„Harvard Egyetem” változatai közötti eltérés

[ellenőrzött változat][ellenőrzött változat]
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Wikidata működésben
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1. sor:
{{nincs forrás}}
{{Iskola infobox
|név=Harvard Egyetem<br />''Harvard University''
42 ⟶ 41 sor:
* [[Jolesz A. Ferenc]] radiológia professzor
* [[Kornai János]] az egyetem Közgazdaságtan Tanszékének emeritus professzora
* Abelmann, Walter H., ed. ''The Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology: The First 25 Years, 1970–1995'' (2004). 346 pp.
* Beecher, Henry K. and Altschule, Mark D. ''Medicine at Harvard: The First 300 Years'' (1977). 569 pp.
* Bentinck-Smith, William, ed. ''The Harvard Book: Selections from Three Centuries'' (2d ed.1982). 499 pp.
* Bethell, John T.; Hunt, Richard M.; and Shenton, Robert. ''Harvard A to Z'' (2004). 396 pp. [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0674012887 excerpt and text search]
* Bethell, John T. ''Harvard Observed: An Illustrated History of the University in the Twentieth Century'', Harvard University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-674-37733-8
* Bunting, Bainbridge. ''Harvard: An Architectural History'' (1985). 350 pp.
* Carpenter, Kenneth E. ''The First 350 Years of the Harvard University Library: Description of an Exhibition'' (1986). 216 pp.
* Cuno, James et al. ''Harvard's Art Museums: 100 Years of Collecting'' (1996). 364 pp.
* Elliott, Clark A. and Rossiter, Margaret W., eds. ''Science at Harvard University: Historical Perspectives'' (1992). 380 pp.
* Hall, Max. ''Harvard University Press: A History'' (1986). 257 pp.
* Hay, Ida. ''Science in the Pleasure Ground: A History of the Arnold Arboretum'' (1995). 349 pp.
* Hoerr, John, ''We Can't Eat Prestige: The Women Who Organized Harvard;'' [[Temple University Press]], 1997, ISBN 1-56639-535-6
* Howells, Dorothy Elia. ''A Century to Celebrate: Radcliffe College, 1879–1979'' (1978). 152 pp.
* Keller, Morton, and Phyllis Keller. ''Making Harvard Modern: The Rise of America's University'' (2001), major history covers 1933 to 2002 [http://www.questia.com/read/106186126?title=Making%20Harvard%20Modern%3a%20%20The%20Rise%20of%20America%27s%20University online edition]
* [[Harry R. Lewis|Lewis, Harry R.]] ''Excellence Without a Soul: How a Great University Forgot Education'' (2006) ISBN 1-58648-393-5
* Morison, Samuel Eliot. ''Three Centuries of Harvard, 1636–1936'' (1986) 512pp; [http://books.google.com/books?id=ZUUf7ssp1u4C&dq=intitle:harvard+inauthor:morison&lr=&as_drrb_is=q&as_minm_is=0&as_miny_is=&as_maxm_is=0&as_maxy_is=&as_brr=0 excerpt and text search]
* Powell, Arthur G. ''The Uncertain Profession: Harvard and the Search for Educational Authority'' (1980). 341 pp.
* Reid, Robert. ''Year One: An Intimate Look inside Harvard Business School'' (1994). 331 pp.
* Rosovsky, Nitza. ''The Jewish Experience at Harvard and Radcliffe'' (1986). 108 pp.
* Seligman, Joel. ''The High Citadel: The Influence of Harvard Law School'' (1978). 262 pp.
* Sollors, Werner; Titcomb, Caldwell; and Underwood, Thomas A., eds. ''Blacks at Harvard: A Documentary History of African-American Experience at Harvard and Radcliffe'' (1993). 548 pp.
* <span id="Trumpbour">Trumpbour, John, ed.</span>, ''How Harvard Rules. Reason in the Service of Empire'', Boston: South End Press, 1989, ISBN 0-89608-283-0
* Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, ed., ''[http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:4662764 Yards and Gates: Gender in Harvard and Radcliffe History]'', New York: [[Palgrave Macmillan]], 2004. 337 pp.
* Winsor, Mary P. ''Reading the Shape of Nature: Comparative Zoology at the Agassiz Museum'' (1991). 324 pp.
* Wright, Conrad Edick. ''Revolutionary Generation: Harvard Men and the Consequences of Independence'' (2005). 298 pp.
== Külső hivatkozások ==
{{commonskat|Harvard University}}
* [http://www.harvard.edu/ A Harvard Egyetem honlapja] {{en}}
* [http://www.harvardgocrimson.educom/ AOfficial Harvardathletics Egyetem honlapjawebsite] {{en}}
* [http://m.harvard.edu/home/ Harvard mobile website] {{en}}
{{csonk-dátum|csonk-oktatás|2005 augusztusából}}