Galomb-1915 (Pigeon-1915)


The Galomb-1915 (English: Pigeon-1915, Hungarian: Galamb-1915, Slovenian: Golob-1915) is a Bomber powered by a multiple Jet engines.

10 units were ordered to be constructed in 1916, after it got accepted by the Őrség Flying corps.

Although 10 units were made, only 3 exist to this day, and even those are banned in every aircraft museum, thanks to the UN. (United Nations)

The Galomb is capable of dropping 8 500kg bombs, or 16 250kg bombs.

They were produced in Bajánsenye, a very industrious town in the Republic of Őrség.

The Galomb didn't saw combat in the Great War, however it saw combat in the 1st Őrség-Hungarian war, fighting against the communist government after the Aster revolution.

4 out of 5 was destroyed while trying to reach Budapest, the capital of Hungary. The one that remained successfully reached Budapest, and bombed Kun Béla's personal toilet's left side, since the left side had leftist, liberalist, communist views, and the right had rightist, conservatist views.

Modern history


One was lost in 1942 August 20, when it was disguised as a faulty Héja I. István Horthy used it on his last flight, thinking it was a normal Héja I.

On 2023 March 25th in the Őrség war of independence, it had a mission to bomb logistics of Hungarian and Slovenian troops. It completed the mission succesfully however, when trying to land a JAS 39 Gripen shot it out of the sky.

Legends say that the remaining 3 are located deep underground in an Őrségi underground air base.