
'Biodynamic architecture' is a new way of architectural thinking, a spiral-based architecture-planing-method used in the creating processes and works of SPIRALI art&architecture.

'Biodynamic architecture' is also a new philosophy, a new point of view to redefine architecture and architectural thinking. It creates the harmony between the aura and the constructed environment (houses, buildings, gardens, urban and landscape environment).

'Biodynamic architecture' is working with > the knowledge of the earth and universal energies surrounding us and the planet, > the knowledge of the energies of our body and the aura, > the datas of measurments about the electroradiation of all the electronic equipments people are using, > the facts of the radioactive radiation aswell, > the ancient constructions theories, > feng-shui and other conscious space-design of ancient spiritual knowledge, > but also new technologies and developments.

It changes the statical thinking to a dynamical way of view to create environment which motivate us to live our life active and healthy!

SPIRALI imagines buildings with curves and spirals made from natural and healthy materials and sees the nature also inside of our buildings. Spaces of living and working have to have energetical balance and harmony, so when people enter in a room or in a designed space they get more energized and activated, they see colors, forms making them happy and healthy.