, dark red - dark grey)
MIN_BUS_STR3RD..MAX_BUS_STR3RD0x2A00..0x2BFFtrack elements (bus road3, dark red - dark grey, with additional borders)
MIN_BUS_STR4..MAX_BUS_STR40x2C00..0x2DFFtrack elements (bus road4, concrete grey)
MIN_BUS_STR4RD..MAX_BUS_STR4RD0x2E00..0x2FFFtrack elements (bus road4, concrete grey, with additional borders)
MIN_BUS_FWEG..MAX_BUS_FWEG0x3000..0x31FFtrack elements (bus path)
MAX_FAHRWEG_STDMAX_BUS_FWEG = 0x31FFmaximum standard track element
SYMDIFF_GLBLK0x0200length of blocks of driving way symbols of same function
GLEIS_STRRD0x0200bit to mark versions with additional road borders
SYM_RES0x4000bit to mark <a href="#res">reservation</a> (locked way elements), see also <a href="#zuege">train data</a>
MIN_FAHRWEG_USERMAX_FAHRWEG_STD+1 = 0x3200first user-defined way element
= 20×90 = 1800
max. count of user-defined way elements per layout
MIN_FAHRWEG_USER..MAX_FAHRWEG_USER0x3200..0x3907user-defined way elements

For any simple straight standard driving way elements, the bits2..0 define the <a href="#richtg">direction</a> (direction of effect). Codes for directions by 1 bit per direction:

( 1 << ( driving_way_symbol & 7 ))  = 2^(driving_way_symbol & 7)

At curves, turnouts, crossings and some other special situations, the interpretation is different. You find the complete list in the <a href="#elemweg">appendix</a>.
For user-defined way elements, there is no correlation between code and function.

More element codes (not all are really used):

NameHex codeMeaning
MINLSYMBOL..MAXLSYMBOL0xC000..0xFFFFscenic elements
LSYMBLOCKLEN0x0100maximum length for each group of scenic elements (except user-defined)
LSYM_SONDER..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xC000..0xC0FFspecial elements
SYM_LEER0xC000empty element, opaque
SYM_GLASFREI0xC001empty, completely transparent
SYM_GLASBLAU0xC002empty, transparent "behind glass"
LSYM_STR1..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xC100..0xC1FFroads 1 (dark grey)
LSYM_STR2..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xC200..0xC2FFroads 2 (light grey - dark grey)
LSYM_STR3..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xC300..0xC3FFroads 3 (red - dark grey)
LSYM_STR4..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xC400..0xC4FFroads 4 (concrete grey)
LSYM_BRUECKEN..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xC500..0xC5FFsome bridges/gates that are no way elements
LSYM_H2OGROSS..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xC600..0xC6FFwater (areas)
LSYM_H2OKLEIN..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xC700..0xC7FFwater (small, brook, fountains)
LSYM_WTIERE..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xC900..0xC9FFanimals, wild
LSYM_HTIERE..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xCA00..0xCAFFanimals, domestic
LSYM_INDALT..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xCB00..0xCBFFindustry, old design
LSYM_INDNEU..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xCC00..0xCCFFindustry, more modern design
LSYM_BAHNPV..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xCD00..0xCDFFrailway-related buildings, public, passenger service
LSYM_BAHNGV..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xCE00..0xCEFFrailway-related buildings, public, freight service
LSYM_BAHNDI..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xCF00..0xCFFFrailway-related buildings, non-public (workshops, maintenance, signal boxes...)
LSYM_KIRCHEN..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xD000..0xD0FFbuildings of religious kind (churches...)
LSYM_DORF..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xD100..0xD1FFhouses village-typical
LSYM_HAUS1..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xD200..0xD2FFresidential houses, single
LSYM_HAUSALT..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xD300..0xD3FFresidential houses, blocks, old
LSYM_HAUSMITT..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xD400..0xD4FFresidential houses, blocks, middle
LSYM_HAUSNEU..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xD500..0xD5FFresidential houses, blocks/single/large, modern
LSYM_FELDWEG..+LSYMBLOCKLEN-10xD700..0xD7FFpath (scenic, no driving way)
NUTZERGSYMZAHL_PER_DATEI90number of user-defined scenic elements per file
= 110×90 = 9900
summary count of user-defined scenic elements per layout
MINUSERLSYMBOL0xD900first user-defined scenic element
MINUSERLSYMBOL..MAXUSERLSYMBOL0xD900..0xFFABuser-defined scenic elements
<a name="netzq"></a>Storing of elements

The layout is similar to a chessboard, but a bit larger and using multiple levels. The great chessboard is divided into small non-overlapping chessboards of one level each, so-called quadrants.

#define QUADR_BREITE  32  /* Elements West-East */
#define QUADR_HOEHE   32  /* Elements North-South */

The quadrants are stored from level NETZEBENE_MIN to NETZEBENE_MAX, from North to South (0..NETZHOEHE-1), from West to East (0..NETZBREITE-1). If a quadrant consists of empty elements only (SYM_LEER) then it is omitted completely.

<code> <Netz typ= dx= dy= dz= anz= ></code>


dxyes32-standard quadrant width (West-East)
dyyes32-standard quadrant depth (North-South)
dzyes1-standard quadrant hight (levels)
anzyesINT32 ≥ 0- count of really stored (non-empty) quadrants
not really used, but must exist (BAHN stores the current value but does not use it on load)

If (anz == 0) then the whole section is omitted. This is marked also in section <a href="#allg">general data</a> at borders/extent.

Single quadrant
<code> <Q k3= dx= dy= e1= e2= e3= e4= > </code>


k3yesKOORD3-position of the North-West corner
dxno1..QUADR_BREITEQUADR_BREITEquadrant width (West-East)
dyno1..QUADR_HOEHEQUADR_HOEHEquadrant depth (North-South)
e1noWORD16, hexSYM_LEERmost frequent element in the quadrant
e2noWORD16, hexno element2nd most frequent element in the quadrant
e3noWORD16, hexno element3rd most frequent element in the quadrant
e4noWORD16, hexno element4th most frequent element in the quadrant

By definition of QUADR_BREITE and QUADR_HOEHE, the nx and ny coordinates are multiples of 32 always. However, if complete lines or columns at the border are empty, then the quadrant will be reduced by them. In this case, the nx or ny or both are increased and the dx or dy or both get less than 32.

There follow all the elements from North West corner to South East corner, one line after the other. In principle, these are WORD16[dx × dy]. However, to pack the large amount of data, many of these words are substituted by some abbreviation symbols (all numerical values "n" as hex code):

hex number1element of this code, we use always Capital A..F as hex digits here
g..k1..5e1 element (mostly SYM_LEER, but maybe e.g. a water area too)
l..p1..5e2 element, e.g. "m" means e2[2]
q..u1..5e3 element, e.g. "q" means e3[1]
v..z1..5e4 element
[n]6+ne1 element, e.g. "[0]" means e1[6]
(n)6+ne2 element, e.g. "(2)" means e2[8]
[n)6+ne3 element
(n]6+ne4 element
+1previous element +1, e.g. "1000+" means {0x1000,0x1001}
-1previous element -1, e.g. "1000-" means {0x1000,0x0FFF}
+n1previous element +(n+1), e.g. "1000+1" means {0x1000,0x1002}
-n1previous element -(n+1), e.g. "2005-2" means {0x2005,0x2002}
,1separator between elements, can be omitted if next element starts with no hex digit
:2instead of comma, repeat previous element, e.g. "1005:" means {0x1005,0x1005}
.3instead of comma, repeat previous element twice, e.g. "2010." means 0x2010[3]
*4instead of comma, repeat previous element ×3

At end of line the packing is not broken.

<a name="zuege"></a>Train Data

<code><Zuege anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of stored trains

If (anz == 0) then the whole section is omitted.

Each train consists of a head, at least one section, the train tail and at least one vehicle. The train is embraced in <Zug>..</Zug>

Trains are sorted by base route code and train number.

<a name="zugkallg"></a>Train head, general data
#define ZUG_ANZAHL_MAX   (100000)   /* max. count of trains */
#define ZUG_ID_UNDEF          0
#define ZUG_ID_MIN           (1)
#define ZUG_ID_MAX       (ZUG_ID_MIN + ZUG_ANZAHL_MAX - 1)
#define ZUGNUMMER_MIN        (1)    /* min. train number */
#define ZUGNUMMER_MAX    (99999)
#define ZUGNUMMER_UNDEF      (0)
#define MAXZUGGSYM          200  /* max. count of elements needed for a train */
#define MAXZUGFSYM          200  /* max. count of vehicles of a train */

#define STAT_UNTW    0x00000000  on the way without other special properties
#define STAT_EINR    0x00000001  going off-duty (then see following values)
#define STAT_EING    0x00000002  off-duty (parked in depot)
#define STAT_HHST    0x00000004  halted (at stopping point/station)
#define STAT_HEND    0x00000008  halted at timing point
#define STAT_RES     0x00000010  train has locked/reserved following line
#define STAT_RUECKW  0x00000020  train is running backwards
                             (only important for display in train table)
#define STAT_STOP    0x00000080  train is stopped, steam locos don't smoke
#define STAT_AUSR    0x00000400  train is going on-duty
#define STAT_RG      0x00000800  train is in coupling status
#define STAT_DPAUSF  0x00001000  train is waiting for "clear" when leaving a depot.
                             it is no more "off-duty", however still invisible
                             (occurs when depot is combined with signal system, mostly displayed as STAT_BLOCK)
#define STAT_BLOCK   0x00002000  train is blocked (by another train, "danger" signal etc.)
#define STAT_HHST2   0x00004000  train has served double stop, i.e. ignore next stop
                                 also used for triple stop
#define STAT_DIENSTF 0x00008000  train is travelling as non-revenue trip
                                 used only together with STAT_EINR or STAT_AUSR
#define STAT_HABF    0x00010000  immediate status between _HHST/_HEND and the real departure. 
                                 is set for the time while the departure sound is played.
                                 (if sound duration == 0 then change to STAT_UNTW immediatly without _HABF)
#define STAT_HRANG   0x00020000  stopped while shunting:
                                 nearly the same as _HHST, but there is no sound played at the end
#define STAT_TUER_O  0x00100000  some doors are open, side is specified by STAT_TUER_L/_R
                                 only used with STAT_HHST, _HABF, _HEND
#define STAT_TUER_L  0x00040000  doors on the left side are/were open
#define STAT_TUER_R  0x00200000  doors on the right side are/were open
                                 only used with STAT_TUER_O or after:
								 it is not cleared after closing the doors 
								 to inform a 2nd/3rd train about side at a double/triple stop
#define STAT_ABFWD   0x00080000  turn backwards on start
                                 only used with STAT_HHST or _HABF

#define MIN_HSTMINMAX     1      stop time interval minimum value (sec)
#define MAX_HSTMINMAX   960      stop time interval maximum value (sec)

#define ZUGGAT_KEINE    0   /* no train species/priority (e.g. as return code) */
#define ZUGGAT_MIN      1   /* smallest train priority */
#define ZUGGAT_MAX     10   /* highest train species */
#define ZUGGAT_ANZAHL   (ZUGGAT_MAX-ZUGGAT_MIN+1)   /* count of different train specie */

#define ZUGGAT_NV1      1  /* local/commuter / tram/streetcar / metro */
#define ZUGGAT_NV2      2  /* ditto (e.g. B train on A/B technique) */
#define ZUGGAT_BNV      3  /* accelerated */
#define ZUGGAT_REG      4  /* regional */
#define ZUGGAT_EIL      5  /* semi fast */
#define ZUGGAT_D1       6  /* fast / Interregio */
#define ZUGGAT_D2       7  /* high distance / Interregio */
#define ZUGGAT_EX1      8  /* express / IC/EC / */
#define ZUGGAT_EX2      9  /* high speed / ICE/TGV / TEE */
#define ZUGGAT_EX3     10  /* express high speed / Sprinter-ICE */
#define ZUGKAT_KEINE    0  /* no train category, (i.e. as return code) */
#define ZUGKAT_MIN      1  /* smallest category value */
#define ZUGKAT_MAX      3  /* highest category value */
#define ZUGKAT_ANZAHL  (ZUGKAT_MAX-ZUGKAT_MIN+1)   /* count of different categories */

#define ZUGKAT_REISE    1   passenger service
#define ZUGKAT_GUETER   2   freight/goods/cargo, ignore stopping points
#define ZUGKAT_SONDER   3   special service, ignore stopping and timing points

#define ZUGEIG_NORMAL   0   train properties, standard value
#define ZUGEIG_WDZR     4   shuttle train (Push-Pull-train)
#define ZUGEIG_KVFWS    8   don't keep crossings free

#define FW_KEIN      0x0000     no driving way
#define FW_SCHIENE   0x0001     tracks / rails
#define FW_WASSER    0x0002     water
#define FW_BUS       0x0004     road / path

#define MAX_RESLEN    10000   max. length of section to reserve (lock), in elements

Values for measurement of blockage time:
#define MIN_BLOCKZEIT  0           =out of service, valid value
#define MAX_BLOCKZEIT  (24*60*60)  =24h (sec)

#define MAX_TFSEC            100
#define MIN_ZEITEINHEITMS  (1000/MAX_TFSEC)    /* 10ms */
#define LAEUTZEIT_UNDEF      (-1)
#define LAEUTZEIT_NEXT       (+1)

