Vita:Wilhelm Capesius

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Valószínűleg erdélyi szász. Találtam egy Wilhelm Capesiust, de az nem orvos volt, hanem lelkész, így forrás hiányában egyelőre nem mozgatom át. --Hkoala 2006. október 15., 12:38 (CEST)Válasz

Trausch alapján (lásd források) átneveztem. --Hkoala   2013. január 7., 20:44 (CET)Válasz



LADISLAU GYÉMÁNT: Limits of Tolerance in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century in Transylvania

An instance which aroused an animated debate in Transylvanian Saxon journals occurred in Felsővenice [Veneţia de Sus] (Fogaras [Făgăraş] county). In 1841, the serf Simion Grecu, sent by his master to work in the village’s alcohol distillery for three weeks, was found in the forest with his throat cut. The representative of justice on the Count’s domain, Sámuel Benkő, who, as he had been playing cards the previous day with the two Jewish overseers of the distillery, would have “sold” them the serf, was charged with murder. A villager claimed to have seen them going to the forest together. Soon afterwards, he withdrew his deposition and the inquiry commission came to prove only the domainial judge’s habitual ill-treatment of the serfs which finally led to his dismissal.

What is interesting with regard to the mentality of the period is the fact that the ample publicity surrounding the case in the Saxon press of Nagyszeben [Sibiu] and Brassó [Braşov] called forth a vehement reply from the district physician, Wilhelm Capesius. He condemned the practice of spreading uncorroborated rumors grounded on testimony, later withdrawn, while the inquiries based on the testimony were still going on. The editorial board of the Nagyszeben [Sibiu] newspaper was compelled to publicly exculpate itself, stating that it only wished to obtain enlightenment and edification. At the same time the board expressed its contention that the accusation had not brought about violent persecutions as had happened in Damascus, a case which had outraged European public opinion. The editor-in-chief, Josef Benigni, a firm opponent of the Jewish presence in the Saxon districts, dropped a malicious hint: “it is merely a matter of brandy and money rather than of Christian blood”.

Törlési megbeszélés eredménye


Törlési megbeszélés eredményeképpen törölve. Gg. Any üzenet 2024. március 4., 10:22 (CET)Válasz

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