Kasztner Rezső
SzületettKasztner Rezső, Kastner Israel/Ysrael, ישראל קסטנר
Elhunyt1957. március 15.
Tel-Aviv, Izrael
Nemzetiségemagyar, izraeli
HázastársaElizabeth Fischer
Foglalkozásaügyvéd, újságíró

Kasztner Rezső (1941-től Kasztner Rudolf, majd az 1950-es évektől Israel/Ysrael Kastner)(ישראל קסטנר). (Kolozsvár, 1906Tel-Aviv, 1957. március 15.) zsidó származású magyar újságíró, ügyvéd és cionista vezető volt. A második világháborút követően Izraelben telepedett le.

Élete szerkesztés

Ifjúsága szerkesztés

Kasztner Rezső 1906-ban született Kolozsvárott egy zsidó származású magyar család gyermekeként. A jogi egyetem elvégzése után, 1925-től 1940-ig a magyar nyelvű cionista napilap, az Új Kelet munkatársa volt. A kolozsvári zsidó közösség egyik ismert tagjaként tevékenyen részt vett a helyi cionista mozgalomban. Emellett 1929 és 1931 között bukaresti politikai tudósítóként is tevékenykedett. Ebben az időszakban a Romániai Nemzeti Zsidó Párt parlamenti frakciójának titkári tisztségét is ellátta. 1926-tól 1928-ig az Aviva-Barisszia ifjúsági cionista mozgalom vezetőjeként, amely végül egyesült a Ha-Iḥud ha-Olamival, a No'ar című, magyar nyelvű folyóirat szerkesztője volt.[1][2][3]

Menekítési tevékenysége szerkesztés

A második világháború elején szerkesztés

A második bécsi döntés értelmében Erdély 1940-ben visszakerült Magyarországhoz és az Új Kelet című lapot hamarosan betiltották a hatóságok.[1]

Budapesti tevékenysége szerkesztés

1942-ben Kasztner Budapestre költözött és csatlakozott a Keren Hajeszod cionista szervezethez. Emellett a Ha-Iḥud ha-Olami magyarországi tevékenységében is aktívan részt vett és 1943-tól 1945-ig a Magyarországi Cionista Szövetség elnökhelyettesi posztját is ellátta. Budapestre érkezve csatlakozott ahhoz a cionista akcióhoz, amelynek célja a zsidó származású csehszlovák és lengyel menekültek megmentése és segítése volt. Előbb a mozgalom félig titkos politikai tevékenységét irányította, majd a mentőakciók vezetője lett. Ezeket a funkciókat betöltve tárgyalásokat folytatott a magyar hatóságokkal, beleértve az ellenzék tagjait is. Emellett kapcsolatot tartott fenn a magyar katonai hírszerzéssel és az Abwehrrel is, amely jóval Magyarország német megszállása előtt megjelent az országban.[1]

Adolf Eichmannal való tárgyalása szerkesztés

1944. március 19-én Magyarország német megszállás alá került és ennélfogva a mentőakciók is felgyorsultak. A cionisták kapcsolatba kerültek a Birodalmi Biztonsági Főhivatallal (RSHA), amit Adolf Eichmann vezetett. Eichmann a megszállás után érkezett Magyarországra a végső megoldás előkészítése céljából.