<Zug id= li= nr= zi= fstr= ele= elrg= fzge= dp_h= stat= dp_z= kat= gat= eig= hst= h_zlr= t_pl= fweg= elres= pos_l= rixy= riz= blmax= t_bl= pf2z= bim= info= >


idyesZUG_ID_MIN..ZUG_ID_MAX-unique identifier
liyesLINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAX[2]- base and current route codes (divided by comma), if both are equal then base only
(the one that defines the current itinerary speed limit, i.e. the one beginning at last recently passed start signal)
eleno1..MAXZUGGSYM1 minimum number of elements needed for the train

(if pos_l > 0, then at the train's end an additional element can be covered. This must be calculated from pos_l + summary length of the vehicles. Calculate with SYMBREITE = 32 pixels per way element)

elrgno0..fzge-10shunting length
fzgeno1..MAXZUGFSYM1number of vehicles
dp_hno<a href="#dpgl">DPGL</a>DEPOTNR_UNDEF:DEPOT_ALLEGLEISEhome depot and track
statnoINT32, hexSTAT_UNTWstatus, combination of STAT_xxx bits
dp_zif (stat & STAT_EINR)DPGLDEPOTNR_UNDEF:DEPOT_ALLEGLEISE destination depot and track (if track undefined then use standard track of the depot)
katnoZUGKAT_MIN..ZUGKAT_MAX[2]ZUGKAT_REISE, ZUGKAT_REISEtrain species (base and current when different)
gatnoZUGGAT_MIN..ZUGGAT_MAX[2]ZUGGAT_NV1, ZUGGAT_NV1train priority (base and current when different)
eignoZUGEIG_xxxZUGEIG_NORMALtrain properties
hstnoMIN_HSTMINMAX..MAX_HSTMINMAX[2]MIN_HSTMINMAX,MIN_HSTMINMAX stop time interval in sec, 2nd value only if different
h_zlrnoINT32 ≥ 00 backwards counter (sec) for stat == STAT_HHST, _HRANG, _HABF

further used as buffer for coupling time in couple status (STAT_RG): the coupling time is stored here until the coupling will take place really; if > 0, then after coupling the train changes to STAT_HRANG, using this value as waiting time.

t_plnoINT32-1 departure time, if arrived late at timing point and serving it as a stop only
in seconds, max. 24×60×60 i.e. one day, if undefined == -1
fwegnoFW_SCHIENE, FW_WASSER or FW_BUSFW_SCHIENEdriving way (exactly one)
elresif (stat & STAT_RES)0..MAX_RESLEN0remaining length of <a href="#res">reserved way section</a>, in elements
pos_lno0,4,8,12,16,20,24,280 local position of train's head in the driving way element:
0 = train starts at the element's border, >0 = train begins later
(always counted for view 1:1 horizontally, undependent on current direction / view scale)
rixynoRICHTUNG_MIN..RICHTUNG_MAX0<a href="#richtg">direction</a> of travel (nx, ny)
rizno-1,0,+10direction of travel, nz (level)
blmaxnoMIN_BLOCKZEIT..MAX_BLOCKZEITMIN_BLOCKZEIT Maximum value of blockage time in sec
t_bl if (stat & (STAT_BLOCK | STAT_DPAUSF) ) && (blmax > MIN_BLOCKZEIT )) MIN_BLOCKZEIT..MAX_BLOCKZEIT0 Time in seconds that the train is still waiting in status "blocked" or "waiting at depot exit" (set to 0 when moving the first step)
pf2znoINT32 ≥00 counter (countdown) for starting a 2nd horn, =0 when no

>0 value in MIN_ZEITEINHEITMS (10ms) simulation time, but counted in steps of ZUGSOUNDTEST_DELTA


=LAEUTZEIT_NEXT continuous ringing bell is on
(=real time value in ms, not stored in files)

infono0..MAXINFOTEXTSIZE0length of info text in characters
<a name="zugkv"></a>Train head, speed data
#define V_GENAU      1000
#define MIN_VMAX        1 / V_GENAU   /* km/h */
#define MAX_VMAX     (600)            /* km/h */
#define VMAX_UNDEF      0
#define BSL_MIN       0.05    /* m/s² */
#define BSL_MAX       3.00    /* m/s² */
#define BSL_UNDEF        0

Speed values in km/h, with up to 3 digits after decimal point
Acceleration values in m/s², with up to 2 digits after decimal point

<v max= akt= la= vsig= psig= fstr= zlr= af= br= />


maxyesMIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAX-maximum speed
aktno0 or MIN_VMAX..MIN_VMAX0current speed, >0 when train is travelling
lanoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MIN_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit set last recently passed speed restriction

(in a wider sense: can be set also at stopping points, timing points, depots)

vsignoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MIN_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit by last recently passed distant/combined signal showing "Caution"
psignoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MIN_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit for permissive running, set by last recently passed stop signal showing "Danger"
fstrnoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MIN_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit for current itinerary, set by last recently passed start signal showing "Clear"
zlrnoINT320 counter for control of speed/time, only if akt >0

(The internal clock of BAHN simulation time is running in steps.

For each step the counter of the trains is reduced and in case of <0 an action may be taken,
e.g. =moving one step and setting zlr to a new value)
afnoBSL_UNDEF or BSL_MIN..BSL_MAXBSL_UNDEF acceleration to speed up, BSL_UNDEF="infinite"
brnoBSL_UNDEF or BSL_MIN..BSL_MAXBSL_UNDEF deceleration (acc. to brake), BSL_UNDEF="infinite"
<a name="zugkea"></a>Train head, data to go on/off service
#define MAX_ARERDAT 6    max. number of on/off duty data sets per train
<Ar anz= >
<Er anz= >

"Ar" = "Ausrücken" = go on service
"Er" = "Einrücken" = go off duty (to depot)

Parameter anz = 1..MAX_ARERDAT = count of lines (empty lines are omitted)

For each line:

<code><Z nr= t= dp= df= /></code>


nryes0..MAX_ARERDAT-1-line number, zero based
tyes<a href="#zeit">ZEIT4</a>-time (multiple days possible, sec ignored always = 0)
dpyes<a href="#dpgl">DPGL</a>-depot and track
dfno0 or 101 = as non-revenue trip (0 = with passengers)
Train head, info text

The tag exists only if train head info>0. The exact length value is ignored. See <a href="#textinfo">info texts</a>.

<a name="zugt"></a>Train, elements

Here, the element positions are stored that are covered by the train. When parked in depot (stat & STAT_EING) then only the first one is stored. Otherwise, the count is head.ele+1, the order from train's head to tail.


For each element:

<code><s k3= /></code> or <code> <u k3= /></code>

"s" = visible, "u" = invisible.
"Invisible" may occur when leaving or entering a depot.
For the last element, it is also set when this element is not needed because the train already did leave it completely. This depends on the length of vehicles and the local position, see <a href="#zugkallg">train head</a> ele and pos_l.

The parameter k3 stores the <a href="#k3">coordinates</a>.

<a name="zugf"></a>Train, vehicles
#define FZG_ANZAHL_MAX  (200000)    maximum count of vehicles
#define FZG_ID_UNDEF     0          
#define FZG_ID_MIN      (1)
#define FZG_ID_MAX      (FZG_ID_MIN + FZG_ANZAHL_MAX - 1)

#define FMSP1BREITE      8                      pixels scale 1:1
#define MAXFSYMLEN      32                      units of FMSP1BREITE
#define MIN_FZGLEN       8                      minimum length pixels scale 1:1
#define MAX_FZGLEN (MAXFSYMLEN * FMSP1BREITE)   maximum length pixels scale 1:1

#define NUTZERFMSPSATZNR_PRODATEI    10       max. count of sets per .nfz file
#define FZGF_MAXFZGZAHL              16       max. count of vehicles per set
#define MINSTDFMSPSATZNR383        (4096 << 4)  min. set number of standard vehicles
#define MAXSTDFMSPSATZNR383       (65534 << 4)  max. set number of standard vehicles

For each vehicle:

<code><F id= dt= ty= ln= rw= li= /></code>


idyesFZG_ID_MIN..FZG_ID_MAX-unique identifier (needed although not used in BAHN 3.88r1)
dtno0..NUTZERZGGSATZ_DATEIZAHL-1-1file number (-1=standard, ≥0=user-defined)
tyyesINT32[2]-, 0 1st value: set number, 0..NUTZERFMSPSATZNR_PRODATEI-1 for user-defined

2nd value: local number in the set, 0..FZGF_MAXFZGZAHL-1, if =0 then omitted


Length of the vehicle in pixels, calculated for West-East view in 1:1 scale (even numbers recommended)

rwno0 or 101=travelling backwards (important for graphics only)
lino0 or 110=light is off (important for graphics only)
<a name="res"></a>Reservation of lines (Locking)

If the train reserved a line section, then the status bit STAT_RES is set in the train head. The line section has to be marked by SYM_RES bit completely in the layout data. When moving on the last element of the locked section, the status bit in the train head will be cleared. The SYM_RES-bit of the driving way is cleared when travelling on it. Junction turnouts that are located in the reserved line must be blocked. Otherwise, a time-dependent change of the train's way (e.g. going off-duty) could cause the train leaving the reserved line. In that case, the line would not be cleared. A train that does not own a set STAT_RES bit, will not move on reserved lines. If clearing the STAT_RES bit (e.g. when turning ahead, erasing train on the line, going off-duty manually, following by manual control), the locked line must be released.

<a name="wei"></a>Turnouts (Points/Switches)

Minimum turnout number:


Maximum turnout number:

#define MAXWEICHENNUMMER 0x0003FfFf  /* (=262143) <a href="#fversion">file format</a> &lt FV_3882 */
#define MAXWEICHENNUMMER 0x0007FfFf  /* (=524287) file format ≥ FV_3882 */

Maximum count of turnouts:


These numbers and limits are used together with <a href="#krzfs">itinerary crossings</a>. The numbers should be assigned unique.

#define WEINUMMER_UNDEF           0
#define DKWPOS_KEINE   0    /* simple turnout */
#define DKWPOS_ZWEIG1  1    /* part 1 (English points, combined points) */
#define DKWPOS_ZWEIG2  2    /* part 2 (ditto) */
#define DKWPOS_ZWEIG3  3    /* part 3 (only double English) */
#define DKWPOS_ZWEIG4  4    /* part 4 (ditto) */

#define WEI_FORM_0   0   all ways, all turnout constructions: without platform
#define WEI_FORM_1_B 1   all ways: with platform
                         turnouts 45 degrees simple: platform straight (dir.1)
                         Y-turnouts: platform to left (dir.1)
                         3-way-turnouts: platform to left (dir.2)
                         double slip turnouts: one side
                         simple slip turnouts: the side with curve
#define WEI_FORM_2_B 2   all ways: with platform
                         turnouts 45 degrees simple: platform turning dir. (dir.2)
                         Y-turnouts: platform to right (dir.2)
                         3-way-turnouts: platform to right (dir.3)
                         double slip turnouts: the other side
                         simple slip turnouts: the side without curve
#define WEI_FORM_MIN 0
#define WEI_FORM_MAX 2
<code> <Weichen anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of turnouts = 0..MAX_WEIZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The turnouts follow, sorted by number.

All Turnouts own the general data. Some have additional data, for each following after the general ones.

<a name="weiallg"></a>Turnouts, General data
<code> <? k3= nr= kp= r0= r1= r2= r3= bf= ></code>

The tag name self defines the turnout type:

utrailing point driven only
asprung turnout, direction 1
bsprung turnout, direction 2
csprung turnout, direction 3
Ajunction/branching, main direction 1
Bjunction/branching, main direction 2
Cjunction/branching, main direction 3
Walternating turnout
Zrandom turnout
Ttrain-type turnout
Ssignal dependent turnout
Fitinerary turnout


NameFile formatNeededValueDefaultMeaning
k3allyesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
kpallnoDKWPOS_KEINE or DKWPOS_ZWEIG1..DKWPOS_ZWEIG4DKWPOS_KEINE position as part of English points or combined turnout (DKWPOS_KEINE = is not part of a slip turnout, DKWPOS_ZWEIG1..4 = is part a..d)
r0<FV_3881yes<a href="#richtg">RICHTUNGBIT_nn</a>- departure direction when passing trailing-point
r1<FV_3881noRICHTUNGBIT_nnopposite to r0 departure direction 1 when passing facing (if there is a straight on way, then this)
r2<FV_3881yesRICHTUNGBIT_nn- departure direction 2 when passing facing
r3<FV_3881noRICHTUNGBIT_nnRICHTUNGBIT_KEINE departure direction 3 when passing facing (used only at 3-way-turnout)
r0≥FV_3881yes<a href="#richtg">RICHTUNG_nn</a>- departure direction when passing trailing-point
r1≥FV_3881noRICHTUNG_nnopposite to r0 departure direction 1 when passing facing (if there is a straight on way, then this)
r2≥FV_3881yesRICHTUNG_nn- departure direction 2 when passing facing
r3≥FV_3881noRICHTUNG_nnRICHTUNG_KEINE departure direction 3 when passing facing (used only at 3-way-turnout)
bfallnoWEI_FORM_MIN..WEI_FORM_MAXWEI_FORM_MIN graphical version (design)

With <a href="#fversion">file format</a> FV_3881 the direction data have been changed from RICHTUNGBIT_nn to RICHTUNG_nn here.

