
Legutóbb hozzászólt Ykvach 13 évvel ezelőtt a(z) Ykvach's proposition témában
Ez a szócikk témája miatt az Állatok műhelye érdeklődési körébe tartozik.
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Értékelő szerkesztő: Patko erika (vita), értékelés dátuma: 2010. március 25.
Halakkal kapcsolatos szócikkek Wikipédia:Cikkértékelési műhely/Index

Ykvach's proposition


Hallo friends! I am sorry, I do not speak Hungarian, but make some corrections in Hungarian Wiki (related to systematic of fish). I have a proposition for you to check was species should be called ""tarka géb"" in Hungarian. Earlier the genus Proterorhinus consisted of a sole species - P. marmoratus. Now this species is described as several cryptic species. P. marmoratus is mentioned only in the Black Sea, but in the fresh wtaers of the Black Sea basin P. semilunaris is mentioned. P. semilunaris is originaly described in Vienna more than a hundred years ago. Also in Hungarian water another species, Proterorhinus rubromaculatus, was described. Last species is recorded as junior synonym of P. semilunaris now. So, it looks like Hungarian vernacular name ""tarka géb"" is related to P. semilunaris, not to P. marmoratus. Please check it! Contact ichthyologists if necessary. I have no rights for my oppinion, because I am not Hungarian... It must be done by you! Best wishes! --Ykvach vita 2011. március 19., 20:22 (CET)Válasz

Visszatérés a(z) „Proterorhinus” laphoz.