
About Karoly Szarencsev

I was born in Budapest in 1960 into a family of Bulgarian gardeners. The first art teacher was my father, who was extraordinary precise on his work, and with very good taste arranged the fruits and vegetables in our farm. Then at school'd I drew the back pages of my notebooks and by promote of my art-teacher, who coudn’t help me more, I started taking lessons in painting in a community center. After high school already irretrievably fall in love with art and enrolled to study painting at the Art Academy in Sofia. After the 5 Academy years realized in me internally, that art can not be taught, but must feel it inside. Or comes or not. It took me years to do not paint and forget that which I was taught. Now, after 50 relaxed and I do what I want as I want without care about the opinion of the craft. Here see the result of how thrown objects give a different meaning and a new life without thinking whether someone will like it. That's it.

I had exhibitions, have written about me, were giving me on TV, but it is not important, so I don’t write artistic biography