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Molimo uočite da se svi doprinosi Wikipediji smatraju objavljenima pod uvjetima GNU licence za slobodnu dokumentaciju.

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Još jednom, dobro došli! Szajci reci 2010. március 12., 13:35 (CET)Válasz



Hi, I see the dispute, and wait till white smoke gets up, but I have deleted the category you created. We do not create categories for one article around here, so no hard feelings: this is our policy. Thanks and welcome, – Burumbátor Speakers’ Corner 2010. március 12., 13:43 (CET)Válasz

What about the Serbian category with only two articles? Thanks– MacedonianBoy vita 2010. március 12., 13:44 (CET)Válasz

That is also wrong, you certainly agree with me. There should be categories for Southern Slavic, Northern-, Eastern and Western Slavic languages. This our debt for the moment. A category for a single language should be foreseen when there would be at least 5 articles, integrally related to the given language. Sometimes we allow deviations, but certainly never for a single article. Sorry, if this sounds harsh, but that is our policy. Best, – Burumbátor Speakers’ Corner 2010. március 12., 13:49 (CET)Válasz

OK about the category, but take a look at the article. Is this BG Wiki or Magyar Wiki? Where is the article about the language? There should be only one or two sentences for the BG POV, not the whole text. Do not look at the EN Wiki, Bulgarians rule there. – MacedonianBoy vita 2010. március 12., 13:52 (CET)Válasz

Thanks, we understood, what you say, but I am afraid that we will not find the necessary specialization in linguistics in here to mak this article an NPOV in a short time. We shall try our best, and your sources and other sources will definitely help us. But as much as we will try to make things straight, do not expect quick fixing to this problem. Best, – Burumbátor Speakers’ Corner 2010. március 12., 13:59 (CET)Válasz

It is not a problem at all. Only you should do is to delete the current intro, make new about the language, history, alphabet and grammar and at the bottom of the intro mention just that "this language in Bulgaria is considered as dialect". This is the best one. The current situation is desperate.– MacedonianBoy vita 2010. március 12., 14:05 (CET)Válasz