At double English turnouts there are the parts a..d, but simple ones and combined turnouts own a+b only. All of these must exist and stand in the order a..d. The turnout number and the coordinates of all parts of one turnout are equal. Combined turnouts work like "bent English points".

<a name="weivz"></a>Junction/Branching, additional data

Reservation status:


value = 1, 2 or 3: Turnout has been locked and must be driven to direction 1/2/3. On passing the status needs to be cleared. This algorithm is needed because between locking and driving on there may be exceeded a time interval begin/end (see <a href="#res">reservation of lines</a>).
value = 0: Turnout is not locked, the whole tag is omitted.

There follow <a href="#llist">route lists</a> and <a href="#dlist">depot lists</a>, each for the facing directions 1, 2 and 3.


All the lists are stored only if not empty.

<a name="weiwx"></a>Alternating turnout, additional data
#define MAX_WXLWEI_RI  99    Maximum value for counter at alternating turnouts
<code><Ww r1= r2= r3= z= ></code>


r1no0..MAX_WXLWEI_RI1count of trains running to direction1
r2no0..MAX_WXLWEI_RI1count of trains running to direction2
r3no0..MAX_WXLWEI_RI1count of trains running to direction3
zno0..r1+r2+r3-11 counter of all together, backwards (from MaxRi1 + MaxRi2 + MaxRi3 to 1)
  • if ≥ MaxRi2+MaxRi3 then direction1
  • if ≥ MaxRi3 then direction2
  • if ≥ 0 then direction3

At 3-way-turnouts, at maximum one of the 3 values r1..r3 may be set =0, at all the others is r3=0 and the others are >0.

#define WXL_RESET_ZAHL  3      maximum count of lines with reset data

Reset data, for each line:

<code><R z= t= w= ></code>


zyes0..WXL_RESET_ZAHL-1-line number, zero-based
tyes<a href="#zeit">ZEIT4</a>-time (multiple days possible, sec ignored and =0)
wno0..r1+r2+r3-11reset value for counter
<a name="weizf"></a>Random turnout, additional data
#define MAX_ZUFWEI_RI  99
<code><Zw r1= r2= r3= z= ></code>


r1no0..MAX_ZUFWEI_RI1part (probability) for direction1
r2no0..MAX_ZUFWEI_RI1part (probability) for direction2
r3no0..MAX_ZUFWEI_RI0part (probability) for direction3
zyes- the random value for the next train

this is needed for checking the value multiple without changing (analoguous to alternating turnout), needed in reserved/locked sections

The values r1..r3 are partial probabilities, refering to the summary. I.e. the summary is defined as 100%.
One of the values can be =0. At 2-way-turnouts this is ri3. If the value for one direction =0, then this direction is never driven.

<a name="weizt"></a>Train type turnout, additional data
#define TYPWEIRIZAHL 3    =the three directions 1,2,3

Values for train typ definitions at train type turnouts (these are different from the bits in the train head and at stopping points):

 For train types:
#define TYPWEI_NICHTS 0x0000 
#define TYPWEI_NV1  (1<<(ZUGGAT_NV1-1))
#define TYPWEI_NV2  (1<<(ZUGGAT_NV2-1))
#define TYPWEI_BNV  (1<<(ZUGGAT_BNV-1))
#define TYPWEI_REG  (1<<(ZUGGAT_REG-1))
#define TYPWEI_EIL  (1<<(ZUGGAT_EIL-1))
#define TYPWEI_D1   (1<<(ZUGGAT_D1 -1))
#define TYPWEI_D2   (1<<(ZUGGAT_D2 -1))
#define TYPWEI_EX1  (1<<(ZUGGAT_EX1-1))
#define TYPWEI_EX2  (1<<(ZUGGAT_EX2-1))
#define TYPWEI_EX3  (1<<(ZUGGAT_EX3-1))
                      | TYPWEI_EIL | TYPWEI_D1 | TYPWEI_D2\
                      | TYPWEI_EX1 | TYPWEI_EX2 | TYPWEI_EX3)

 For properties:
#define TYPWEI_ARDF 0x0001    Going on-duty as non-revenue trip
#define TYPWEI_ERDF 0x0002    Going off-duty as non-revenue trip
#define TYPWEI_AR   0x0004    Going on-duty as normal service
#define TYPWEI_ER   0x0008    Going off-duty as normal service

There follow

<code>for (k = 0; k < TYPWEIRIZAHL; k++ )</code>
   <code><Tw r= p= g= s= e= ></code>


ryes0..TYPWEIRIZAHL-1-direction, zero-based
pnoINT320passenger trains, mask of TYPWEI_xxx
gnoINT320freight/goods trains, ditto
snoINT320special trains, ditto

Each combination of train species/category can be defined in one direction at maximum. If no direction is set, the decision is made at random (evenly distributed). Train type turnouts that are driven facing, should not be part of reserved (locked) line sections (i.e. the reservation ends at the turnout, similar to signal-dependent turnouts).
The properties can be undefined: Then the train category/species is used.

<a name="weisa"></a>Signal-dependent turnout, additional data

The priority is defined by two values: Prior1 = 1, 2 or 3 for direction 1/2/3 or = 0 for "no priority set (at random)".
Prior2 = the same, if track of Prior1 is blocked and there is a choice (3-way-turnout).

<code><P>Prior1, Prior2</P></code>

In case of Prior1=0, the whole tag is omitted. In case of Prior2=0, the 2nd value is omitted.

Direction 3 and Prior2 exist for 3-way-turnouts only. Prior2 must not be equal to Prior1.

Switching functions for directions 1..3:


If the <a href="#schfkt">switching function</a> of a direction is empty, then this direction is interpreted as clear and the tag is not stored.

<a name="weifs"></a>Itinerary turnout, additional data
<code><Fw p= fs= r= /></code>


pno1..31priority, direction 1..3
fsnoMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMERSIGSYSNR_UNDEF id of itinerary when currently blocked, SIGSYSNR_UNDEF = not blocked
rif (fs != SIGSYSNR_UNDEF)1..31if blocked, then direction

If not blocked and p=1 then the whole tag is omitted.

There follow the <a href="#schlist">lists</a> of itineraries for directions 1..3:

<a href="#fversion">file format</a> < FV_3881:


file format ≥ FV_3881:


If a list of a certain direction is empty, then this tag is not stored.

<a name="krzfs"></a>Itinerary Crossings

Available if <a href="#fversion">file format</a> ≥ FV_3881, and already in BAHN 4.00b3.

The itinerary crossings are managed together with the <a href="#wei">turnouts</a>. They use the same numbers (unique).

<code> <Kreuzgn anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of itinerary crossings = 0..MAX_WEIZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The crossings follow, sorted by number.

<code> <F k3= nr= ></code>


NameFile formatNeededValueDefaultMeaning
k3allyesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
<code><Fw fs= /></code>


fsnoMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMERSIGSYSNR_UNDEF id of itinerary when currently blocked, SIGSYSNR_UNDEF = not blocked

If not blocked then the whole tag is omitted.

There follows the <a href="#schlist">list</a> of itineraries for all directions together:


If the list is empty, then this tag is not stored.

<a name="rangp"></a>Shunting Points (Turning Points)

#define RP_MAXZAHL 40000


#define RPEIG_NICHTS      0x0000     nothing
#define RPEIG_UNSICHTBAR  0x0001     shunting point is invisible
#define RPEIG_ZUGENDE     0x0002     works on train's tail (otherwise on head)
#define RPEIG_STD_RG      0x0004     default direction is shunting (otherwise pass straight-on)

Graphical designs:

#define RP_FORM_0         0
    Str: turkey sign "H"
    bBK: ditto
    H2O: turkey buoy
#define RP_FORM_1         1
    Str: turkey sign "H" + platform
    bBK: turkey sign "H" + platform
    H2O: ---
#define RP_FORM_2         2
    Str: white half-circle plate
    bBK: white half-circle plate
    H2O: ---
#define RP_FORM_3         3
    Str: white half-circle plate + platform
    bBK: white half-circle plate + platform
    H2O: ---
#define RP_FORM_MIN       0
#define RP_FORM_MAX       3

Shunting options:

#define TRENNOPT_WEITER      0       Continue straight on (no separating train)
#define TRENNOPT_Z2STOP      0x0002  Rear train part gets coupling status
#define TRENNOPT_Z2WENDEN    0x0004  Rear train part turns
#define TRENNOPT_ZGNRNEUZ1   0x0008  Front train part gets new train number
#define TRENNOPT_AKTLINNEUZ1 0x0010  Front train part gets new current route
                                     (if not divided but a new route is given, then this route is
                                      always assigned undependent from this option)
#define TRENNOPT_ZUGIDNEUZ1  0x0400  Front train part gets the new id, otherwise rear part
#define TRENNOPT_Z0WEITER    0x0020  If separating impossible,
                                     then go straight on
#define TRENNOPT_TRENNEN     0x0040  Separating when shunting;
                                     if not set, then always
                                     simple turning or coupling
#define TRENNOPT_Z1STOP      0x0080  Front train part gets coupling status
#define TRENNOPT_Z1WENDEN    0x0100  Front train part turns
#define TRENNOPT_Z1UMDREHEN  0x0200  The front train part is turned back
                                     (complete train and vehicles, i.e. like
                                      a turntable for trains of any length)
                                     only effecting together with _Z1WENDEN

Shunting times (all values in sec):

#define MAXRGZEIT       960  
#define STD_TRENNZEIT    15
#define STD_KUPPELZEIT   30
#define STD_WENDEZEIT     0
 (The standard value is 0 because of compatibility with older layout files and with
  the bumpers/line terminators, where no waiting time could be set in former versions)
<code><RangPkte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of shunting points = 0..RP_MAXZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The shunting points follow, unsorted.

For each shunting point:

<code><R k3= eig= ri= bf= tro= trp= tk= tt= tw= ></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
eignoRPEIG_nnnRPEIG_STANDARDproperties, mask of RPEIG_nnn bits
riyesRICHTUNGBIT_nnn- direction(s) of effect
must be set suitable to the driving way element, each allows 2 directions only, both can be set
bfnoRP_FORM_MIN..RP_FORM_MAXRP_FORM_MIN graphical version (design)
tronoTRENNOPT_nnnTRENNOPT_WEITERshunting options
trp(tro & TRENNOPT_TRENNEN)-MAXZUGFSYM+1..+MAXZUGFSYM-1[2]0, 0 separating positions: Define, after what vehicle the train should be divided
  • >0 vehicle, e.g. 2 means after 2nd car
  • =0 use RgLaenge value of the train
  • <0 vehicle from rear, e.g. -2 means 2nd car from end of train

the 2nd value defines an interval and is stored only if different to the first


time that is waited after coupling in status STAT_HRANG
When the train changes into the coupling status, the value is copied to <a href="#zugk">train head</a> zlr and when coupling, it is read from there. I.e. on coupling, there is not looked for it here again.


time that is waited after separating in status STAT_HRANG,
if there is no change into coupling status


time that is waited after turning in status STAT_HRANG,
if neither separating nor coupling did take place and there is no change into coupling status

There follow <a href="#llist">route lists</a> and <a href="#dlist">depot lists</a>, each for the directions g (straight on) and r (shunting).


All the lists are stored only if not empty.

<a name="depot"></a>Depots (Car barns)

<a name="depotallg"></a>Depots, General Data
#define DEPOTNAMELEN_LANG 16    max length of a long depot name in characters
#define DEPOTNAMELEN_KURZ  4    max length of a short depot name in characters

more constants see at <a href="#dpgl">depot references</a>

<code><Depots anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of depots = 0..DEPOTANZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The depots follow sorted alphabetically by long name.

For each depot:

<code><DP id= n_l= n_k= gl= stgl= zi= ></code>


idyesDEPOTNR_MIN..DEPOTNR_MAX- unique identifier, used in <a href="#dlist">depot lists</a> and other <a href="#dpgl">references</a>
n_lyesCHAR16[1..DEPOTNAMELEN_LANG]-long name
n_kyesCHAR16[1..DEPOTNAMELEN_KURZ]-short name
glyes1..DEPOT_MAXGLEISZAHL-count of tracks
stglyesDEPOT_MINGLEISNR..DEPOT_MAXGLEISNR-standard track number
zinoLINNR_UNDEF or LINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAXLINNR_UNDEF destination code for trains bound to here, LINNR_UNDEF if no
<a name="depotgl"></a>Depots, Single Tracks

There follow the single tracks of the depot, count = gl, sorted by number.
For each track:

Properties of depot tracks:

#define DEPOTEIG_STD     0x0000    Standard value
#define DEPOTEIG_ER      0x4000    Depot track only valid for trains with
                                   set going off-duty bit (STAT_EINR)
#define DEPOTEIG_ERHIER  0x2000    Restriction:
                                   parking only for trains with set
                                   STAT_EINR bit, and only when this depot
                                   is the target depot (i.e. for trains only,
                                   that really like to go exactly to here)
#define DEPOTEIG_VIRT    0x8000    Virtual depot:
                                   instead of parking, the train continues,
                                   ignoring any other data of the depot,
                                   without influencing signal systems,
                                   without changing the travelling direction;
                                   however the STAT_EINR bit in the train is cleared
                                   the _NRESET properties are processed
#define DEPOTEIG_FZG     0x0001    Count vehicles (if not: trains instead)
                                   analoguous to signal system elements,
                                   only of importance when switching lists are existing
#define DEPOTEIG_NRESET_LIN  0x0002   Do not set current route to base route
#define DEPOTEIG_NRESET_KAT  0x0004   Do not set current category to base value
#define DEPOTEIG_NRESET_GAT  0x0008   Do not set current train species to base
<code><G k3= nr= ri= eig= v= ></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
nryesDEPOT_MINGLEISNR..DEPOT_MAXGLEISNR-track number, unique inside the depot
riyesRICHTUNGBIT_nnn- direction to leave
must be set suitable to the driving way element,
   each allows 2 directions only, but only one can be set here

the direction for incoming trains is not set, but both directions are possible in any case

eignoDEPOTEIG_xxx (hex)DEPOTEIG_STD properties for this track, mask of DEPOTEIG_xxx
vnoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed restriction on leaving, =VMAX_UNDEF if unlimited

There follows the <a href="#schfkt">switching function</a> for leaving if not empty:


There follow the <a href="#schlist">switching lists</a>, a for leaving and e for incoming:


If a list is empty, then this tag is not stored.

