Maria Callas


Dear Istvan,

I don’t mind if you use some photographs from our site. I can’t read Hungarian, alas. Maybe, if you have questions you could also contact our member Gyula Hodozso in Budapest (email hodozso kukac freemail pötty hu). There is much information about Callas’ roles on our site. In a few weeks the first part of Norma will be added which was published in our March 2008 Magazine.

I wish you much success with your site.

Best wishes,

Karl van Zoggel

Van: Istvan A... [1] Verzonden: zondag 30 maart 2008 23:36 Aan: M.C.I.C. Karl van Zoggel Onderwerp: RE:

Dear Mr Zoggel,

Thank you for your answer. I think I will be ready with the Callas articles in about 2 weeks, but the problem is that it will be in Hungarian and I don't know if you understand the language, but anyway I will be very glad to send it to you. Because I would like to write about Ms Callas' big roles: Violetta, Tosca, Norma, Lucia and Medea, I would like to add images as well to text. Because on the internet it is very hard to find free-to-use pictures about Maria Callas I was hoping you would be so kind and help me and all the readers of the Hungarian Wikipedia project out.

Thank you again for your help Istvan A

Kew Gardens


From: "Lee Nelson" <....> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Subject: Re: map licence Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:36:17 -0700 To: "István A." <.....> Hi Istvan,

You have my permission to use my copyrighted map if there is a clear and obvious notice related to it that states: copyright © Lee W. Nelson, Please send me a link to the page so I can see how it looks.


--- Lee Nelson Tour London, New York, San Francisco, CA Wine Country, Las Vegas, San Diego, Los Angeles, New Orleans, and Yosemite at

On Oct 17, 2007, at 12:11 PM, István A. wrote:

Dear Sir,

My name is Istvan A..., i am an editor of the Hungarian version of the Wikipedia, Online Free Encyclopedia Project. I am currently working on an article about Kew Gardens, London. In order the article to be complete, I would like your permission to use the Kew Gardens map, from your website, namely Kew_Gardens_Map.png. Your kindness is appreciated

Thank you, Istvan </nowiki>

Angela Gheorghiu


From: Istvan A (.....) Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 10:22:51 AM To: Cc: ....

Stimate Doamna/Domn,

Numele meu este Istvan A, locuiesc in Cluj-Napoca. Sunt o mare admiratoare a doamnei Angela Gheorghiu si pregatesc un articol despre ea in enciclopedia libera online Wikipedia (atat in versiunea in limba romana, cat si cea in limba maghiara). Din acest motiv a-si dori sa-mi permiteti utilizarea unor copii ale imaginilor dupa copertele albumelor dansei lansate de EMI Classics, pentru a putea ilustra articolul (este vorba despre imaginile de pe acest site: .

Va mentionez ca aceste imagini vor fi incarcate pe site-ul wikipediei sub licenta cc-by-sa-3.0, ceea ce inseamna, ca vor putea fi folosite liber, dar numai cu mentiunea autorului acestora, respectiv EMI Classics.

Va multumesc anticipat.

Cu stima Istvan

From: Bogdan Enache (....) Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 11:43:17 AM To: .....

Buna ziua, am primit solicitarea dvs. PUteti folosi copertile albumelor pentru site, fara probleme. Daca nu le aveti, vi le putem furniza noi.Cu bine,Bogdan EnacheDirectorEMI Classics / Media Services



Képek innen Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 05:46:27 -0700 From: xxx Subject: Re: Poze CFR To: xxx

Buna ziua

Nu am nimic impotriva sa folositi pozele in conditiile pe care le-ati specificat. Site-ul nu a mai fost actualizat de o vreme (lipsa de timp), dar va mai pot trimite poze si cu alte tipuri de vehicule feroviare (fie ele locomotive, vagoane sau tramvaie) care circula prin Romania (am mult mai multe poze decat au fost publicate pe site-urile mele... si prin ,,multe" inteleg vreo 15 GB). Numai sa imi spuneti ce anume v-ar interesa si va voi trimite.

O zi buna! Dragoş Anoaica

Dr2005 TRANSIRA Administrator; RAIL CLUB Moderator

Administrator of: , etc.

--- On Wed, 3/11/09, Istvan AT <xxxx> wrote:

From: Istvan A <xxx> Subject: Poze CFR To: xxxx Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 12:26 PM


Ma numesc Istvan, scriu din Cluj. Am vazut pe site-ul ca va ocupati de problemele legate de Caile Ferate Romane. Sunt editor pe wikipedia si a-si dori sa obtin dreptul de a folosi imaginile postate pe siteul ( in vederea ilustrarii articolelor referitoare la caile ferate romane. Mentionez ca pozele vor fi incarcate in wikipedia sub licenta cc-by-sa-3.0 ceea ce inseamna ca vor putea fi folosite liber, dar va fi obligatorie mentionarea autorului, sau a siteului de unde provine.

Astept cu interes raspunsul DVS
