Dr. Csörgő Piroska Magyar matematikus, kutatónő, egyetemi tanár, az MTA doktora. Szakterülete a loopelmélet, és a csoportelmélet.
szerkesztésTanulmányait az Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem -en végezte. Tanulmányai elvégzése után ott is tanított/tanít. 2012-től az Eszterházy Károly Főiskola tanára is.
szerkesztésSzámos konferencián vett részt, és tartott előadásokat a világ minden táján napjainkban is.
Publikációi: 1. Csörgő, P.: On the theory of Frobenius groups, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös Sect. Math., 21 (1978), 123-127.
2. Csörgő, P.: On a characterization of Frobenius and L2(2k) groups, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös Sect. Math., 27 (1985), 41-44.
3. Csörgő, P.: On normal-complements in finite groups, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös Sect. Math., 27 (1985), 45-49.
4. Csörgő, P.: On p-t groups, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 35 (1988), 255-259.
5. Csörgő, P.: On (p, k, t)-groups, Notes on algebraic systems, V 3-5, DM, 88-3, Karl Marx Univ. Econom., Budapest, 1988.
6. Csörgő, P.: Some properties of p-t groups, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös Sect. Math., 32 (1989), 97-100.
7. Csörgő, P.: On Suzuki's characterization of PGL (2, 2f), Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 166/4 (1994), 1-15.
8. Csörgő, P.: The properties of T*-groups, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 49/1-2 (1996), 93-97.
9. Asaad, M.; Csörgő, P.: On T*-groups, Acta Math. Hungar., 74/3 (1997), 235-243.
10. Asaad, M.; Csörgő, P.: The influence of minimal subgroups on the structure of finite groups, Arch. Math. (Basel), 72/6 (1999), 401-404.
11. Csörgő, P.; Niemenmaa, M.: Solvability conditions for loops and groups, J. Algebra, 232/1 (2000), 336-342.
12. Csörgő, P.: On the natural factorization of finite supersolvable groups, Groups-Korea '98 Proc. of Intern. Conf. at Pusan Nat. Univ. 91-94, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 2000.
13. Csörgő, P.: On p -T*-groups, J. Egyptian Math. Soc., 8/2 (2000), 121-126.
14. Csörgő, P.; Myllylä, K.; Niemenmaa, M.: On connected transversals to dihedral subgroups of order 2 pn, Algebra Colloq., 7/1 (2000), 105-112.
15. Csörgő, P.: On supersolvability of finite groups, Glasgow Math. J., 43/3 (2001), 327-333.
16. Csörgő, P.; Niemenmaa, M.: On connected transversals to nonabelian subgroups, European J. Combin., 23/2 (2002), 179-185.
17. Csörgő, P.; Fine, B.; Rosenberger, G.: On certain equations in free groups, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), Misprinted version: 68/1-2 (2002), 95-105. and Corrected version: 68/3-4 (2002), 895-905.
18. Csörgő, P.; Kepka, T.: On loops whose inner permutations commute, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 45/2 (2004), 213-221.
19. Csörgő, P.; Herzog, M.: On supersolvable groups and the nilpotator, Comm. Algebra, 32/2 (2004), 609-620.
20. Asaad, M.; Heliel, A. A.; Ezzat Mohamed, M.; Csörgő, P.: Finite groups with some subgroups permutable with all Sylow subgroups, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl., 4/3 (2004), 437-446.
21. Csörgő, P.; Drápal, A.: Left conjugacy closed loops of nilpotency class two, Results Math., 47/3-4 (2005), 242-265.
22. Csörgő, P.: Extending the structural homomorphism of LCC loops, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 46/3 (2005), 385-389.
23. Asaad, M.; Csörgő, P.: Characterization of finite groups with some S-quasinormal subgroups, Monatsh. Math., 146 (2005), 263-266.
24. Csörgő, P.; Jancarik, A.; Kepka, T.: Generalized capable abelian groups, Non-Associative Algebra and its Applications, A series of Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 246, Chapt.10, 2006, 129-136. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, 2006.
25. Csörgő, P.: On connected transversals to abelian subgroups and loop theoretical consequences, Arch. Math. (Basel) 86/6 (2006), 499-516.
26. Csörgő, P.; Drápal, A.: On left conjugancy closed loops in which the left multiplication group is normal, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, 76 (2006), 17-34.
27. Csörgő, P.: Abelian inner mappings and nilpotency class greater than two, European J. Combin., 28/3 (2007), 858-867.
28. Asaad, M.; Csörgő, P.; Ramadan, M.: Normal p-complements for finite groups, Acta Math. Hungar., 119/4 (2008), 359-364.
29. Csörgő, P.: On loops that are abelian groups over the nucleus and Buchsteiner loops, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 49/2 (2008), 197-208.
30. Asaad, M.; Csörgő, P.: Some results on supersolvability of finite groups, Monatsh. Math., 154 (2008), 265-269.
31. Csörgő, P.; Drápal, A.: On loops rich in automorphisms that are abelian modulo the nucleus, Forum Mathematicum, 21/3 (2009), 477-489.
32. Csörgő, P.; Drápal, A.; Kinyon, M. K.: Buchsteiner loops, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 19/8 (2009), 1049-1088.