<a name="taktp"></a>Timing Points

<a name="taktpallg"></a>Timing Point, General Data
#define MAXANZENDP       20000     max. count of timing points
#define TP_MAXGLEISZAHL      8     max. count of tracks per timing point
#define TPNAMELEN         (32)     max. length of name


#define TPSPEC_STANDARD  0x0000
#define TPSPEC_HST       0x0001  Serve like stop for invalid trains
#define TPSPEC_AUSF_0    0x0004  Do not tell about failed departures
                                 (do not send dispatcher message)
#define TPSPEC_VSP_0     0x0008   Do not tell about late trains
                                 (do not send dispatcher messages)
#define TPSPEC_HST2      0x0020  Serve like double stop for invalid trains
#define TPSPEC_HST3      0x0040  Serve like triple stop for invalid trains
 "invalid trains" means trains that have to ignore the departure times,
     caused by conditions in the routes list or by status "going off-duty".
#define TPSPEC_VSP_HST0  0x0080  Do not stop when late
#define TPSPEC_KNAPP_HST 0x0100  Extend stopping time when short
#define TPSPEC_WENDEN    0x0200  Turn back for invalid trains
#define TPSPEC_LICHT_AUS 0x0400  Turn off lights as long as standing here
#define TPSPEC_TUEREN_ZU 0x0800  Do not open doors while standing here

#define MIN_AUSFALL   0   do not count failed departures, do not tell of lateness
#define MAX_AUSFALL  60   max count of failed departures
<code><TaktPkte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of timing points = 0..MAXANZENDP

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The timing points follow sorted alphabetically by name.

For each timing point:

<code><TP name= eig= gl= v= af_max= af_akt= ></code>


nameyesCHAR16[1..TPNAMELEN]-unique name
eignoTPSPEC_xxx (hex)TPSPEC_STANDARDproperties, mask of TPSPEC_xxx
glno1..TP_MAXGLEISZAHL1count of single tracks
vnoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit when leaving, VMAX_UNDEF=no limit
only important, if the train really stops
af_maxnoMIN_AUSFALL..MAX_AUSFALLMIN_AUSFALLmaximum count of failed departures
af_aktnoMIN_AUSFALL..af_maxMIN_AUSFALLcurrent count of failed departures
<a name="taktprzeit"></a>Timing Point, Reset Times

The reset times for the fail counter follow, to avoid the transfer of fails to later (e.g. to the next day).

#define AUSFALL_RESET_ZAHL     6

There follow up to AUSFALL_RESET_ZAHL lines. Undefined lines are omitted.
For each:

<code><R z= t= /></code>


zyes0..AUSFALL_RESET_ZAHL-1-line number, zero-based
tyes<a href="#zeit">ZEIT4</a>-time (multiple days possible)
<a name="taktpausf"></a>Timing Point, Failed Departures

The list of failed departures follows, as af_akt lines, for each:

<code><A t= w= /></code>


tyes<a href="#zeit">ZEITD</a>-time (day of week = WTAG_KEIN)
wno0 or 101= the train had to turn back that time
<a name="taktpgl"></a>Timing Point, Single Tracks

Graphical versions (designs):

#define TP_FORM_MIN       0
#define TP_FORM_MAX      18
#define TP_FORM_NUR_T     0    only "T" for all driving ways
#define TP_FORM_NUR_TB    1    Str+bBk: "T" only + platform
                               H2O: platform
#define TP_FORM_KGE_B     2    Str+bBk: small yellow-green sign + platform
                               H2O: lifebelt + platform
#define TP_FORM_KRO_B     3    Str+bBk: small red sign + platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_KBL_B     4    Str+bBk: small blue-white sign + platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_KGR_B     5    Str+bBk: small green sign + platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_GSW_B     6    Str+bBk: large black-white sign + platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_GRO_B     7    Str+bBk: large red sign + platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_GBL_B     8    Str+bBk: large blue sign + platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_GGR_B     9    Str+bBk: large green sign + platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_KGE      10    Str+bBk: small yellow-green sign without platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_KRO      11    Str+bBk: small red sign without platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_KBL      12    Str+bBk: small blue sign without platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_KGR      13    Str+bBk: small green sign without platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_H        14    Str+bBk: black-white rectangle ("H") without platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_HB       15    Str+bBk: black-white rectangle ("H") witht platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_GLI_B    16    Str+bBk: large violet plate + platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_GGE_B    17    Str+bBk: large yellow plate + platform
                               H2O: ---
#define TP_FORM_GBR_B    18    Str+bBk: large brown plate + platform
                               H2O: ---

The count of tracks is gl, the track number is defined by the order.
For each:

<G k3= ri= bf= abf= zugid= lin= zi= znr= zgt= zkt= zeig= zstat= zln= zf1= t_a= hsn= hsw= fst= fsn= fsw= >


NameFile formatNeededValueDefaultMeaning
k3allyesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
riallyesRICHTUNGBIT_nnn- directions of effect
must be set suitable to the driving way element, each allows 2 directions only, both can be set here
bfallnoTP_FORM_MIN..TP_FORM_MAXTP_FORM_MINgraphical version (design)
abfallno0..gl0 Info about the order of departure for the train waiting here, 0=no train
zugidallabf > 0ZUG_ID_MIN..ZUG_ID_MAXZUG_ID_UNDEF id of train here
linallabf > 0LINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAXLINNR_UNDEF current route code of train here on arrival
ziallabf > 0LINNR_UNDEF or LINNR_MIN..LINNR_MAXLINNR_UNDEF current destination code of train here on arrival
znrallabf > 0ZUGNUMMER_MIN..ZUGNUMMER_MAXZUGNUMMER_UNDEF train number of train here on arrival
zgtallabf > 0ZUGGAT_MIN..ZUGGAT_MAXZUGGAT_KEINE train type/priority of train here on arrival
zktallabf > 0ZUGKAT_MIN..ZUGKAT_MAXZUGKAT_KEINE train type/category of train here on arrival
zeigallabf > 0ZUGEIG_xxx (hex)ZUGEIG_NORMAL train properties of train here on arrival
zstatallabf > 0STAT_xxx (hex)STAT_UNTW train status of train here on arrival
zln< FV_3881abf > 01..MAXZUGFSYM, 1..MAXZUGGSYM*SYMBREITE1, 1 train length of train here on arrival (count of vehicles, count of pixels M1:1 if different)
zf1< FV_3881abf > 0FZGSPEC_xxx (hex)FZGSPEC_STD status of 1st vehicle of train here on arrival
t_aallabf > 0<a href="#zeit">ZEITD</a>ZEIT_NIE time of arrival of train here
hsnallnoMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMERSIGSYSNR_UNDEF signal to wait for on departure, if going straight on
hswallnoMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMERSIGSYSNR_UNDEF signal to wait for on departure, if turning
fstallnoFSTR_EINZEIT_MIN..FSTR_EINZEIT_MAXFSTR_EINZEIT_STD time to request an itinerary before departure, in sec
fsnallnoMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMERSIGSYSNR_UNDEF itinerary to request before departure, if going straight on
fswallnoMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMERSIGSYSNR_UNDEF itinerary to request before departure, if turning
<a name="taktpll"></a>Timing Point, Route List

The <a href="#llist">route list</a> is stored only if not empty.

<a name="taktpzl"></a>Timing Point, Time List (Departure Times)

The <a href="#tlist">time list</a> is stored only if not empty.


<a name="dwx"></a>Data Change Points (Route Change Points)

#define DWX_ANZAHL_MAX  (10000)   maximum number of data change points
#define DWXNAMELEN       (32)     in characters

#define DWX_ID_UNDEF       0
#define DWX_ID_MIN        (1)                                  minimum id 
#define DWX_ID_MAX        (DWX_ID_MIN + DWX_ANZAHL_MAX - 1)    maximum id

Graphical versions (designs):

#define DWX_FORM_MIN       0
#define DWX_FORM_MAX       1
#define DWX_FORM_0         0   Str+bBk: green sign "D"
                               H2O: green buoy
#define DWX_FORM_1         1   Str+bBk: green sign "D" + platform
                               H2O: ---
<code><DwxPkte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of data change points = 0..DWX_ANZAHL_MAX

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The data change points follow sorted alphabetically by name.

For each data change point:

<code><C k3= ri= bf= id= name= vw= ></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
riyesRICHTUNGBIT_nnn- directions of effect
must be set suitable to the driving way element, each allows 2 directions only, both can be set here
bfnoDWX_FORM_MIN..DWX_FORM_MAXDWX_FORM_MINgraphical version (design)
idyesDWX_ID_MIN..DWX_ID_MAX-unique identifier
nameyesCHAR16[1..DWXNAMELEN]-unique name
vwnoDWX_ID_UNDEF or DWX_ID_MIN..DWX_ID_MAXDWX_ID_UNDEFid of referenced data change point (link), =DWX_ID_UNDEF when no

The <a href="#llist">route list</a> is stored only if not empty. In case a link is defined, then the list is always empty.


<a name="sig"></a>Signal Installations and Elements

Each signal system, itinerary and each element has a unique identifier from the range:

#define MIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER      (0x00000001)  /* minimum signal object number */
#define MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMER      (0x0003ffff)  /* =262143, maximum signal object number */
#define MAX_SIGOBJ_ANZAHL      (MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMER-MIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER+1)  /* max. count of sig. objs. altogether */
#define SIGSYSNR_UNDEF              (0)      /* undefined number */

Each signal system, itinerary and each element has a unique <a href="#namen">name</a> from a shared name space:

#define SIGNAMELEN  (32)    /* maximum name length in characters */  
<a name="sigsys"></a>Signal Systems
#define SIGSPEC_NORMAL   0     /* normal signal system */
#define SIGSPEC_ZEIT     1     /* signal system owns a time list */

#define MIN_MAXSAZAEHLER   1   /* smallest maximum counter value (smallest value = 0) */
#define MAX_MAXSAZAEHLER 500   /* highest maxmium counter value */

Properties of time list, if existing:

#define SIGZEITSPEC_EIN    1         /* turning on (at time to danger, counter++) */
#define SIGZEITSPEC_AUS    2         /* turning off (at time to clear, counter--) */
#define SIGDELTA_KEINS     0         /* no turning back */
#define MIN_SIGDELTA       1         /* minimum time for turning back (sec) */
#define MAX_SIGDELTA       (600*60)  /* maximum time for turning back (sec) */
<code><SigAnl anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of signal systems = 0..MAX_SIGOBJ_ANZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The signal systems follow sorted alphabetically by name.

For each signal system:

<code><S id= name= eig= z_akt= z_max= zug_max= zleig= t_r= ></code>


idyesMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMER-<a href="#sig">unique identifier</a>
nameyesCHAR16[1..SIGNAMELEN]-<a href="#sig">unique name</a>
eignoSIGSPEC_xxx (hex)SIGSPEC_NORMALproperties, mask of SIGSPEC_xxx
z_aktno0..z_max0current counter value
zug_maxnoMIN_MAXSAZAEHLER..z_maxz_maxcounter value (number of turn-on events) to switch to blocked status
zleignoSIGZEITSPEC_xxx (hex)SIGZEITSPEC_EINproperties of time list
t_rno1..MAX_SIGDELTASIGDELTA_KEINS time difference in seconds until a switching action from the time list will turn back
   This is valid for switching actions only that are caused by the time list! 

If the system also owns contacts or signals with switching effect then the actions forced by

   them are not reset via t_r. The same is valid for manual actions.

=SIGDELTA_KEINS then no turning back, e.g. when switching is done via contacts

The <a href="#tlist">time list</a> is stored only if not empty.


The <a href="#textinfo">info text</a> is stored only if not empty.

