1 : elso
2 : masodik
3 : otodik
neve2 : ertek2
neve1 : ertek1

Page name variable Its output in this wikitext Description
{{FULLPAGENAME}} Szerkesztő:Uno20001/tesztLap1 Canonical page name. Title line. Title unless letter-case is altered with {{DISPLAYTITLE}}.
{{PAGENAME}} Uno20001/tesztLap1 Title line excluding namespace.
{{PAGENAMEBASE}} Uno20001/tesztLap1 Title line excluding words in parentheses: Page name (disambiguation) → Page name
{{BASEPAGENAME}} Uno20001 Title of parent page, excluding namespace.
{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Uno20001 Title of topmost parent (before all subpages), excluding namespace.
{{SUBPAGENAME}} tesztLap1 On a subpage, rightmost portion of current title; higher subpagenames show as backlinks.
{{ARTICLEPAGENAME}} Szerkesztő:Uno20001/tesztLap1 Title of the subject page associated with the current page. These are useful on talk pages (but see note about Category talk pages).
{{SUBJECTPAGENAME}} Szerkesztő:Uno20001/tesztLap1
{{TALKPAGENAME}} Szerkesztővita:Uno20001/tesztLap1 Title of the talk page associated with the current page. Useful on subject pages.
{{NAMESPACENUMBER}} 2 Number of the current page's namespace.
{{NAMESPACE}} Szerkesztő Namespace of the title.
{{ARTICLESPACE}} Szerkesztő On a talk page, the namespace part of the title of the associated subject page.
{{SUBJECTSPACE}} Szerkesztő
{{TALKSPACE}} Szerkesztővita Namespace of the talk page associated with the current page.