Kasztner conducted the rescue work jointly with Joel *Brand, who initially served as the main contact with the Germans. As a relatively unknown "foreigner" he could not have been effective with Hungarian politicians and officials so his area of contacts was with the Germans. The very idea of negotiating with the Germans was controversial both during the war and afterwards. The Nazis were imposing "The Final Solution;" they were clearly the enemy bent on destruction. Yet, they also were the only address if rescue was to be effectuated. The prime subject under discussion with the various German offices was the "Blut fuer Ware" ("Blood for Goods") plan by which Germany would receive quantities of supplies for the German war effort from neutral countries with the help of international Jewish bodies in exchange for the survival of the Jewish population and their transfer from German-occupied territories to safety abroad, especially to Palestine. By 1944, the German military situation was clearly deteriorating and their purposes were hardly humanitarian, but if they could improve their military situation, then the partial postponement of the murder of Jews in one sector of operation – postponement not cancellation – was a price they might be willing to pay. In connection with this plan Kasztner became the chief contact with Eichmann in place of Joel Brand, whom Eichmann had sent to Istanbul to open negotiations with Jewish leaders abroad. In the period of Aug. 21, 1944–April 1945 he visited Germany a number of times, and also went five times to Switzerland, in order to meet representatives of the *American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the *Jewish Agency on the rescue plan, and particularly to arrange its financing by Jewish organizations. These activities resulted in the Germans' transfer to Switzerland of two transports, first of 318 and later of 1,368 Jews from *Bergen-Belsen, most of them of Hungarian and Transylvanian origin (on Aug. 18 and Dec. 6, 1944). Among the people on the Kaszner train were the Satmar Rebbe, Joel *Teitelbaum, and his entourage – saved by a Zionist – along with members of Kasztner's own family and wealthy Jews whose support was essential to financing the operation. This was later to be a source of controversy. Kasztner's negotiations with the Germans were also designed to ensure the survival of the Jews in the Budapest ghetto.[1]

A Kasztner-per szerkesztés

The postwar situation of Kasztner put him at the center of a storm. After the war Kasztner settled in Israel and was given a government post, becoming active in the *Mapai Party. He edited Mapai's Hungarian-language weekly A Jövó and subsequently rejoined the editorial staff of Uj Kelet, reestablished in Tel Aviv in 1948. In 1953, an old Jew Malkiel Gruenwald of Jerusalem published a mimeographed leaflet in which he accused Kasztner of having collaborated with the German Nazis thereby hastening the destruction of Hungarian Jewry. He also alleged that at the Nuremberg trial of Kurt Becher, an SS officer, Kasztner had testified on his behalf and thereby helped in acquitting a war criminal. In view of the fact that the person being slandered was a government official, the Israel attorney general issued a writ of indictment against Gruenwald. The trial was a media sensation. A brilliant young right-wing attorney, Shmuel *Tamir, turned the defense of Gruenwald into an indictment of Kasztner and in turn of the Israeli government and the Zionist movement.

On June 22, 1955, the judge, Benjamin Halevy, who later was one of the judges at the Eichmann trial, gave his decision in the case, in which he accepted most of Gruenwald's accusations and in a sharply worded judgment accused Kasztner of "selling his soul to Satan." Halevy said that only the accusation that Kasztner has personally profited remained unproven and thus found for the plaintiff but awarded him a pittance. The Israel Cabinet instructed the attorney general to lodge an appeal, a decision which caused a cabinet crisis when the *General Zionists refused to support the government on a non-confidence motion. The Kasztner case thus became a major issue in the election campaign of 1955. The appeal, however, was submitted and on Jan. 17, 1958, the Supreme Court overturned the lower court's decision, finding Gruenwald guilty on most points of the slander charge and thereby clearing Kasztner's name. Kasztner himself was no longer alive; on March 3, 1957, a young man from Tel Aviv, Ze'ev Eckstein, influenced by the political atmosphere created by the lower court's verdict, shot Kasztner in the street. He succumbed nine days later. The story of Kasztner served as the model for a novel by Robert St. John, The Man who Played God (1962). It is a featured part of both right-wing and post-Zionist critiques of Zionist activities during the Holocaust.