<a name="fstr"></a>Itineraries
#define FSTR_EINZEIT_MIN    (  1)     /* minimum time to turn on (sec) */
#define FSTR_EINZEIT_MAX    (120)     /* maximum time to turn on (sec) */
#define FSTR_EINZEIT_STD    ( 20)     /* standard time to turn on (sec) */
<code><SigFStr anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of itineraries = 0..MAX_SIGOBJ_ANZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The itineraries follow sorted alphabetically by name.

For each itinerary:

<code><F id= name= stat= zug_id= t_ein= t_z= ></code>


idyesMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMER-<a href="#sig">unique identifier</a>
nameyesCHAR16[1..SIGNAMELEN]-<a href="#sig">unique name</a>
statno0..30status, 0=unassigned, 1..3=assigned, start signal not yet clear/clear/no more clear
zug_id(stat >0)ZUG_ID_MIN..ZUG_ID_MAXZUG_ID_UNDEFid of the assigned <a href="#zugkallg">train</a>
t_z(stat == 1)FSTR_EINZEIT_MIN*1000..t_ein*1000t_ein*1000current counter value (count down) to turn start signal to Clear (msec)
vnoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed restriction while passing the itinerary (km/h), VMAX_UNDEF=no limit

There follow <a href="#schfkt">switching function</a>, <a href="#schlist">switching list</a> and list of alternative itineraries.


All the lists are stored only if not empty.

The <a href="#textinfo">info text</a> is stored only if not empty.

<a name="sigel"></a>Signal System Elements

Element properties:

#define SIGELEMEIG_NICHTS       0x0000    /* nothing, standard value */
 Route lists analoguous for stopping points and junctions
 (for both switching effect AND stop at blocked signal)
#define SIGELEMEIG_LIN          0x0001    /* valid only for the routes mentioned in the list */
#define SIGELEMEIG_NLIN         0x0002    /* not valid for the mentioned routes */
#define SIGELEMEIG_BLINKREVERSE 0x0020    /* element blinks with other phase, makes only sense for alternating lights */
#define SIGELEMEIG_FZG          0x0100    /* element counts single vehicles (otherwise whole trains) */
#define SIGELEMEIG_ZUGSCHLUSS   0x0080    /* element counts on train's tail, do not combine with _FZG */
#define SIGELEMEIG_UNSICHTBAR   0x0200    /* element is invisible (not for contacts and grade crossing signals) */

Graphical designs:

 Grade crossing signals: (all driving ways except H2O, also bBK)
  all exist right and left: this is not dependent on right or left
  handed traffic, but the signals often stand on both sides of wide
  roads "mirrored".
 for each _B0 without platform, _B1 platform on signal's side

   Warning cross (more vertically, "St.Andrew's cross")
   right (Danger = blinking inside):
#define BUE_FORM_WKDER_B0    0
#define BUE_FORM_WKDER_B1    1
   ditto left:
#define BUE_FORM_WKDEL_B0    2
#define BUE_FORM_WKDEL_B1    3
   ditto + barrier right (Danger = blinking)
#define BUE_FORM_WKSDER_B0   4
#define BUE_FORM_WKSDER_B1   5
   ditto left:
#define BUE_FORM_WKSDEL_B0   6
#define BUE_FORM_WKSDEL_B1   7
   Warning cross (more flat, with double blinking lights, e.g. ČSD, SBB)
#define BUE_FORM_WKCSR_B0    8
#define BUE_FORM_WKCSR_B1    9
   ditto left:
#define BUE_FORM_WKCSL_B0   10
#define BUE_FORM_WKCSL_B1   11
   ditto+barrier right:
#define BUE_FORM_WKSCSR_B0  12
#define BUE_FORM_WKSCSR_B1  13
   ditto+barrier left:
#define BUE_FORM_WKSCSL_B0  14
#define BUE_FORM_WKSCSL_B1  15
   Warning cross (more vertically, "St.Andrews cross" with yellow-red traffic light above)
#define BUE_FORM_WKDBR_B0   16
#define BUE_FORM_WKDBR_B1   17
   ditto left:
#define BUE_FORM_WKDBL_B0   18
#define BUE_FORM_WKDBL_B1   19
   ditto+barrier right:
#define BUE_FORM_WKSDBR_B0  20
#define BUE_FORM_WKSDBR_B1  21
   ditto+barrier left:
#define BUE_FORM_WKSDBL_B0  22
#define BUE_FORM_WKSDBL_B1  23

 Stop signals: all with 3 versions
   for each: 0 without platform
             1 platform on signal's side
               (depending on right/left handed traffic)
             2 platform on opposite side
 all versions for all driving ways (except H2O, see remarks there)
 for each _B0 without platform, _BR platform right, _BL platform left
   Small light signal black pole right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_LSDER_B0  0
   Small light signal black pole left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_LSDEL_B0  3
   Small light signal white pole right-handed traffic:
   H2O: Light signal right-handed traffic:
#define HSIG_FORM_LSUSR_B0  6
   Small light signal white pole left-handed traffic:
   H2O: Light signal left-handed traffic:
#define HSIG_FORM_LSGBL_B0   9
#define HSIG_FORM_LSGBL_BL  10
#define HSIG_FORM_LSGBL_BR  11
   Semaphore signal (DE design) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_FSDER_B0 12
   Semaphore signal (US design) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_FSUSR_B0 15
   Semaphore signal (UK/AU design) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_FSGBL_B0 18
   Semaphore signal (UK/AU design) "lower quadrant"
   left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_FSLQL_B0 21
   High light signal (DE design Hl) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_LSDRR_B0 24
   High light signal (DE design Hl) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_LSDRL_B0 27
   High light signal (white pole) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_LSUS2R_B0 30
#define HSIG_FORM_LSUS2R_BR 31
#define HSIG_FORM_LSUS2R_BL 32
   High light signal (white pole) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_LSUS2L_B0 32
#define HSIG_FORM_LSUS2L_BL 33
#define HSIG_FORM_LSUS2L_BR 34
   High light signal (DE design Ks) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
   High light signal (DE design Ks) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
   Light signal tram (DE design) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_BLKR_B0  42
#define HSIG_FORM_BLKR_BR  43
#define HSIG_FORM_BLKR_BL  44
   Light signal tram (DE design) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_BLKL_B0  45
#define HSIG_FORM_BLKL_BL  46
#define HSIG_FORM_BLKL_BR  47
   Light signal tram (4 points) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_S4PR_B0  48
#define HSIG_FORM_S4PR_BR  49
#define HSIG_FORM_S4PR_BL  50
   Light signal tram (4 points) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define HSIG_FORM_S4PL_B0  51
#define HSIG_FORM_S4PL_BL  52
#define HSIG_FORM_S4PL_BR  53
   Light signal DE (design DB old H/V) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
   Light signal DE (design DB old H/V) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
   Traffic lights with immediate phase yellow right-handed (not H2O)
    since B385Beta0  2008-09-05
#define HSIG_FORM_LSLZA3R_B0 60
   Traffic lights with immediate phase yellow left-handed (not H2O)
    since B385Beta0  2008-09-05
#define HSIG_FORM_LSLZA3L_B0 63
   Light signal CH (System L) left-handed (not H2O)
    since B385b2 2008-10-31
#define HSIG_FORM_LSCHLL_B0  66
   Light signal CH (System L) right-handed (not H2O)
    since B385b2 2008-10-31
#define HSIG_FORM_LSCHLR_B0  69
   HSig user-defined 0 right-handed (not H2O)
    since B385b3 2008-11-04
#define HSIG_FORM_USER_MIN   72
#define HSIG_FORM_USER0R_B0  72
#define HSIG_FORM_USER0R_BR  73
#define HSIG_FORM_USER0R_BL  74
   HSig user-defined 0 left-handed (not H2O)
#define HSIG_FORM_USER0L_B0  75
#define HSIG_FORM_USER0L_BL  76
#define HSIG_FORM_USER0L_BR  77
   ...and so on...
#define HSIG_FORM_USER19L_B0 189
#define HSIG_FORM_USER19L_BL 190
#define HSIG_FORM_USER19L_BR 191
#define HSIG_FORM_USER_MAX   191

 Distant signals: all with 3 versions
   for each: 0 without platform
             1 platform on signal's side
               (depending on right/left handed traffic)
             2 platform on opposite side
 all versions for all driving ways except H2O
 the definitions are analoguous to the respective stop signals

  Small light signal black pole right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDER_B0     0
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDER_BR     1
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDER_BL     2
  Small light signal black pole left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDEL_B0     3
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDEL_BL     4
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDEL_BR     5
  Small light signal white pole right-handed traffic:
  H2O: Light signal right-handed traffic:
#define VSIG_FORM_LSUSR_B0     6
#define VSIG_FORM_LSUSR_BR     7
#define VSIG_FORM_LSUSR_BL     8
  Small light signal white pole left-handed traffic:
  H2O: Light signal left-handed traffic:
#define VSIG_FORM_LSGBL_B0     9
#define VSIG_FORM_LSGBL_BL    10
#define VSIG_FORM_LSGBL_BR    11
  Semaphore signal (DE design) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_FSDER_B0    12
#define VSIG_FORM_FSDER_BR    13
#define VSIG_FORM_FSDER_BL    14
  Semaphore signal (US design) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_FSUSR_B0    15
#define VSIG_FORM_FSUSR_BR    16
#define VSIG_FORM_FSUSR_BL    17
  Semaphore signal (UK/AU design) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_FSGBL_B0    18
#define VSIG_FORM_FSGBL_BL    19
#define VSIG_FORM_FSGBL_BR    20
  Semaphore signal (UK/AU design) "lower quadrant"
  left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_FSLQL_B0    21
#define VSIG_FORM_FSLQL_BL    22
#define VSIG_FORM_FSLQL_BR    23
  High light signal (DE design Hl) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDRR_B0    24
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDRR_BR    25
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDRR_BL    26
  High light signal (DE design Hl) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDRL_B0    27
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDRL_BL    28
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDRL_BR    29
  High light signal (white pole) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSUS2R_B0   30
#define VSIG_FORM_LSUS2R_BR   31
#define VSIG_FORM_LSUS2R_BL   32
  High light signal (white pole) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSUS2L_B0   33
#define VSIG_FORM_LSUS2L_BL   34
#define VSIG_FORM_LSUS2L_BR   35
  High light signal (DE design Ks) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDBKSR_B0  36
  High light signal (DE design Ks) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDBKSL_B0  39
  Light signal tram (DE design) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_BLKR_B0     42
#define VSIG_FORM_BLKR_BR     43
#define VSIG_FORM_BLKR_BL     44
  Light signal tram (DE design) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_BLKL_B0     45
#define VSIG_FORM_BLKL_BL     46
#define VSIG_FORM_BLKL_BR     47
  Light signal tram (4 points) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_S4PR_B0     48
#define VSIG_FORM_S4PR_BR     49
#define VSIG_FORM_S4PR_BL     50
  Light signal tram (4 points) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_S4PL_B0     51
#define VSIG_FORM_S4PL_BL     52
#define VSIG_FORM_S4PL_BR     53
  Light signal DE (design DB old H/V) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDBHVR_B0  54
  Light signal DE (design DB old H/V) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define VSIG_FORM_LSDBHVL_B0  57
  Light signal CH (System L) left-handed (not H2O)
#define VSIG_FORM_LSCHLL_B0   60
#define VSIG_FORM_LSCHLL_BL   61
#define VSIG_FORM_LSCHLL_BR   62
  Light signal CH (System L) right-handed (not H2O)
#define VSIG_FORM_LSCHLR_B0   63
#define VSIG_FORM_LSCHLR_BR   64
#define VSIG_FORM_LSCHLR_BL   65
  VSig user-defined 0 right-handed (not H2O)
#define VSIG_FORM_USER_MIN    66
#define VSIG_FORM_USER0R_B0   66
#define VSIG_FORM_USER0R_BR   67
#define VSIG_FORM_USER0R_BL   68
  VSig user-defined 0 left-handed (not H2O)
#define VSIG_FORM_USER0L_B0   69
#define VSIG_FORM_USER0L_BL   70
#define VSIG_FORM_USER0L_BR   71
...and so on as for the stop signals...
  VSig user-defined 19 left-handed (not H2O)
#define VSIG_FORM_USER19L_B0  183
#define VSIG_FORM_USER19L_BL  184
#define VSIG_FORM_USER19L_BR  185
#define VSIG_FORM_USER_MAX    185

 Combined signals: all with 3 versions
   for each: 0 without platform
             1 platform on signal's side
               (depending on right/left handed traffic)
             2 platform on opposite side
 all versions for all driving ways (except H2O, see remarks there)
 for tram signals there are no combined ones