33. Csörgő, P.; Drápal, A.: Buchsteiner loops and conjugacy closedness, Comm. Algebra, 38 (2010), 11-27.
34. Csörgő, P.: Multiplication groups of commutative automorphic p-loops of odd order are p-groups, to appear at Journal of Algebra,
35. Csörgő, P.: On the centrally and nuclearly nilpotent Moufang loops, submitted,
36. Csörgő, P.: All automorphic loops of order p^2 for some prime p are associative, submitted,
Curriculum Vitae
szerkesztés- 1969–74 E ̈otv ̈os University Budapest, Student in Mathematics
- 1974 MSc Degree with Distinction in Mathematics
- 1974–76 Scholar for a Doctoral Degree
- 1976 Doctor of Natural Sciences (summa cum laude)
- 1989 Candidate Degree in Mathematics
- 2010 Doctor Habil in Mathematics, E ̈otv ̈os Lor ́and University
- 2011 Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
szerkesztés- 1976–80 Professor’s Assistant E ̈otv ̈os University Budapest, Dept. of Numerical Methods
- 1980–89 Senior Assistant Professor E ̈otv ̈os University Budapest, Dept. of Numerical Methods
- 1989–1992 Senior Assistant Professor E ̈otv ̈os University Budapest, Dept. of Algebra
- 1992– Associate Professor E ̈otv ̈os University Budapest, Dept. of Algebra Scholarships in Hungary
- 1973–74 People’s Republic’s Scholarship
- 1974–76 Scholarship for a Doctoral Degree
- 2003–2006 Sz ́echenyi Istv ́an Scholarship
Scholarships and Research abroad
szerkesztés- 1996, 1997 TEMPUS Scholarship University of St. Andrews, Scotland 1–1 month
- 1992 Spring Semester University of Chicago, USA Visiting Associate Professor (at Prof. G.G. Glauberman, with Soros Scholarship)
- 2008–2009 Fulbright Research Scholarship University of Denver, USA, 4 months
- 2011 Ethel Raybould Scholarship, University of Queensland , Brisbane, Australia, 3 months
Lectures given at International and Hungarian Mathematica l Conferences
Invited Lecturer
szerkesztés- 1996 Second National Conference of Mathematics on Algebra and its Application, Cairo, Egypt
- 1999 Groups and Combinatorics, Workshop, Oulu, Finland On connection between loops and groups
- 2000 Conference of Geometry, Algebra and Application,Cairo University, Egypt On supersolvability of finite groups
- 2000 Loop theoretical Workshop Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic On solvability of loops
- 2005 Loop theoretical Workshop Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Abelian inner mappings and nilpotency class greater than two
- 2008 Loop theoretical Workshop Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic On multiplication groups
- 2008 Conference in Honour of Prof. T. Kepka Olomouc, Czech Republic On Moufang loops
Other Lectures
szerkesztés- 1985, 1987, 1990 International Group theoretical Conferen ce I, II, III,Debrecen, Hungary
- 1997 Groups St. Andrews 97’, International Conference, Bath, England Loops and groups
- 1998 Groups – Korea 98’ International Conference, Pusan, South-Korea On supersolvable groups
- 1999 Conference in Algebra in honour of the 70th birthday of Ervin Fried, Budapest, Hungary
On supersolvable groups
- 2000 XVI. Escola de Algebra Conferencias e Cominicacaes, Brasilia On supersolvability of finite groups
- 2001 Groups St. Andrews 01’, Oxford, England On natural factorization of supersolvable groups
- 2002 International Congress in Mathematics Beijing, China On loops and groups 2
- 2002 Conference in Algebra Dedicated to the Memory of Z. I. Borevich, St. Petersburg, Russia
On loops and groups
- 2003 International Conference Loops ’03, Prague, Czech Republic On loops whose inner permutations commute
- 2005 Mile High Conference on Quasigroups, Loops and Nonassociative Systems,Denver, U.S. Abelian inner mappings and nilpotency class greater than two
- 2005 Groups St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland Abelian inner mapping groups and
nilpotency classes
- 2005 A Conference in Honour of Adalbert Bovdi’s 70th Birthday Debrecen, Hungary
Inner mapping groups and nilpotency classes
- 2006 Groups and Topological Groups Prague, Czech Republic Generalized capable groups and related problems
- 2007 GTG (Groups and Topological Groups) Debrecen, Hungary Buchsteiner loops and nilpotency class
- 2007 International Conference Loops ‘07 Prague, Czech Republic On Buchsteiner loops
- 2009 Groups, Combinatorics & Computation International Conference in Honour of Ch. Praeger’s 60th Birthday Perth, Australia On Moufang loops
- 2009 2nd Mile High Conference on Nonassociative Mathematics Denver, U.S.A. On Moufang loops that have nilpotency class at most two over the nucleus
- 2011 LOOPS ’11. The International Mathematical Conference on Quasigroups and Loops Trest, Czech Republic On Moufang loops 3
Lectures at Seminars
szerkesztés- University of Chicago, USA
- University of St. Andrews, Scotland
- Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen, Hungary
- Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
- University of Denver, USA
- University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
szerkesztés- 1974 R ́enyi Kat ́o Prize
- Member of Editorial Board
- Journal of Mathematical Sciences
- Advances and Applications (India)
szerkesztés- János Bolyai Mathematical Society
- Society of Algebraists
szerkesztés- 1) Journal of Algebra
- 2) Acta Mathematica Hungarica Budapest
- 3) Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen
- 4) London Mathematical Society, Lecture Notes Series
- 5) Resultate der Mathematik
- 6) Algebra Colloquium
- 7) Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
- 8) JZUS J. Zheijang Univ. Science