
Hai-uri, an agile, jumping creature who is partially-invisible and has only one side to its body (one arm and one leg). It eats humans and is comparable to the Tikdoshe of the Zulu people and the Chiruwi of Central Africa.


The Chiruwi ("mysterious creature") is a Central African half-man, with one leg, one arm and one side. Seen from the missing side he is invisible. He will challenge all those he encounters to a fight. If he is defeated he will beg not to be killed and in return he will offer the knowledge of many medicine. The victor will then became a very successful medicine-man. Should the Chiruwi win, however, he will kill his victim.




A malevolent dwarf of Zulu tradition. It has a similar anatomy as the Chiruwi and the Hai-uri (one arm, one leg, one side), and takes delight in fighting humans. Defeat means an irrevocable death, but victory can mean the acquisition of magic, since Tikdoshe will reward the victor with lots of medicines.



A Khoikhoi monster who transports itself by jumping over bushes and shrubbery in stead of walking around it. It has one leg, one arm, one side, and is semi-invisible. Despite that, he is surprisingly agile when pursuing human prey. It is similar to the Zulu Tikdoshe and the Chiruwi of Central Africa.