  Small light signal black pole right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDER_B0     0
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDER_BR     1
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDER_BL     2
  Small light signal black pole left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDEL_B0     3
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDEL_BL     4
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDEL_BR     5
  Small light signal white pole right-handed traffic:
  H2O: Light signal right-handed traffic:
#define KSIG_FORM_LSUSR_B0     6
#define KSIG_FORM_LSUSR_BR     7
#define KSIG_FORM_LSUSR_BL     8
  Small light signal white pole left-handed traffic:
  H2O: Light signal left-handed traffic:
#define KSIG_FORM_LSGBL_B0     9
#define KSIG_FORM_LSGBL_BL    10
#define KSIG_FORM_LSGBL_BR    11
  Semaphore signal (DE design) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_FSDER_B0    12
#define KSIG_FORM_FSDER_BR    13
#define KSIG_FORM_FSDER_BL    14
  Semaphore signal (US design) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_FSUSR_B0    15
#define KSIG_FORM_FSUSR_BR    16
#define KSIG_FORM_FSUSR_BL    17
  Semaphore signal (UK/AU design) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_FSGBL_B0    18
#define KSIG_FORM_FSGBL_BL    19
#define KSIG_FORM_FSGBL_BR    20
  Semaphore signal (UK/AU design) "lower quadrant"
  left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_FSLQL_B0    21
#define KSIG_FORM_FSLQL_BL    22
#define KSIG_FORM_FSLQL_BR    23
  High light signal (DE design Hl) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDRR_B0    24
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDRR_BR    25
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDRR_BL    26
  High light signal (DE design Hl) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDRL_B0    27
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDRL_BL    28
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDRL_BR    29
  High light signal (white pole) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSUS2R_B0   30
#define KSIG_FORM_LSUS2R_BR   31
#define KSIG_FORM_LSUS2R_BL   32
  High light signal (white pole) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSUS2L_B0   33
#define KSIG_FORM_LSUS2L_BL   34
#define KSIG_FORM_LSUS2L_BR   35
  High light signal (DE design Ks) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDBKSR_B0  36
  High light signal (DE design Ks) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDBKSL_B0  39
  Light signal DE (design DB old H/V) right-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDBHVR_B0  42
  Light signal DE (design DB old H/V) left-handed traffic (not H2O):
#define KSIG_FORM_LSDBHVL_B0  45
 Light signal CH (System L) left-handed (not H2O)
#define KSIG_FORM_LSCHLL_B0   48
#define KSIG_FORM_LSCHLL_BL   49
#define KSIG_FORM_LSCHLL_BR   50
 Light signal CH (System L) right-handed (not H2O)
#define KSIG_FORM_LSCHLR_B0   51
#define KSIG_FORM_LSCHLR_BR   52
#define KSIG_FORM_LSCHLR_BL   53
 KSig user-defined 0 right-handed (not H2O)
#define KSIG_FORM_USER_MIN    54
#define KSIG_FORM_USER0R_B0   54
#define KSIG_FORM_USER0R_BR   55
#define KSIG_FORM_USER0R_BL   56
 KSig user-defined 0 left-handed (not H2O)
#define KSIG_FORM_USER0L_B0   57
#define KSIG_FORM_USER0L_BL   58
#define KSIG_FORM_USER0L_BR   59
...and so on as for the stop signals...
 KSig user-defined 19 left-handed (not H2O)
#define KSIG_FORM_USER19L_B0  171
#define KSIG_FORM_USER19L_BL  172
#define KSIG_FORM_USER19L_BR  173
#define KSIG_FORM_USER_MAX    173

Switching contacts designs:
for each: B0 without platform, B1R platform right side, B1L platform left side

#define SK_FORM_M_B0       0    /* Orange filled circle with '-' */
#define SK_FORM_M_B1R      1
#define SK_FORM_M_B1L      2
#define SK_FORM_P_B0       3    /* Orange filled circle with '+' */
#define SK_FORM_P_B1R      4
#define SK_FORM_P_B1L      5
#define SK_FORM_X_B0       6    /* Orange filled circle with 'x' */
#define SK_FORM_X_B1R      7
#define SK_FORM_X_B1L      8
#define SK_FORM_S_B0       9    /* Blue filled square with 'S' */
#define SK_FORM_S_B1R     10
#define SK_FORM_S_B1L     11
#define SK_FORM_F_B0      12    /* red filled square with 'F' */
#define SK_FORM_F_B1R     13
#define SK_FORM_F_B1L     14
#define SK_FORM_R_B0      15    /* yellow filled square with 'R' */
#define SK_FORM_R_B1R     16
#define SK_FORM_R_B1L     17
<code><SigElem anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of elements = 0..MAX_SIGOBJ_ANZAHL

If (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.
Otherwise, the count is not really checked. The correct value is counted while reading the single elements.

The elements follow sorted alphabetically by name.

For each element:

<code><?? k3= id= name= eig= bf= hs= vv= vp= nrd= nrt= nrz= grd= grt= grz= ></code>

The element type is coded in the tag name:

HSstop signal (German: Hauptsignal)
VSdistant signal (German: Vorsignal)
KScombined signal (German: kombiniertes Signal or Signalkombination)
BSgrade crossing signal (German: BÜ-Signal = Bahnübergangs-Signal)
SKswitching contact, including request contact (German: Schaltkontakt/Anmeldekontakt)


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
idyesMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMER-<a href="#sig">unique identifier</a>
nameyesCHAR16[1..SIGNAMELEN]-<a href="#sig">unique name</a>
eignoSIGELEMEIG_xxx (hex)SIGELEMEIG_NICHTSproperties mask of SIGELEMEIG_xxx
bfnoxx_FORM_MIN..xx_FORM_MAXxx_FORM_MIN (=0)graphical version (design), suitable to object type
vvnoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEFdistant signal speed (km/h), only if hs≠SIGSYSNR_UNDEF
vpnoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEFspeed for permissive travel (km/h)
nrdnoSIGDELTA_KEINS or MIN_SIGELEMDELTA..MAX_SIGELEMDELTASIGDELTA_KEINStime difference to switch back for normal direction of travel (sec)
nrtno<a href="#zeit">ZEITD</a>no timenext time to switch back, day of week = WTAG_KEIN, for normal direction of travel
nrznoINT32 ≥00count of events to switch back, for normal direction of travel
grdnoSIGDELTA_KEINS or MIN_SIGELEMDELTA..MAX_SIGELEMDELTASIGDELTA_KEINStime difference to switch back for reverse direction of travel (sec)
grtno<a href="#zeit">ZEITD</a>no timenext time to switch back, day of week = WTAG_KEIN, for reverse direction of travel
grznoINT32 ≥00count of events to switch back, for reverse direction of travel

Not all parameters make sense for all element types. Normally, they are not stored then.

About data to switch back:

  • if there is no switching list for one direction, there is no delta to switch back for it
  • if there is no delta to switch back, then there is neither a time nor a count of events
  • turning on and turning off actions are counted (also by single vehicles), but only the time of last recent action (+delta) is stored, overwriting the old value
  • at stored moment, a turn back takes place by the nrz resp. grz value and time is set to undef
  • turning on actions are added (>0), turning off actions are subtracted (<0)
  • when summary =0, then no switching is done

There follows the <a href="#schfkt">switching function</a> if not empty:


This defines the maximum count of switching lists since <a href="#fversion">file format</a> FV_3882. Before, you can assume its value to be =1. It is also the maximum count of route lists here.
List #0 is the already existing one for normal direction, #1..MAX_SCHALTLIST_ZAHL-1 are optionally new and especially thought to request different itineraries under different conditions.
The alternative switching list as introduced with BAHN 3.88 is not included here.
Not all of the lists can be edited due to lack of space in the dialog windows. In result, in BAHN 3.88r2 you can edit only:

  • list #0 (stop signal, combined signal, switching contact, request contact)
  • lists #1..3 (request contact)
  • alternative list (switch contact, request contact)
  • list of reverse direction (stop signal, combined signal, switching contact)

The others, if found in a file, will be loaded and stored again, however they will get lost on editing the element.

There follow the <a href="#schlist">switching lists</a>, n for normal direction #0, 1.. for normal direction #1ff, a for normal direction (alternative) and g for reverse direction:


If a list is empty, then this tag is not stored.

The <a href="#llist">route list</a> #0 is stored only if not empty:

either <code><LLp>..</LLp></code> or <code><LLn>..</LLn></code>

with p (positive) for "valid for these" or n (negative) for "not valid for these"

There may follow multiple route lists, belonging to the switching lists above, all to interpret as positive:


The <a href="#dlist">depot lists</a> are stored only if not empty:


with p (positive) for "valid for these" or n (negative) for not "valid for these"

<a href="#depot">Depots</a> connected to signal systems are not stored in the signal system data, i.e. they are no real elements. The same is valid for <a href="#wei">turnouts</a> with signal or itinerary data. The connection is done by the references in the switching functions and switching lists only. When renumbering or deleting the signal system, check the depot and turnout data and update when needed.
The same is with entries of signals at <a href="#hst">stopping points</a> and <a href="#taktp">timing points</a>, and since BAHN 3.88r2 with entries in <a href="#llist">route lists</a>.

<a name="fstranm"></a>Requests for Itineraries
<code><SigAnm anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of requests = 0..MAX_SIGOBJ_ANZAHL

If (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.
Otherwise, the count is not really checked. The correct value is counted while reading the single requests.

The orders follow sorted by time.

For each request:

<code><Anm fs_id= t= zug_id= ></code>


fs_idyesMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMER-<a href="#sig">unique identifier</a> of an itinerary
tyes<a href="#zeit">ZEITD</a>-time when request was stored
zug_idyesZUG_ID_MIN..ZUG_ID_MAX-id of the <a href="#zugkallg">train</a> that sent the request

<a name="textfmt"></a>Text Formats

#define FMT_ANZAHL_MAX     (10000)    /* maximum count of text formats */
#define FMT_ID_UNDEF            0
#define FMT_ID_MIN             (1)
#define FMT_ID_MAX         (FMT_ID_MIN + FMT_ANZAHL_MAX - 1)
#define TEXTFORMATNAMELEN     (32)    /* maximum length of name in characters */
<code><TextFormate anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of text formats = 0..FMT_ANZAHL_MAX

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The text formats follow, in the order defined by the user.

For each text format:

<code><F id= name= vg= hg= rd= ></code>


idyesFMT_ID_MIN..FMT_ID_MAX-unique identifier
nameyesCHAR16[1..TEXTFORMATNAMELEN]-unique name, case sensitive
vgno<a href="#farben">RGBX3</a>use standard text color (coded as "transparent" here)text color (foreground color)
hgnoRGBX3transparentbackground color
rdnoRGBX3same as background colorborder color (frame color)

<a name="text"></a>Text Data

The text data are stored in string elements of variable length. In the layout data, text data are not marked. In result, they can stand at any place, undependent on the graphic element there.

#define STRLEN_MAX (1024)  /* maximum length of a text, valid only inside nt3 layout files */
#define ZEI_PRO_SYM     4  /* characters per layout element */
<code><Texte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of texts ≥0

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The texts follow, sorted by ny, nx, -nz.

For each text:

<code><X k3= fmt= >..</X></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>) of Western border
fmtyesFMT_ID_MIN..FMT_ID_MAX-id of <a href="#textfmt">text format</a>

The tag embraces the text. The text can contain some special and control characters, but no line-breaks (<a href="#textmz">details</a>).

The length is limited to STRLEN_MAX. This limit is valid only for storing files, i.e. in BAHN self a text can be longer. Then it is divided on saving to file and put together on loading from file.

The texts must not overlap. Calculate with up to ZEI_PRO_SYM characters per element.

Directly neighbouring strings should be combined to one string. In result, they get the same text format.

Avoid series of space characters in the way that on one graphic element (nx,ny,nz) there are only spaces, except these become visible by respective text format data, e.g. if they have a visible border. Otherwise, separate the string into 2 ones.

<a name="hst"></a>Stopping points / Stops / Stations

Maximum count of stops:

#define HST_MAXZAHL  (60000)   /* <a href="#fversion">file format</a> &lt FV_3881 */
#define HST_MAXZAHL (200000)   /* file format ≥ FV_3881 */

Type of stop (combination from the following bits for train types):

#define HSTTYP_LEER    0  /* empty, but e.g. HSTEIG_GSD may be set */
#define HSTTYP_NV1  (1<<(ZUGGAT_NV1-1))
#define HSTTYP_NV2  (1<<(ZUGGAT_NV2-1))
#define HSTTYP_BNV  (1<<(ZUGGAT_BNV-1))
#define HSTTYP_REG  (1<<(ZUGGAT_REG-1))
#define HSTTYP_EIL  (1<<(ZUGGAT_EIL-1))
#define HSTTYP_D1   (1<<(ZUGGAT_D1 -1))
#define HSTTYP_D2   (1<<(ZUGGAT_D2 -1))
#define HSTTYP_EX1  (1<<(ZUGGAT_EX1-1))
#define HSTTYP_EX2  (1<<(ZUGGAT_EX2-1))
#define HSTTYP_EX3  (1<<(ZUGGAT_EX3-1))

Properties of stop (combination from the bits):

#define HSTEIG_NORMAL     0x0000 /* standard value */
#define HSTEIG_2          0x0001 /* is double stop */
#define HSTEIG_3          0x0002 /* is triple stop */
#define HSTEIG_AR         0x0004 /* trains going on-duty only (not non-revenue) */
#define HSTEIG_ER         0x0008 /* trains going off-duty only (not non-rev.) */
#define HSTEIG_GSD        0x0040 /* goods + special trains + non-revenue trips */
#define HSTEIG_L          0x0080 /* given routes only */
#define HSTEIG_NL         0x0100 /* not for given routes */
#define HSTEIG_UNSICHTBAR 0x0200 /* sign is invisible */
#define HSTEIG_TUEREN_ZU  0x0800 /* do not open doors while standing here */

Graphical versions (designs):

#define HST_FORM_MIN       0
#define HST_FORM_MAX      16
#define HST_FORM_MIN_H2O   2
#define HST_FORM_NUR_H   0    Str+bBk: black-white rectangle ("H") without platform
                              H2O: --- 
#define HST_FORM_NUR_HB  1    Str+bBk: black-white rectangle ("H") with platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_KGE_B   2    Str+bBk: small yellow-green sign + platform
                              H2O: Lifebelt + platform
#define HST_FORM_KRO_B   3    Str+bBk: small red sign + platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_KBL_B   4    Str+bBk: small blue-white sign + platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_KGR_B   5    Str+bBk: small green sign + platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_GSW_B   6    Str+bBk: large black-white sign + platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_GRO_B   7    Str+bBk: large red sign + platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_GBL_B   8    Str+bBk: large blue sign + platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_GGR_B   9    Str+bBk: large green sign + platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_KGE    10    Str+bBk: small yellow-green sign without platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_KRO    11    Str+bBk: small red sign without platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_KBL    12    Str+bBk: small blue-white sign without platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_KGR    13    Str+bBk: small green sign without platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_GLI_B  14    Str+bBk: large violet sign + platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_GGE_B  15    Str+bBk: large yellow sign + platform
                              H2O: ---
#define HST_FORM_GBR_B  16    Str+bBk: large brown sign + platform
                              H2O: ---

Lists of waiting times:

#define MAXWZLISTSIZE  50    /* maximum count of entries, in pairs */
#define WZZEIT_MIN (0)       /* 0 = no stop is allowed */
#define WZWSL_MIN  (1)    
#define WZWSL_MAX  (100)  
<code><HaltePkte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of stops = 0..HST_MAXZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The stopping points follow, unsorted.

