Nagyon szellemes a zoknibábod neve. -- nyenyec  2006. március 1., 17:47 (CET)Válasz

Hogy mi?

Stweard, helytartoi velemeny



Your ips are not identical. However, both lead to (a cegem neve)... (you do not really hide you are related to (a cegem neve) :-))

I do not see how this should be proof that you are only one person.

I forward your comment to our internal list, because I would be happy that the two check users on hu (both checked Antivanderbilt) clarify how they (or at least one of them) got to that conclusion. It may be that Antivanderbilt is your sock, but if there is no proof that he is, it might be inappropriate to publicly claim that he is.


Ez alapjan a zokni sablont leveszem, es senki ne merje visszatenni!

--Math 2006. március 15., 09:59 (CET)Válasz

(Anthere későbbi véleménye itt olvasható. --Tgr 2006. március 25., 10:13 (CET))Válasz