Welcome to the Hungarian Wikipedia, dear GioLuc76!


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We hope you enjoy editing here and being a Wikipedian! Have a nice time! misibacsi*üzenet 2022. április 25., 20:59 (CEST)Válasz

Harmonika + forrás



Harmonika article.

You inserted an URL into the article "Sources" section, which was not the case. The insertion happened much later after the writing of the article and you did not do the writing. So, whoever created the article, did not use the info of the inserted website. Therefore it is incorrect to say so.

In this article there is no "== További információk == " section, but if it would exist, theoretically you may insert the URL there. Do you think it is quite necessary, as not enough resources are shown? I am not expert on this field, but try to explain, if this URL contains info which is now missing from the other sources, and this one contains it.

misibacsi*üzenet 2022. április 25., 21:08 (CEST)Válasz

sorry, my browser translator told me that "Források" means "Resources", not "Sources".
AccordionChords.com contains very detailed info about the Stradella bass system mentioned in the article. No other website have the same kind of content. I thought that was a good "resources" but I understand my mistake.
Feel free to add or not the link.
Thank you
Giovanni GioLuc76 vita 2022. április 25., 22:17 (CEST)Válasz
The two names and meanings are similar.
You may examine the structure of Hungarian articles here: Wikipédia:Szócikkek felépítése.
I created the "== További információk == " section, and put the URL into there. misibacsi*üzenet 2022. április 26., 07:37 (CEST)Válasz
Perfect, thank you!
Sorry for the confusion. GioLuc76 vita 2022. április 26., 12:56 (CEST)Válasz

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Samat üzenetrögzítő 2022. május 24., 23:07 (CEST)Válasz