For each stopping point:

<code><H k3= typ= eig= ri= vneu= sig= bf= wzl= ></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
typnoHSTTYP_xxx (hex)HSTTYP_NV1type, mask of HSTTYP_xxx
eignoHSTEIG_xxx (hex)HSTEIG_NORMALproperties, mask of HSTEIG_xxx
riyesRICHTUNGBIT_nnn (hex)- directions of effect
must be set suitable to the driving way element, each allows 2 directions only, both can be set here
vneunoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit when leaving, VMAX_UNDEF=no limit
only important, if the train really stops
signoMIN_SIGOBJ_NUMMER..MAX_SIGOBJ_NUMMERSIGSYSNR_UNDEF signal to wait for on departure
bfnoHST_FORM_MIN..HST_FORM_MAXHST_FORM_MIN_H2Ographical version (design)
wzlno0..MAXWZLISTSIZE0number of entries (pairs) in the list of waiting times, 0 = no list

The types HSTTYP_L and HSTTYP_NL are exclusive.

To define a "compulsory stop" type (as in some former BAHN versions), combine all train types HSTTYP_xx.

The <a href="#llist">route list</a> is stored only if (eig & ( HSTTYP_L | HSTTYP_NL )).
If it is empty, then none of these bits should be set.


The list of waiting times follows only if (wzl > 0).


It consists of pairs, for each pair:

<code><W t= p= /></code>


tyesWZZEIT_MIN..WZZEIT_MAX-waiting time in sec (=0 then train does not stop)
pyesWZWSL_MIN..WZWSL_MAX-partial probability

The same time should occur only once.
The summary of all partial probabilities is defined as 100%.

<a name="lafa"></a>Speed Restrictions (Speed Limits)

#define LFST_MAXZAHL (90000)    maximum number of speed limit signs

Properties, combination of bits:

#define LFSTEIG_NICHTS     0x0000   standard value (init.)
#define LFSTEIG_ARDFSONDER 0x0001   going on-service
#define LFSTEIG_ERDFSONDER 0x0002   going off-duty
#define LFSTEIG_UNSICHTBAR 0x0004   invisible
#define LFSTEIG_L          0x0008   only for given routes/train numbers...
#define LFSTEIG_NL         0x0010   not for given routes/train numbers...
#define LFSTEIG_ZUGENDE    0x0040   valid from train's tail (when completely passed)

Graphical versions (designs):

#define LFST_FORM_MIN    0
#define LFST_FORM_MAX   17
#define LFST_FORM_0      0    GlStr+Bus: Traffic sign (round, red border)
                              bBk: ---
                              H2O: white plate with red border
#define LFST_FORM_0_B    1    GlStr+Bus: Traffic sign (round, red border) + platform
                              bBk: ---
                              H2O: white plate with red border + platform
#define LFST_FORM_2      2    GlStr+Bus: Traffic sign (round, black border)
                              bBk: ---
                              H2O: blue plate with white line
#define LFST_FORM_2_B    3    GlStr+Bus: Traffic sign (round, black border) + platform
                              bBk: ---
                              H2O: blue plate with white line + platform
#define LFST_FORM_4      4    GlStr+bBk: orange triangle
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_4_B    5    GlStr+bBk: orange triangle + platform
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: --- 
#define LFST_FORM_6      6    GlStr+bBk: white rectangle
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_6_B    7    GlStr+bBk: white rectangle + platform
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_8      8    GlStr+bBk: green triangle
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_8_B    9    GlStr+bBk: green triangle + platform
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_10    10    GlStr+bBk: yellow rectangle
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_10_B  11    GlStr+bBk: yellow rectangle + platform
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_12    12    GlStr+bBk: white triangle (point down)
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_12_B  13    GlStr+bBk: white triangle (point down) + platform
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_14    14    GlStr+bBk: yellow triangle (point down)
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_14_B  15    GlStr+bBk: yellow triangle (point down) + platform
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_16    16    GlStr+bBk: green triangle (point up)
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
#define LFST_FORM_16_B  17    GlStr+bBk: green triangle (point up) + platform
                              Bus: ---
                              H2O: ---
<code><LafaPkte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of speed restriction points = 0..LFST_MAXZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The speed restriction points follow, unsorted.

For each speed restriction point:

<code><? k3= eig= ri= bf= v= ></code>

Some properties are coded in the tag name self:


E0effect on train's tail, lift all limits
Eeffect on train's tail
V0effect on train's head, lift all limits
Vgeneral version with more parameters and options


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
eignoLFSTEIG_xxx (hex)LFSTEIG_NICHTSproperties, mask of LFSTEIG_xxx
riyesRICHTUNGBIT_nnn (hex)- directions of effect
must be set suitable to the driving way element, each allows 2 directions only, both can be set here
bfyesLFST_FORM_MIN..LFST_FORM_MAX-graphical version (design)
vnoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit with up to 3 digits after comma, VMAX_UNDEF=no limit

only defined when speed for all train types is the same and ≠0 (simple speed restriction)

when speed for all is the same and =0 then it is already defined in the tag name

When the speed is different for some train types, then there follows a detailed info of multiple lines, for each line:

<code><D z= p= g= s= ></code>


zyes0..ZUGGAT_ANZAHL-1, 1..ZUGGAT_ANZAHL-1- train type (priority),

the 2nd value defines an interval of multiple types beginning at the first value
otherwise it is missing (i.e. when the line is valid for exactly one train type)

pnoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit with up to 3 digits after comma, VMAX_UNDEF=no limit
for passenger trains
gnoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit with up to 3 digits after comma, VMAX_UNDEF=no limit
for freight/goods trains
snoVMAX_UNDEF or MIN_VMAX..MAX_VMAXVMAX_UNDEF speed limit with up to 3 digits after comma, VMAX_UNDEF=no limit
for special trains

The types LFSTEIG_L and LFSTEIG_NL are exclusive.

The <a href="#llist">route list</a> is stored only if (eig & ( LFSTTYP_L | LFSTTYP_NL )).
If it is empty, then none of these bits should be set.


<a name="fzgsatz"></a>Vehicle Sets

This data block contains the information about the vehicle sets that have to be installed when loading the layout.
Alternatively, this information could be collected from the train data. However, this would need more time, and all sets would be omitted that have been installed but not used.

<code><FzgSatz anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of vehicle sets ≥ 0

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The vehicle set numbers follow, sorted by number.
For each set:

<code><S dnr= snr= /></code>


dnrno-1..NUTZERZGGSATZ_DATEIZAHL-1-1file number: -1 standard, ≥0 user-defined
snryesINT32 ≥0- set number in the file, see FZG/NFZ graphics documentation for details


<a name="hgrbmp"></a>Background Bitmap

<code><HgrBild anz= ein= ></code>


anzyes0 or 10count of bitmaps (actually supported only 1)
einno0 or 10 1 = display of bitmap is on, 0 = off

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

There follows the picture:

<code><Bild k3= dx_el= dy_el= dname= ></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>) of north west corner, nz=0
dx_elyes1..NETZBREITE-extent West-East
dy_elyes1..NETZHOEHE-extent North-South
dnameyesCHAR16[1..MAXPATH]- file name without path

Win32-compatible, i.e. of valid characters

All coordinates and extents given in BAHN coordinates.
The extents in pixels can be found in the header of the bitmap files.

<a name="logp"></a>Log points (Protocolling)

Options for single protocol points:

#define LOGPOPT_NICHTS  0x0000   /* nothing */
#define LOGPOPT_ERR     0x0001   /* Arriving (incoming) */
#define LOGPOPT_VERL    0x0002   /* Leaving */
#define LOGPOPT_ANK     0x0004   /* Arriving to stop */
#define LOGPOPT_ABF     0x0008   /* Leaving stop */
#define LOGPOPT_DISABLE 0x0010   /* out of service */
#define LOGPOPT_LL      0x0020   /* valid only for given routes */
#define LOGPOPT_NLL     0x0040   /* not valid for given routes */

#define LOGNAMEBZLEN    32  /*  maximum length of name of a protocol point in characters */
<code><LogPkte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of log points ≥0

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The log points follow, sorted by (ny, nx, -nz).

For each log point:

<code><O k3= name= ri= eig= ></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
nameyesCHAR16[1..LOGNAMEBZLEN]-name (not needed to be unique)
riyesRICHTUNGBIT_nnn (hex)- directions of effect
at least one bit, multiple can be set
should make sense depending on the driving way element at this position

these are the directions when leaving, i.e. the direction that may be changed on the element (e.g. at curves and turnouts)

eignoLOGPOPT_xxx (hex)LOGPOPT_STANDARD properties, mask of LOGPOPT_xxx
at least one bit must be set except LOGPOPT_DISABLE

The properties LOGPOPT_LL and LOGPOPT_NLL are exclusive.

The <a href="#llist">route list</a> is stored only if (eig & ( LOGPOPT_LL | LOGPOPT_NLL )).
If it is empty, then none of these bits should be set.


<a name="prellb"></a>Bumpers / Line ends

#define PRELL_MAXZAHL  40000    maximum count of bumpers / line ends

Graphical versions (designs):

#define PRELL_FORM_MIN         0
#define PRELL_FORM_MAX        11

for each _n  without platform, _BR  platform left, _BL right, _B2 both sides
#define PRELL_FORM_0      0
#define PRELL_FORM_0_BR   1
#define PRELL_FORM_0_BL   2
#define PRELL_FORM_0_B2   3
        GlStr+bBk: red sign (German railways Sh2 sign)
          Bus: traffic sign + barrier
          H2O: white-red-white sign
#define PRELL_FORM_1      4
#define PRELL_FORM_1_BR   5
#define PRELL_FORM_1_BL   6
#define PRELL_FORM_1_B2   7
    GlStr+Bus: ---
          bBk: bumper (concrete)
          H2O: yellow buoy
#define PRELL_FORM_2      8
#define PRELL_FORM_2_BR   9
#define PRELL_FORM_2_BL  10
#define PRELL_FORM_2_B2  11
    GlStr+Bus: ---
          bBk: bumper black (steel)
          H2O: ---
<code><WendePkte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of bumpers = 0..PRELL_MAXZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The bumpers follow, unsorted.

For each line terminator:

<code><B k3= t= bf= /></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
tno0..MAXRGZEIT0time for turning, in sec
bfnoPRELL_FORM_MIN..PRELL_FORM_MAXPRELL_FORM_0graphical version (design)

<a name="infotext"></a>Local Information Texts

<code><InfoTexte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of info texts >0

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The local info texts follow one after the other, usually sorted by ny, nx, -nz.
<a href="#textinfo">Info texts</a> belonging to objects (trains, routes, signal systems) have the same structure but are stored at the respective object and do not have own coordinates.

For each info text:

<code><IT k3= >..</IT></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)

The text is embraced by the tag and is a <a href="#textmz">multi-line text</a>.
The maximum length is MAXINFOTEXTSIZE-1.

