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Polar Bear


The polar bear is a predator. They are marine mammals because they spend most of their lives on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean. Most of them live their all life in the frozen waters of Arctic. It is also known as the white bear. The polar bear lives in the south of the North Pole. This animal isn't hibarnate in real. Approximately the polar bear runs seventy kilometer a day for food. They most live 15 to 18 years.



This is a big bear. The adult male bear is about 350 to 700 kg, while about half of the female. Their many body characteristics adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across snow, ice and open water, and for hunting seals. They have warm whit fur bur they skin is black.


Polar Bears are born between November and January. Their body weight at birth is approximately 1 kg They are naked, deaf and blind. (They are blind for around the first month of their lives) When they are two months old, they will have begin to walk inside the den.

The polar bears are always on road so they haven't got a constant home. Their favourite foods are the seals and the fish. They are very good swimmers and they can reach the speed of 10 kilometers.

Interesting things:


1.Less than 2% of polar bears hunts are successful. Although about half of a polar bear’s life is spent hunting for food, their hunts are rarely successful...

2. The polar bears have 19 subpopulations.

3. Polar bears clean themselves by rolling in the snow.