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The Zaza-People originate in Eastern Turkey. Usually, they are referred to as Kurds, because just recently knowledge about them has spread. But this is not correct and heavily opposed by Zazas. The Zazas do not form a homogenous group, for they can be divided by their confession half and half into Alevis and Sunnis. Traditionally the religious identity is more important than having the same language in common. Only recently in the European Diaspora there are attempts for a claim to a Zaza identity irrespective religious ideas. After the fall of Ottoman Empire the Turks had made bad experience as far as maintaining cultural and linguistic diversity within a nation was concerned. For this reason they started an assimilation politic which should unite all population into an identity based on Turkishness. Hence publishing and music making in local languages became forbidden. Besides the Jews, Armenians and Greeks, no other ethnic minorities officially existed in Turkey according to the Treaty to Lausanne in 1923. Suffering discrimination from the Turkish Army many Zazas moved to West Europe and especially West Germany. Released from fear of repression, the awareness of the Zazas about their identity linked with their language Zazaki raised. Many Intellectuals have begun to pay more attention to their language and are actively involved in maintenance strategies. They have come to the point to realise the ultimate worth of their language which is about to die. Indeed Zazaki is threatened with extinction, because many children do not learn the language as a mother tongue language and in Turkey many people have voluntarily stopped communicating in Zazaki for mainly economic reasons.
Saro ke ez cı ra yenane khano, ma pêro mıleto de khanime na dina sero. Ez jü zono de khan qesey kenane, zonê ho. Ez welato de khan de cüyenane, zobina caê de nêcüyane u ez itarawane. No ezane, ez be ho. Ez teynarane na dina gırse sero. Ez teynarane, mıletê mı xêle waxto ke merdo, teyna ez mendane. Ez zono huyo khan teyna qesey kenane. Ez teyna fetelinane serê na raa ke heyat name bena. Ez nonê ho wenane u awa ho teyna sımenane. Uyo ke kıtabanê ho nusneno ezane u uyo ke ine waneno oncia ezane. Ez peyê çê ho de vecinane ro kou; ez verê çê ho de mose dere ra pêcênane. Her roz, serba fıkıriyaen u ğeyalkerdene rê ez vecinane ro serê tumu, teyna ez be ho. Waxto ke ez çê ra düri biyane, mı mordemê bini di; ine ra taê amey welatê mı. Ez dine rê rınd biyane. Mı werd u awe dê dine, i çê mı de araşiyêne ra. Ma nıka... mordemê xami ke amey ita, i mı ra vanê ke ez se bıkerine, se mekerine. Hama ita, çêwa u wayir ezane, çê ho de jü ezane. No çê mıno khano, cao ke pi u khalıkanê mı tede cüyêne. No çê mı, welatê mıno; ez be ho ita teyna nisenane ro. Note: Na jü hêkata ke mı jü albazê Macari (Eino81) ra gurete u çarnê ra Zazaki. Na mesela seha ke zon u mıletê ma sero vata. |