The accusations against Kasztner include the argument that he should have informed Hungarian Jews of the "Final Solution." He had been privy to the Vr'ba-Wetzler report and "knew" that Jews were being killed in massive numbers. Hungarian Jews should have been warned of their fate, that he had favored privileged rather than ordinary Jews in his rescue efforts, and that he saved his own family at the expense of others. His negotiations with the Germans were by their very nature unequal; they had power, he did not. They could open the gates; he could not, at least not without their approval. So his situation was compromised from the start. Kasztner defenders argue on his behalf that information about the "Final Solution" was available to Hungarian Jews from many sources, but such information was not accepted as credible and therefore could not serve as a basis for action. Furthermore, the support of wealthy Jews was essential to financing the rescue operation. Without their participation for humanitarian or self-interested reasons no possible rescue could have been achieved, and the rescue of his family was quite natural. Even in death, the controversy endures. It remains the subject of books, journalistic pieces, and even television shows and films. Kasztner remains a useful target for those who wish to attack the Zionist establishment of the Yishuv and the early years of statehood, and his circumstances reveal the utter powerlessness of Jews under German occupation once the "Final Solution" was German policy. Hero or villain or both, the debate over Kasztner will endure though quite often the discussion has less to do with him than with contemporary issues.

Az életéről készült filmek szerkesztés

A Kasztner-levéltár szerkesztés

Jegyzetek szerkesztés

  1. a b c d Jewish Virtual Library:Kasztner, Rezső Rudolf (angol nyelven). (Hozzáférés: 2009. november 23.)
  2. Holokauszt Magyarországon:Hős vagy áruló? Kasztner Rezső (magyar nyelven). (Hozzáférés: 2009. november 23.)
  3. Porter, Anna. Kasztner's train. Constable, ???. o.. ISBN 184 529717 2 (2008) 

Források szerkesztés

Irodalom szerkesztés

Angol nyelvű szerkesztés

  • Barri, Shoshana (1997). "The Question of Kastner's Testimonies on behalf of Nazi War Criminals," The Journal of Israeli History, vol 18, issue 2-3, pp. 139-165.
  • Bilsky, Leora (2001). "Judging Evil in the Trial of Kastner", Law and History Review, Vol 19, No. 1, Spring 2001.
  • Encyclopaedia Judaica (1972). "Kasztner, Rezso Rudolf," Jerusalem.
  • Gilbert, Martin (1981). Auschwitz and the Allies: A Devastating Account of How the Allies Responded to the News of Hitler's Mass Murder. First published 1981, this edition Holt Paperbacks 1990. ISBN 0805014624
  • Hecht, Ben (1961). Perfidy. Milah Press. ISBN 0-9646886-3-8
  • Ilani, Ofri (2008). 50 years on, Holocaust survivor defends Rudolph Kastner, Haaretz, December 12, 2008.
  • Jager, Elliott (2007). Perfidy revisited, Jerusalem Post, July 31, 2007.
  • Kadar, Gabor, and Vagi, Zoltan (2004). Self-financing Genocide: The Gold Train, the Becher Case, and the Wealth of Hungarian Jews. Central European University Press. ISBN 963-9241-53-9
  • Orr, Akiva (1994). "The Kastner Case, Jerusalem, 1955" in Israel: Politics, Myths and Identity Crisis, Pluto Press, pp. 81-116. ISBN 0745307671
  • Porter, Anna (2007). Kasztner's Train. Douglas & MacIntyre. (Magyarul: Porter Anna: Kasztner vonata, M-érték Kiadó, Budapest, 2008.)
  • Weitz, Yechiam (1995). Ha-Ish she-Nirtsah Paamayim ("The Man who Was Murdered Twice"). Keter.
  • "Accuser Found Guilty of Libel; An Israeli Court Clears Kastner: Majority Decision of Supreme Tribunal Rules Man Charged With Aid to Nazis Risked Life for Jews in Hungary," January 18, 1958.
  • Segev, Tom. "The Seventh Million: Israelis and the Holocaust", Owl Books edition, 2000, ISBN 0-8050-6660-8
  • Sloan, Jacob. "From the Trial of Rudolf Kastner," The Reconstructionist, December 26, 1958, pp. 29-31.
  • Warburg, Gustav. "The Strange Case of Joel Brand," Jewish Observer and Middle East Review, 1954, vol. 3.

Magyar nyelvű szerkesztés

Lásd még szerkesztés

[[Kategória:Újságírók] [[Kategória:Holokauszt]