<a name="soundp"></a>Sound Points

#define SOUNDP_MAXZAHL     40000    /* maximum count of sound points */

Properties, a valid combination of SOUNDPEIG_xxx:

#define SOUNDPEIG_NICHTS   0x0000   /* as return code only */
#define SOUNDPEIG_PFEIFEN1 0x0001   /* horn once */
#define SOUNDPEIG_PFEIFEN2 0x0002   /* horn twice (combine with _PFEIFEN1) */
#define SOUNDPEIG_LAEUTENA 0x0004   /* begin ringing */
#define SOUNDPEIG_LAEUTENE 0x0008   /* end ringing */
#define SOUNDPEIG_LAEUTEN1 0x0010   /* once ringing */
#define SOUNDPEIG_LIN      0x0080   /* only for given routes */
#define SOUNDPEIG_NLIN     0x0100   /* negation: only non-given routes */

Graphical versions (designs):

#define SOUNDP_FORM_MIN        0
#define SOUNDP_FORM_MAX       13
   without platform: Bit0=0     with platform: Bit0=1
   "Land"=GlStr+Bus+bBk, i.e. all except H2O
#define SOUNDP_FORM_0    0
#define SOUNDP_FORM_0_B  1
         Land: Rectangle sign, cream with violett horn (phantasy sign)
          H2O: the same
#define SOUNDP_FORM_2    2
#define SOUNDP_FORM_2_B  3
         Land: as 0, red crossed
          H2O: the same
#define SOUNDP_FORM_4    4
#define SOUNDP_FORM_4_B  5
         Land: white rectangle plate with black text ("L")
          H2O: white square plate with red border and black point
               (nearly identical to speed limit sign, "Attention Danger")
#define SOUNDP_FORM_6    6
#define SOUNDP_FORM_6_B  7
         Land: white rectangle plate with black text ("L")
          H2O: -- 
#define SOUNDP_FORM_8    8
#define SOUNDP_FORM_8_B  9
         Land: 2 white rectangle plates with black text above ("PP")
          H2O: -- 
#define SOUNDP_FORM_10   10
#define SOUNDP_FORM_10_B 11
         Land: 2 white rectangle plates with black text beneath ("PL")
          H2O: --
#define SOUNDP_FORM_12   12
#define SOUNDP_FORM_12_B 13
         Land: white diamond-shaped plate with black text ("F")
               (NL: signal 312 of NS railway, "fluiten" = to horn)
          H2O: --
<code><SoundPkte anz= ></code>

Parameter: anz = count of sound points = 0..SOUNDP_MAXZAHL

if (anz == 0) then the whole tag is omitted.

The sound points follow, unsorted.

For each sound point:

<code><U k3= eig= ri= bf= ></code>


k3yesKOORD3-position (<a href="#k3">coordinates</a>)
eignoSOUNDPEIG_xxx (hex)SOUNDPEIG_PFEIFEN1properties, mask of SOUNDPEIG_xxx
riyesRICHTUNGBIT_nnn (hex)- directions of effect
must be set suitable to the driving way element, each allows 2 directions only, both can be set here
bfnoSOUNDP_FORM_MIN..SOUNDP_FORM_MAXSOUNDP_FORM_0graphical version (design)

The properties SOUNDPEIG_LIN and SOUNDPEIG_NLIN are exclusive.

The <a href="#llist">route list</a> is stored only if (eig & ( SOUNDPEIG_LIN | SOUNDPEIG_NLIN )).
If it is empty, then none of these bits should be set.


<a name="anhang"></a>Attached Additional Files

The whole tag follows only if stated in the <a href="#allg">general data</a> anhang=1.

<code> <Anhang>..</Anhang></code>

The tag embraces the entries for the individual files.
For each:

<code> <Dt name= ln= tg= zt= >..</Dt></code>


nameyesCHAR16[1..MAXPATH]- file name without path
Win32-compatible, i.e. of valid characters
lnyesINT32 >0-file length in bytes
tgyesYYYY-MM-DD-date of the file, year-month(01..12)-day(01..31)
ztyes<a href="#zeit">ZEITD</a>-time of the file, day of week = WTAG_KEIN

The tag covers the complete file, binary copied, i.e. not XML-compatible.

The following files are attached, if existing:

.uz1, .uzgZoom1 user-defined scenery archive files
.uz2, .uz4Zoom2+4 user-defined scenery archive files
.bnmuser-defined animation control files
.uz1, .uz2, .uz4Zoom1+2+4 user-defined signal/way archive files
.gz1, .gz2, .gz4Zoom1+2+4 user-defined scenery/signal/way single files
.nfzZoom1 user-defined vehicle archive files
.ufg + .uzzold Zoom1 user-defined vehicle archive files
.fzz, .fz2, .fz4Zoom2+4 user-defined vehicle single files
.bmpbackground bitmap file

<a name="appendix"></a>Appendix

<a name="elemweg"></a>Numbers/Coding of driving way elements

The general constants, data and coding are given in the <a href="#netz">Layout data</a> section. The following list only gives the elements completely, that differ from the coding by RICHTUNG_xxx.
To get the correct driving way version, add the numbers to the respective mask MIN_GLEISxxx, MIN_WASSERxxx or MIN_BUSxxx.


 W West    NW Northwest
 E East    SW Southwest
 N North   NE Northeast
 S South   SE Southeast
0straight way, "horizontal" W-E
1straight way, "vertical" N-S
2straight way, 45° NW-SE
3straight way, 45° SW-NE
4..7not used
8curve 90° S-W
9curve 90° N-W
10curve 90° N-E
11curve 90° S-E
12double slip turnout (English points) W-E, NW-SE
13double slip turnout W-E, SW-NE
14double slip turnout N-S, NW-SE
15double slip turnout N-S, SW-NE
16simple slip turnout N-S, NW-SE, curve S-NW
17simple slip turnout N-S, NW-SE, curve N-SE
18simple slip turnout N-S, SW-NE, curve S-NE
19simple slip turnout N-S, SW-NE, curve N-SW
20simple slip turnout W-E, NW-SE, curve W-SE
21simple slip turnout W-E, NW-SE, curve E-NW
22simple slip turnout W-E, SW-NE, curve E-SW
23simple slip turnout W-E, SW-NE, curve W-NE
24curve 45° NW-S
25curve 45° SW-N
26curve 45° N-SE
27curve 45° S-NE
28curve 45° W-SE
29curve 45° W-NE
30curve 45° NW-E
31curve 45° SW-E
32crossing of straight lines 90° W-E, N-S
33crossing of straight lines 90° NW-SE, SW-NE
34..38not used
39crossing of straight lines 45° NW-SE, N-S
40crossing of straight lines 45° SW-NE, N-S
41crossing of straight lines 45° NW-SE, W-E
42crossing of straight lines 45° SW-NE, W-E
43crossing of 3 straight lines NW-SE, SW-NE, N-S
44crossing of 3 straight lines NW-SE, SW-NE, W-E
45crossing of 3 straight lines W-E, N-S, NW-SE
46crossing of 3 straight lines W-E, N-S, SW-NE
47crossing of 4 straight lines W-E, N-S, NW-SE, SW-NE
48right turnout 45° W-E, W-SE
49left turnout 45° W-E, W-NE
50right turnout 45° E-W, E-NW
51left turnout 45° E-W, E-SW
52right turnout 45° S-N, S-NE
53left turnout 45° S-N, S-NW
54right turnout 45° N-S, N-SW
55left turnout 45° N-S, N-SO
56right turnout 45° SW-NE, SW-E
57left turnout 45° SW-NE, SW-N
58right turnout 45° NE-SW, NE-W
59left turnout 45° NE-SW, NE-S
60right turnout 45° SE-NW, SE-N
61left turnout 45° SE-NW, SE-W
62right turnout 45° NW-SE, NW-S
63left turnout 45° NW-SE, NW-E
64Y turnout 45° S-NW, S-NE
65Y turnout 45° N-SW, N-SE
66Y turnout 45° E-SW, E-NW
67Y turnout 45° W-NE, W-SE
68Y turnout 45° NW-E, NW-S
69Y turnout 45° SE-W, SE-N
70Y turnout 45° NE-W, NE-S
71Y turnout 45° SW-E, SW-N
723-way turnout 45° S-NW, S-NE, S-N
733-way turnout 45° N-SW, N-SE, N-S
743-way turnout 45° E-SW, E-NW, E-W
753-way turnout 45° W-NE, W-SE, W-E
763-way turnout 45° NW-E, NW-S, NW-SE
773-way turnout 45° SE-W, SE-N, SE-NW
783-way turnout 45° NE-W, NE-S, NE-SW
793-way turnout 45° SW-E, SW-N, SW-NE
80right turnout 90° W-E, W-S
81left turnout 90° W-E, W-N
82right turnout 90° E-W, E-N
83left turnout 90° E-W, E-S
84right turnout 90° S-N, S-E
85left turnout 90° S-N, S-W
86right turnout 90° N-S, N-W
87left turnout 90° N-S, N-E
88combined turnout 2×45° N-S, N-SW, S-NW
89combined turnout 2×45° N-S, N-SE, S-NE
90combined turnout 2×45° W-E, W-SE, E-SW
91combined turnout 2×45° W-E, W-NE, E-NW
92combined turnout 2×45° NW-SE, NW-E, SE-N
93combined turnout 2×45° NW-SE, NW-S, SE-W
94combined turnout 2×45° SW-NE, SW-E, NE-S
95combined turnout 2×45° SW-NE, SW-N, NE-W
96..127not used
128..135sound points (all designs)
136depot W-E (design 0: hall, old)
137depot N-S (design 0)
138depot NW-SE (design 0)
139depot SW-NE (design 0)
140..143depot (design 1: hall, more modern)
144..147depot (design 2: works pit)
148..151depot (design 3: "D" letter only)
152..159timing points (all designs)
160..167platforms one side
168..175line ends / bumpers (all designs)
176..183speed restriction signs (all designs)
184..191ramps (travelling direction is upwards, to nz+1)
192..199shunting points (all designs)
200..207data change points (all designs)
208bridge/tunnel entry from S, concrete, without piers, without railing
209bridge/tunnel entry from S, concrete, without piers, with railing
210bridge/tunnel entry from S, steel grid, without piers, with railing
211..215not used
216-223bridge/tunnel entry design 0
224-231bridge/tunnel entry design 1 (gray)
232-239bridge/tunnel entry design 2 (black grid construction)
240-247bridge/tunnel entry design 3
248-255bridge/tunnel entry design 4
256platform, 2 sides, W-E
257platform, 2 sides, N-S with extension to (ny-1) position
258platform, 2 sides, NW-SE
259platform, 2 sides, SW-NE
260way through station hall N-S
261way through station hall N-S, platform right
262way through station hall N-S, platform left
263way through station hall N-S, platform at both sides
264..271stopping points (all designs)
272crossing straight with curve 45° W-E, NW-S
273crossing straight with curve 45° W-E, NE-S
274crossing straight with curve 45° W-E, N-SE
275crossing straight with curve 45° W-E, N-SW
276crossing straight with curve 45° N-S, SW-E
277crossing straight with curve 45° N-S, NW-E
278crossing straight with curve 45° N-S, W-NE
279crossing straight with curve 45° N-S, W-SE
280crossing straight with curve 45° NW-SE, NE-S
281crossing straight with curve 45° NW-SE, NE-W
282crossing straight with curve 45° NW-SE, SW-N
283crossing straight with curve 45° NW-SE, SW-E
284crossing straight with curve 45° SW-NE, W-SE
285crossing straight with curve 45° SW-NE, N-SE
286crossing straight with curve 45° SW-NE, NW-E
287crossing straight with curve 45° SW-NE, NW-S
288crossing from 2 curves 45° each (wide angle) W-NE, NW-S
289crossing from 2 curves 45° each (wide angle) NW-E, NE-S
290crossing from 2 curves 45° each (wide angle) SW-E, N-SE
291crossing from 2 curves 45° each (wide angle) W-SE, N-SW
292crossing from 2 curves 45° each (wide angle) NW-S, SW-E
293crossing from 2 curves 45° each (wide angle) N-SW, NW-E
294crossing from 2 curves 45° each (wide angle) N-SE, W-NE
295crossing from 2 curves 45° each (wide angle) NE-S, W-SE
296crossing from 2 curves 45° each (small angle) N-SW, S-NW
297crossing from 2 curves 45° each (small angle) N-SE, S-NE
298crossing from 2 curves 45° each (small angle) W-SE, E-SW
299crossing from 2 curves 45° each (small angle) W-NE, E-NW
300crossing from 2 curves 45° each (small angle) NW-E, SE-N
301crossing from 2 curves 45° each (small angle) NW-S, SE-W
302crossing from 2 curves 45° each (small angle) SW-E, NE-S
303crossing from 2 curves 45° each (small angle) SW-N, NE-W
304..391not used
392..399switching contacts (all designs)
400..407combined signals, clear (all designs)
408..415combined signals, caution (all designs)
416..423combined signals, danger (all designs)
424..431distant signals, clear (all designs)
432..439distant signals, caution (all designs)
440..447stop signals, clear (all designs)
448..455stop signals, danger (all designs)
456..463grade crossing signals, clear (all designs)
464..471grade crossing signals, danger (all designs)
472..479 3-way-turnouts for separating driving way "road" from
   driving way "track on road":
  • only defined for "track on road" way
  • order/coding same as 3-way-turnout
  • rail vehicles always go facing: left, trailing: right
480..487 3-way-turnouts for separating driving way "road" from
   driving way "track on road":
  • only defined for "track on road" way
  • order/coding same as 3-way-turnout
  • rail vehicles always go facing: right, trailing: left
488..495 3-way-turnouts for separating driving way "road" from
   driving way "track on road":
  • only defined for "track on road" way
  • order/coding same as 3-way-turnout
  • rail vehicles always go straight on
496..503 curves 45° with platform on outer side, order/coding the same as simple curves 45°
504..511 curves 45° with platform on inner side, order/coding the same as simple curves 45°

Let the trains run...
Jan Bochmann

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