Icarus (pro wrestler)


Kiss Benedek Áron (born Jan 27, 1989) aka Icarus is a hungarian professional wrestler. He is one of the founders of the Hungarian Championship Wrestling (HCW) in Budapest, Hungary.

Early life


Áron was born in Budapest. He got a diploma of Electric Media (TV, Radio, Editing) and from Sportsmanagement. Worked in many hungarian TV channels, and many movie productions. Áron was also a singer in the hungarian metal scene in a band called SyCo I, then guest performed for his singles entrance song with famous hungarian metal band Leander Kills.

Professional wrestling career


Independent circuit (2010-)


Áron debuted in 2010 in his own promotion in HCW in Budapest, Hungary. Then he started his independetn career in Pro Wrestling Holland in the Netherlands in 2012. After years of training under the wings of Tommy End, he got his name slowly in the independet world. He learned also from Sami Zayn, Nigel McGuinness, Johnny Moss, Dave Mastiff, Tom Prichard, Gangrel and many more. Icarus is known by his risk taking high spots, and daredevil style spiced with serious strikes and flips sometimes. He worked multiple times in Germany (GWF, GWP), Holland (PWH), France (LNC), Italy (Rising Sun, ASCA), Spain (RCW), Belgium (PWA), Romania (RPW), Czech (wXw, Uprising).

Currently he is a full time roster member in German Wrestling Federation and in Hungarian Championship Wrestling.

Arrows of Hungary


Icarus is teaming with his childhood friend Dover as the Arrows of Hungary. The neo traditional hungarian hussar/buso warriors are separating the work in the ring. Dover is the powerhouse, and Icarus is the highflyer in the team.

In wrestling

  • Finishing moves
    • Meltdown (Swanton Bomb)
    • Message To The Past (Ripcord Rolling Elbow)
  • Signature moves
  • With Dover
    • Double team finishing moves
      • Crossfire ( Opponent between the partners recieves a running double knee strike from both sides at the same time)
      • Air Raid Crash + Swanton Bomb
      • Neckbreaker + Powerbomb
      • Exploder + Back Body Drop Attack
      • Spinebuster Combo
  • Nicknames
    • Aaron Arrow
    • The Hungarian Arrow
    • The Arrow of Hungary
    • The Fallen Hero
    • Extreme Myth
  • Entrance themes
    • "Valami Folyon" by Leander Kills
    • "Viharom Tavaszom" by Leander Rising
    • "House of Straw" by Bury Your Dead