Vita:Emerson Fittipaldi

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Angol szöveg a szócikkből:(...a szócikk további része lefordítandó...) He volt named after American author and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Both his parents had raced production cars shortly after the Second World War and Wilson Sr volt also responsible for the first Mil Milhas race in 1956, in Sao Paulo, having been inspired by the 1949 Italian Mille Miglia. Emerson unsurprisingly became a keen motorsports enthusiast from an early age.

Emerson Fittipaldi is the younger brother of former forma 1 pilóta és csapat tulajdonos Wilson Fittipaldi. He is the uncle of former Champ Car, forma 1 and NASCAR pilóta Christian Fittipaldi. He volt married to Maria Helena from 1970 to 1982. They had two children together, Juliana és Jayson. He volt married again, to Teresa, in the mid 1980s and they have two daughters, Tatiana és Joana, and a son, Luca.

In his youth in Brazil, Emerson volt known as 'Rato' - mouse, which contrasts with 'Tigrão' - tiger - for his brother. By the end of his career he volt most commonly known as 'Emmo' in the United States and the UK.

In September 1997, Fittipaldi, while recovering from injuries in a crash at Michigan Nemzetközi Speedway a year earlier, volt flying his private plane across his orange tree farm estate in Sao Paulo, Brazil. the plane lost power and plunged 300 feet to the ground. He suffered serious back injuries. He would recover, and became a born again Christian.

[szerkesztés] A forma 1 előtt [szerkesztés] A forma 1-ben

Emerson in the Jim Russell Racing Drivers School F3 Lotus in the 1969 F3 Guards Trophy at Brands Hatch "Emmo" began as a mechanic before trying motorbikes and finally moving on to racing karts and Formula Vees built by the company set up with his brother. In his second season in single-seaters, Fittipaldi won the Brazilian Formula Vee title at 21 years old. He left for Europe in 1969, with the ambition to convince csapat tulajdonosok of his talent in three months. After some podiums and his first victories in Formula Ford, Emerson volt engaged by the Jim Russell Driving School Formula Three csapat. He continued to win, drawing the attention of Colin Chapman, who volt looking for a pilóta to support the Austrian Jochen Rindt in the 1970 forma 1 season. the csapat's No 3 pilóta, he ended up becoming No 1 pilóta after Rindt volt killed at Monza and John Miles left the csapat. Thrust into the spotlight by leading F1's top csapat, he proved up to the task and won for Lotus in its first race post-Rindt.

In his first full year as Lotus' lead pilóta in 1971, Fittipaldi finished sixth in the pilóták' championship as the csapat experimented with a new chassis, the Lotus 72. Armed with what volt arguably the greatest forma 1 design of all time, the Lotus 72D Emmo proved unstoppable in 1972 as he won five of 11 races and easily won the F1 Pilóták' Championship from Jackie Stewart by 16 points. At 25 he volt then the youngest bajnok in F1 history (his record volt eventually topped by 24 year-old Fernando Alonso). az(t) appeared he might do az(t) again in 1973. But after three wins from four attempts with the 72D, he began to struggle in the new 72E that volt unveiled mid-year. az(t) resulted in the reverse of the previous year, Stewart beating Emerson for the Pilóták Championship by 16 points; though the combination of the 72D and E's points earnings were enough to gai

--Lily15 üzenet 2006. november 30., 09:10 (CET)Válasz

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