
Legutóbb hozzászólt Kelovy 16 évvel ezelőtt

I am Canadian. I don't speak, read or write Hungarian. My mother was Hungarian. Her family is from Ardovo (Pelsocardo). Her father was Andrej Kupec(z) and her mother was Maria (Mary) Szabari. If you know the names of my family members in Ardovo and region can you please post them with birth and death date.

Hi, Your grandfather was probably of Slovak origin, Andrej is Slovak common given name (Andrew) and Kupec means Merchant in this language. Official site of Ardovo:[1] (in Slovak). I hope You will find more about Your family soon. If I can help, just mail me to– Kelovy 2007. október 22., 02:51 (CEST)Válasz
Visszatérés a(z) „Pelsőcardó” laphoz.